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Old 05-16-2016, 07:28 AM
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Re: New Bishop installed in Jamaica: Oneness Pente

Originally Posted by DAN' I' EL View Post
First of all there never was a pastor odain/appointed over any congregation in the bible. Secondly all the elders that were appointed of a congregation were appointed by the evangelists. Not the congregation. The congregation are the ones that picked/chose the people to be elders!! The evangelists are the people that ordained/appointed them to that office. Not one verses were only one man was appointed/ordained as a pastor to be over a congregation. That was started by the catholic church. If you will study you will find that the word used for pastor in the begining was always transliterated sheperds accept one time it was transliterated as pastors. If this be wrong then you need to show me my mix understanding. To correct me.
How many elders are in your congregation? How many people in your congregation picked you? Explaining the process of laying on hands and what did the apostle mean by the statement of lay hands on no man suddenly?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 05-19-2016, 07:19 AM
DAN' I' EL DAN' I' EL is offline
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Re: New Bishop installed in Jamaica: Oneness Pente

Evang B. : ( 1. ) Are you asking if I have a congregation with elders?
I didn't think the post was about a certain person; but about the question of appointing ELDERS according to the Scriptures. It doesn't have anything to do with how a person believes or whether a person even has a congregation with or without ELDERS. It is what can be proced in the Scriptures of how to set in order the body of believers/the congregation.
I must ask you to first show the verse (s) where a pastor was ever ordained/appointed over a congregation ?
I Acts 6: 3-6. This is the first time of laying on of hands was used to ordain/appoint men to a certain duty. Then in Acts 14: and other books of the new covenant.
No person should be ordained to fulfill any office/duty of authority over another ; if that person not been proven of his understanding of the Scriptures for at least three years. This should get you started out to search about ELDERSover a congregation, instead of a pastor/high priest.
This as well should have answered your question about laying hands on a man suddenly. And scripture does state not to pray ; no not to anoint with oil and laying on of hands, to quickly.
I would like to read the verses that state the apostles ordained a pastor/high priest over a congregation or even as a table waiter or even as a busboy. There are other verses I would like to be showed as well. Like where and which one of the apostles told a person much less a congregation to given or pay him or a pastor a tithe. I have read the verse that states to have respect of one person over anyother is a sin. But you knew that already. Paul did state not to put yourself in a bind, burden, hardship to ease another.
No, I don't have a congregation muchless any ELDERS. And neither were there congregations as in the terms you an others are implying.
Did know if you were talking to me or about me. But that is my two cents worth.
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Old 05-19-2016, 10:26 PM
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Re: New Bishop installed in Jamaica: Oneness Pente

Most of their pastors are women?


Think a Jezebel spirit might be down there?

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Old 05-21-2016, 03:42 PM
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Re: New Bishop installed in Jamaica: Oneness Pente

Originally Posted by DAN' I' EL View Post
Evang B. : ( 1. ) Are you asking if I have a congregation with elders?
I didn't think the post was about a certain person; but about the question of appointing ELDERS according to the Scriptures. It doesn't have anything to do with how a person believes or whether a person even has a congregation with or without ELDERS. It is what can be proced in the Scriptures of how to set in order the body of believers/the congregation.
I asked you a question, you are now refusing to answer my question. You made statements that there are no pastors ordained in scripture. I then asked you to tell us who you are in your assembly, congregation, church family or cult. Since you are stating the objection you are now making yourself the expert. You must then answer questions which are posed to you. You see, you claim to be the one who knows, by doing that it is you who is to be the one giving the answers. Was that clear enough for you?

Originally Posted by DAN' I' EL View Post
I must ask you to first show the verse (s) where a pastor was ever ordained/appointed over a congregation ?
I Acts 6: 3-6. This is the first time of laying on of hands was used to ordain/appoint men to a certain duty. Then in Acts 14: and other books of the new covenant.
No person should be ordained to fulfill any office/duty of authority over another ; if that person not been proven of his understanding of the Scriptures for at least three years. This should get you started out to search about ELDERSover a congregation, instead of a pastor/high priest.
This as well should have answered your question about laying hands on a man suddenly. And scripture does state not to pray ; no not to anoint with oil and laying on of hands, to quickly.
I would like to read the verses that state the apostles ordained a pastor/high priest over a congregation or even as a table waiter or even as a busboy. There are other verses I would like to be showed as well. Like where and which one of the apostles told a person much less a congregation to given or pay him or a pastor a tithe. I have read the verse that states to have respect of one person over anyother is a sin. But you knew that already. Paul did state not to put yourself in a bind, burden, hardship to ease another.
No, I don't have a congregation muchless any ELDERS. And neither were there congregations as in the terms you an others are implying.
Did know if you were talking to me or about me. But that is my two cents worth.
Mr Tipton, is English your first language?

