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Old 11-13-2016, 10:52 AM
houston houston is offline
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Re: Prophetic word by Bro Arcovio "no election"

Originally Posted by Monterrey View Post
What if God did tell him that but it was to have him pray? Maybe God changed the direction because of a few righteous praying.
I'm still upset that I bought so much stock in Enron.
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Old 11-13-2016, 11:10 AM
houston houston is offline
Isaiah 56:4-5

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Re: Prophetic word by Bro Arcovio "no election"

Originally Posted by Monterrey View Post
You know there was another Jon.... that missed it in the Bible. He musta been a false prophet also, according to your words.

His name was Jonah.

Ah yes, but mercy kicked in.

It seems to me that you guys have such a problem with the prophetic and the spiritual that you will do anything you can to discredit anybody, and I mean anybody that is used in that arena.

The court of criticism of the spiritual is alive and well on AFF.

Most here would feel comfortable running with Timmy, he doesn't believe in the spiritual anymore than you do.

I was reading a book about Verbal Bean, Works of the Holy Ghost. In it he talked about the prophetic ministry and how when it appears that the outcome comes out different the first thing that people do is kill the prophet. He spoke about calling on judgment to people that God was going to do a certain thing. But, like Jonah's situation, the people repented and the outcome came out different. But according to you guys that is prophesying falsely.
Is this a joke?
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Old 11-13-2016, 08:05 PM
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Re: Prophetic word by Bro Arcovio "no election"

Hate to break it to you all, but there are some things that haven't happened yet.

1.) Certificates of Ascertainment from all of the 50 states have likely not been sent out yet. Any remaining doubts or issues with the general election from November 8 have possibly not been determined or resolved, and get this: THEY DON'T HAVE TO BE UNTIL DECEMBER 13.

2.) The Electoral College has not cast their votes, and DON'T HAVE TO UNTIL DECEMBER 19.

Then, and only then, will Donald Trump be officially elected president. It is of course assumed that each elector of the college across the nation will cast a vote that matches the general election per each state.

But guess what? THEY DON'T HAVE TO. So, just because Trump won my home state of WI, for example, our electors could choose to bypass the popular vote here and thus, decide to vote for Clinton.

If they do so, they become "Faithless Electors".

And there is a major petition making the rounds calling on various electors of the college to do this very thing, while at the same time, many are calling for dismantling the college altogether and replacing it with a less republic, more democratic system, whereby the popular vote of the general election is all that matters.

Can this happen? Yes, it can. Will it happen? We will know next month, December 19th.

In the meantime, what does this mean?

It means that Mr. Arcovio may not have missed the mark after all. We shall see.

Some sources:


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Last edited by votivesoul; 11-13-2016 at 08:29 PM.
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Old 11-13-2016, 08:18 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Prophetic word by Bro Arcovio "no election"

Yes, he did, Votive. He claimed there would be NO ELECTION. He didn't claim what you're claiming. He said the US would have a new system in place and there would be no election.

He was wrong, as there was an election last Tuesday.
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Old 11-13-2016, 08:38 PM
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Re: Prophetic word by Bro Arcovio "no election"

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Yes, he did, Votive. He claimed there would be NO ELECTION. He didn't claim what you're claiming. He said the US would have a new system in place and there would be no election.

He was wrong, as there was an election last Tuesday.
I don't have a dog in this fight, as the saying goes. I have no personal reason to defend JA. In fact, my personal opinion of his ministry is not too good.

But, there is still ANOTHER election that has to take place, in December on the 19th. And that's the only one that, in the end, matters.

Yes, there was an election November 8th.

But did JA say there would be no general November 8th election, or is it possible that what he felt impressed to share has to do with the Electoral College vote next month?

If several electors are bought off or coerced into becoming faithless electors, something unheard of and unprecedented could take place. And guess what, it has happened in the US before. There have been a total of, if memory serves, 157 faithless electors over the decades.

You can read here about it:


So, IF we end up with a bunch of faithless electors who vote for Clinton come 12/19, and if, somehow, the call to disintegrate the electoral college gets traction, and something replaces it, then John Arcovio becomes vindicated, even though there was a general election on 11/8.
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Old 11-13-2016, 08:47 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Prophetic word by Bro Arcovio "no election"

JA was talking about the general election, not the little known electoral college date.

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Old 11-13-2016, 08:51 PM
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Re: Prophetic word by Bro Arcovio "no election"

Originally Posted by votivesoul View Post
But did JA say there would be no general November 8th election, or is it possible that what he felt impressed to share has to do with the Electoral College vote next month?
Bro, we don't know what the guy said anymore, because he deleted his video.

Here is a man you are making a defense for, who has already admitted defeat, who Ajaxed a poster from his thread, also deleted his offending video.

That is a pretty strong indicator that our brother knows full well that he dropped the watermelon.

There is real honest to God prophetic in the Apostolic movement. I have seen it time and time again. But you know what? They hardly ever make it to the big show. They almost never get a paycheck for it, and they never look to be noticed by the huddled masses.

Jesus' Apostolic Church is alive and well.

You pray for me I've had a hard day.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 11-13-2016, 09:02 PM
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Re: Prophetic word by Bro Arcovio "no election"

Originally Posted by n david View Post
JA was talking about the general election, not the little known electoral college date.

We know that, or we assume so?

Either way, JA may have assumed so, not understanding the Word of the Lord.
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Old 11-13-2016, 09:04 PM
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Re: Prophetic word by Bro Arcovio "no election"

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Bro, we don't know what the guy said anymore, because he deleted his video.

Here is a man you are making a defense for, who has already admitted defeat, who Ajaxed a poster from his thread, also deleted his offending video.

That is a pretty strong indicator that our brother knows full well that he dropped the watermelon.

There is real honest to God prophetic in the Apostolic movement. I have seen it time and time again. But you know what? They hardly ever make it to the big show. They almost never get a paycheck for it, and they never look to be noticed by the huddled masses.

Jesus' Apostolic Church is alive and well.

You pray for me I've had a hard day.
I will pray for you!

I agree it looks bad, like a confession of guilt, as it were.

But recall, Jeremiah accused God of deceiving him. Elijah wanted God to kill him after Mt. Carmel.

This shows we have evidence in the Holy Scriptures of prophets of God doing inscrutable things after speaking the Word of the Lord.

Did JA speak the Word of the Lord?

All I saying is, let's wait and reserve judgment until 12-19. All will be revealed then.

I mean, we don't want to be the ones "dropping the watermelon", do we?
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Old 11-13-2016, 09:54 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Prophetic word by Bro Arcovio "no election"

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