I asked you a question; how many elders are in your congregation? How many people in your congregation picked you? Explaining the process of laying on hands and what did the apostle mean by the statement of lay hands on no man suddenly?

There you go son, you want to play know it all, here's your chance.

Answer my questions.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 05-22-2016, 08:05 PM
DAN' I' EL DAN' I' EL is offline
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Re: New Bishop installed in Jamaica: Oneness Pente


( E. B.) I asked you a question, you are now refusing to answer my question...

(D.T. )..I haven't refused to answer your ..questions...

( E. B. ) You made statements that there are no pastors ordained in scripture.

( D. T. )..As I stated. ..If there isn't a verse in the scriptures to prove were a person called a pastor was ever ordained/appointed. ..This proves that there wasn't one person called a pastor ordained/appointed...

You AREN'T satisfied with the answer the Scriptures prove. ..

This would intend to prove you are arrogant and willfully ignorant of the scriptures. ..Because you can't pover where one person called a pastor was ever ordained...

You are as all the men that call themselves a pastor. ..You are an angel of satan manifesting himself as an angel if light. .. Extorting all you can from the people you call your sheep, ..your flock, your congregation, ..your church. ..It is just a job to you people...

( E. B.) ..I then asked you to tell us who you are in your assembly, congregation, church family or cult...

( D. T. )..I told you I don't have a; as you call it a congregation or church. ..And definitely not a cult. ..As you have. ..Or should I state it as it is a dictatorship.

It matters not whether I have ..a congregation or not. ..Truth is given by just one person thru out the o. c. And by one in the n. c. With others as back ups. Any could give their discourse of their disagreement to the teachings if a prophet or a apostle. .. It was up to the apostle to prove the person making the objection wrong. By showing the scripture that poves it. You keep asking for the proof in scripture that poves no pastor was ordained. ..Yet you can't give one where one was ordained. .. Making your question moot. You ask questions for the sake of arguing...

( E. B ) Since you are stating the objection you are now making yourself the expert...

( D. T. ).... Just because a person ask a question or raises an objection to a matter in no wise makes that person an expert. ......just because a person quotes scripture. He isn't stating he is an expect. ..

..To show your of the stupidity of your questions. ..Then every student that ask a teach a question; is now the expert. And the teach should be instructed by the student. Or the apprentice that ask the master mechanic is this the right way it should be done. ..Is he now the master mechanic, that should be instructing others. By your understanding of objecting to what or how something is to be or is being done. Makes the person that brought up the objection/question; is now the only expert on the subject...

..If that was the case you are guilty of being an expert. Knowing you are raising the objection to the scriptures. Those verse that you can't find to pove your point of view of them.

( ..E. B. ) You must then answer questions which are posed to you. You see, you claim to be the one who knows, by doing that it is you who is to be the one giving the answers.

( D. T. ) ..I didn't say I was any thing. ..I did say I quote the Scriptures. ..And not me nor you can quote a verse that isn't in the Scriptures. ..Nor in the manuscripts...

..No, I don't have to answer any question posed to me. not really. ..No I only claim we d to quote the scriptures. And state what they do say. Where there aren't any verses to back a statement as to ordaina person as a pastor. Then I state that any person that teaches it is to be done is adding to scripture. And the plagues are added to them. And by having the plagues added to them their name has been taken from the book of life.

You are wrong about me stating I know. I only state the Scriptures. ..Just as the prophets and the apostles. ..I don't add to them as you do to be a pastor or to state that a pastor is to be over a congregation. ..The People that ask questions of the man called the Messiah and the apostles. ..Never were told to prove any of their objections. The apostles had to prove they were right. Just as you stating I have to prove my statement on no pastors were ever ordained. .. You have to prove you are right in your teach that they were at least one verse that backs your teaching. You haven't any much less one.

There were al ways more than one over the people of yahushua. From the sending of Moses and Aaron to the sending of the disciples and the apostles. ..Not even the man called Messiah came on the seen by himself. ..He had the man called john that was taged with the title john the Baptist. ..

You so called oneness apostolic misters are nothing but a wolf in sheeps clothing. ..Deceiving the people for your filthy lurce and a name among men.

Sence you object to the truth of Scripture. ..You prove to all that a pastor was ordained by one of the apostles. .. All the people that the apostles ordained were men. Not a woman in the lot. And they always a pointed/ordained more they obe over a group of followers, a congregation if you will. The man wouldn't even send obe man after the colt of a donkey Or to set upbthe upper room.

You men that call yourselves a pastor are nothing more than a high priest over a congregation of blind followers. ..You call your Wednesday night bible study. A time to be taught. ..No it us a night of dictatorship. ..From Moses through the apostles, ..they allowed people to ask questions and to debate with them about their teachings. ..You on the other hand won't allow o e person to ask you a question or to debate your expert authority of understanding the Scriptures. .. That just proves how ignorant and unlearn you truly are. ..Prove that you or any other man whether he is called a pastor, bishop or an elder. ..If he is he only person over that congregation he is a high priest over other priest. That is if you will believe peter.

You are required to answer all my questions. ..But as yet you haven't answered one. You can't give one verse to prove you are following the teachings of the apostles on: ..tithing, one man over the congregation, stating god put him over them ( the congregation ). Where are those verses to prove that pastors were appointed. ..Scripture states only elders were appointed over a congregation. None by the ay were paid a salary or tithes. .. Only the evangelists were given any thing. And only their necessities. ..Elders weren't given any thing much less a tithe. Knowing the Scriptures never supported the ordaining of a person called a pastor.

S this clear enough for you. ..Prove you are teaching truth. ..But I have an am teaching truth that you can't dis prove.

..Was that clear enough for you?
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Old 05-22-2016, 10:52 PM
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Re: New Bishop installed in Jamaica: Oneness Pente

Originally Posted by DAN' I' EL View Post
I haven't refused to answer your ..questions...
Yep, you certainly did refuse to answer. Not only did you refuse to answer, but you went on and on, with some nonsensical drivel. Which wasn't only misspelled, but actually incoherent, and filled with a enough foolishness to embarrass the finest of Internet Trolls. You debate Oneness ministers? Who? When? How? Anyone would be shocked to read your blatherings, and think you were either a child or had the mind of one. Again, is English your second language?

Originally Posted by DAN' I' EL View Post
As I stated. ..If there isn't a verse in the scriptures to prove were a person called a pastor was ever ordained/appointed. ..This proves that there wasn't one person called a pastor ordained/appointed...
But you never answered my questions? What are you afraid of? Lay hands on no man suddenly? What did that verse mean to the early church? Ordain elders in every city? Peter was an apostle, yet he called himself an elder. Dude you haven't the foggiest idea what that Bible is saying, but want to pass yourself off as some sort of defender of the faith? You need a pastor, and a church family. Instead of being Don Quixote looking around for a dragon in a windmill.

Originally Posted by DAN' I' EL View Post
You AREN'T satisfied with the answer the Scriptures prove. ..
Hoss, you haven't provided anything close to answering my questions concerning lay hands on no man suddenly. Ephesians 4:11 mention pastors in the plural, and these pastors are mentioned with apostles in the plural. Peter was an apostle by title and an elder by his own words 1 Peter 5:1. In Titus 1:5 , the Apostle Paul tells the Evangelist Timothy that it was Paul's decision to leave Timothy in Crete. No committee, no church board, no group of collegiate elders to parley with Paul. Paul states that it was his sole decision to leave Timothy in Crete to ORDAIN elders, which are clarified in Ephesians 4:11 what elders were made up from. Timothy is told he is to ORDAIN elders plural in EVERY city PLURAL. Deal with man, you loose.

Originally Posted by DAN' I' EL View Post
This would intend to prove you are arrogant and willfully ignorant of the scriptures. ..Because you can't pover where one person called a pastor was ever ordained...
What? Does this forum just attract the mentally insane? Or does the internet breed individuals who just love to Psychologically project on to others to reinforce their own cognitive dissonance?

Originally Posted by DAN' I' EL View Post
You are as all the men that call themselves a pastor. ..You are an angel of satan manifesting himself as an angel if light. .. Extorting all you can from the people you call your sheep, ..your flock, your congregation, ..your church. ..It is just a job to you people...
So, let me get this straight, you are how old? You sit behind a computer screen, tell people they are of Satan, and write books against tithing that cost over 900.00? Seriously? Dan, again, do you attend a church? Do you have a church family? Are there other humans more than 10 who are not related to you? Who you meet with for prayer, communion, foot washing, worship, sharing the Word of God, and Bible study? Or are you the only one? An individual crusading on the internet with his own private Idaho?

Originally Posted by DAN' I' EL View Post
I told you I don't have a; as you call it a congregation or church. ..And definitely not a cult. ..As you have. ..Or should I state it as it is a dictatorship.
No, you didn't tell me anything in the way of clarity. So, make it plain? Do you have more than 10 people who you meet with and do what you do so well? Are you the apostle? One of the elders? The butcher? The baker? or are you the candle stick maker?

Originally Posted by DAN' I' EL View Post
It matters not whether I have ..a congregation or not. ..Truth is given by just one person thru out the o. c. And by one in the n. c. With others as back ups. Any could give their discourse of their disagreement to the teachings if a prophet or a apostle. .. It was up to the apostle to prove the person making the objection wrong. By showing the scripture that poves it. You keep asking for the proof in scripture that poves no pastor was ordained. ..Yet you can't give one where one was ordained. .. Making your question moot. You ask questions for the sake of arguing...
But it does matter. It matters because it would show that you aren't some lone religious nut job. But, that you were a nut job who found other nut jobs to believe your mess. Not saying that you would have any credibility in my eyes, but that you weren't just sitting in your dirty underwear in a dark room only lit by a flatscreen monitor. You actually too your show on the road and were able to gather a group of brethren of like minds? A group not made up of your mother, father, sister, uncle Rico, and the cat.

Originally Posted by DAN' I' EL View Post
Just because a person ask a question or raises an objection to a matter in no wise makes that person an expert. ......just because a person quotes scripture. He isn't stating he is an expect. ..
Hoss, nay no, that's not what you are doing here. You are calling people devils. You are on an Apostolic forum hunting for Apostolics to instigate a quarrel. You are too use to the forum deal of trying to make everyone do the funky chicken for while they type out tomes of Bible answers for all of YOUR questions. Well, boy, since you are the one beating your chest and calling everyone a false prophet then you should be the one answering the questions and shucking the corn. Got it?

Originally Posted by DAN' I' EL View Post
To show your of the stupidity of your questions. ..Then every student that ask a teach a question; is now the expert. And the teach should be instructed by the student. Or the apprentice that ask the master mechanic is this the right way it should be done. ..Is he now the master mechanic, that should be instructing others. By your understanding of objecting to what or how something is to be or is being done. Makes the person that brought up the objection/question; is now the only expert on the subject...
You don't know much do you? The Socratic method of teaching was not invented by Socrates. It was how all the ancients taught. The student was to ask questions of the teachers until the teachers ran out of answers. When that happened the student became like the teacher. It was employed by Jesus, as well as the sages and ancient Rabbis. But asking you questions is a waste of time. Because you are no teacher.

Originally Posted by DAN' I' EL View Post
..Was that clear enough for you?
Hoss, your entire post was as clear as Ocala mud.

Go find a pastor and get off the internet.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 05-23-2016, 04:23 PM
DAN' I' EL DAN' I' EL is offline
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Re: New Bishop installed in Jamaica: Oneness Pente

I might add that in the old manuscripts the word that you and your Catholic fathers transliterate as pastor was always translated sheperds. Not one time was the word in the singular. Always plural. Knowing your ignorance of Scripture is blinding your understanding. When there isn't a verse where a pastor was ordaibed . Then you must show where one is to be able to teach there is to be a pastor over a congregation. It is like you stating the only name that a person can use in baptism is the Catholic name of jesus. Whe paul states that Yahy shua spoke to him in the Hebrew tongue. And you should be asking your self why you and your fathers and you mother harlot of all her children. Refuses to use the first transliterated name from the 1380s that wycliffe used in his bible. The so-called Oneness apostolic ministers are the most illiterate of scripture I know of. To be stating they are the obly ibes that teach truth. Al other faiths teach lies. When they teach the very same things their mother the harlot of satan teaches. Text me a time you can call me to debate the truth. As my wife is sick and I don't answer the phone unless the number in on my call list. 16069756505. Just let me know first. But you are the one that refuses to accept truth . Where id the verse where an apostle ordain a pastor. Or taught tithing. If there isn't a verse then the argument is over and you haven't a leg to stand on. Just because the word pastor is in the transliterated version of the manuscripts doesn't mean it is truth or should be there. Just as verses 7, 8 of 1john chater 5. You know the verses that three th a t bear record in heaven and three that bear witness on earth. That aren't in in known manuscripts. Yet you so-called apostolics teach as if it were in the words of the apostles. You teach lies making you liars. You oervert the truth and dsmn yourself and others to hell .
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Old 05-23-2016, 08:03 PM
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Re: New Bishop installed in Jamaica: Oneness Pente

Dan, you have a passion for showing the forum how little you know. Dude, the Catholics didn't create language. Latin pastorem (nominative pastor) "shepherd," from pastus, past participle of pascere "to lead to pasture, set to grazing, cause to eat," has nothing to do with Catholics. It was the term used in ancient times for those who led a flock, or herd. Maybe you should find a minister who will take the time and effort to teach you?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 05-23-2016, 08:04 PM
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Re: New Bishop installed in Jamaica: Oneness Pente

Originally Posted by DAN' I' EL View Post
I might add that in the old manuscripts the word that you and your Catholic fathers transliterate as pastor was always translated sheperds.
Old manuscripts? Which old manuscripts?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 05-23-2016, 08:07 PM
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Re: New Bishop installed in Jamaica: Oneness Pente

Originally Posted by DAN' I' EL View Post
Not one time was the word in the singular. Always plural.
I explained this, I showed how in Titus 1:5 Titus was to ordain elders (plural) in every (plural) city. How are you in math?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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