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Old 04-13-2016, 11:05 AM
n david n david is offline
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More Trump Campaign Failures

While Trump is out there making speeches and sending tweets whining about how "unfair" the rules are, more evidence has surfaced showing how badly the Trump campaign has failed with State delegates.

"""Already behind the curve in organizing for the Republican convention, Donald Trump has missed crucial deadlines in a number of states to lock up delegates who would stay loyal beyond the first ballot."""

"""Trump's team is only now starting to engage in the delegate selection process, the choosing of the actual people who will attend and vote at the convention. Republicans have already selected delegates in at least nine states. And in others, such as Virginia and Arizona, the deadline to apply to be a delegate has passed.

Indiana's primary, for example, won't take place until next month. But the deadline to become a national convention delegate was in mid-March."""

"""In Virginia -- a state where Trump won the primary -- he has missed the deadlines to assemble lists of potential delegates. Cruz, however, has delegate candidates in 10 of Virginia's 11 congressional districts.

The application deadline was last month.

Indiana's primary is May 3, but 27 of the state's 57 delegates -- the actual people -- have already been selected at congressional district caucuses. The deadline to register as a candidate for delegate was March 15.

In all, at least nine states have picked some or all of their delegates: Colorado, Iowa, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, North Dakota, Tennessee and Wisconsin."""


So Trump and his supporters can whine about how "unfair" and throw a Trumpertantrum all they'd like.

But these lost delegates are 100% the fault of the Trump campaign and its lack of grassroots organization in each State.
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Old 04-13-2016, 11:22 AM
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Re: More Trump Campaign Failures

Did Ted Cruz Cheat to Get More Delegates in Colorado? Explaining the RULES to the Donald.

Old 04-15-2016, 11:38 PM
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Re: More Trump Campaign Failures

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Did Ted Cruz Cheat to Get More Delegates in Colorado? Explaining the RULES to the Donald.

If the rules work in your favor great, but wait until the rules go against my buddy Cruz (He is my second choice for president), then he will be screaming bloody murder.
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Old 04-16-2016, 01:55 AM
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Re: More Trump Campaign Failures

"The RULES" say Republicans in Colorado have no say so, no vote. Instead the entrenched insiders get to have their way.

And Cruz benefited (somewhat, he can't possibly get to 1237 delegates, but oh well). And Cruz is the "anti establishment man" HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

What a joke. Trump consistently gets more votes, but in a state with NO election, Cruz gets the delegates.

Like Sanders gets more votes, but fewer delegates.

In other words, the parties are FOR THEMSELVES, not the people.

And the people will remember this.

Both parties are crashing and burning because millions are now seeing the scam for what it is. And more every day.

Interesting times.
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Old 04-16-2016, 06:01 AM
n david n david is offline
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Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
"The RULES" say Republicans in Colorado have no say so, no vote. Instead the entrenched insiders get to have their way.
Not true.

Voters were able to vote for a delegate of their choice on March 1.
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Old 04-16-2016, 07:41 AM
Originalist Originalist is offline
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Re: More Trump Campaign Failures

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
"The RULES" say Republicans in Colorado have no say so, no vote. Instead the entrenched insiders get to have their way.

And Cruz benefited (somewhat, he can't possibly get to 1237 delegates, but oh well). And Cruz is the "anti establishment man" HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

What a joke. Trump consistently gets more votes, but in a state with NO election, Cruz gets the delegates.

Like Sanders gets more votes, but fewer delegates.

In other words, the parties are FOR THEMSELVES, not the people.

And the people will remember this.

Both parties are crashing and burning because millions are now seeing the scam for what it is. And more every day.

Interesting times.

In our life time, when have we ever heard so much emphasis on the delegate process? The reason we didn't is because the establishment at both a national and State level was satisfied with the trend (Bushes, Dole, McCain, Romney). It was business as usual and everything was rubber stamped. But when the majority of GOP voters prefer a candidate that is an obvious threat to the establishment, suddenly we are told that ultimately the delegates get to choose the candidate and not the voters. In the end we will see that many of the delegates are of the establishment class who want to climb the GOP company ladder and don't want the ladder destroyed. They are more than willing to go against the voters' choice in their own States to keep the ladder safe for another generation of climbers.
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Old 04-16-2016, 09:21 AM
n david n david is offline
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Originally Posted by Originalist View Post

In our life time, when have we ever heard so much emphasis on the delegate process? The reason we didn't is because the establishment at both a national and State level was satisfied with the trend (Bushes, Dole, McCain, Romney). It was business as usual and everything was rubber stamped. But when the majority of GOP voters prefer a candidate that is an obvious threat to the establishment, suddenly we are told that ultimately the delegates get to choose the candidate and not the voters. In the end we will see that many of the delegates are of the establishment class who want to climb the GOP company ladder and don't want the ladder destroyed. They are more than willing to go against the voters' choice in their own States to keep the ladder safe for another generation of climbers.
Or it could be since Trump hasn't won the nomination outright yet and thus far has won with the lowest percentage of any leading candidate in the last couple primaries.

But go ahead, blame the vast establishment conspiracy.
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Old 04-16-2016, 09:25 AM
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Re: More Trump Campaign Failures

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Or it could be since Trump hasn't won the nomination outright yet and thus far has won with the lowest percentage of any leading candidate in the last couple primaries.

But go ahead, blame the vast establishment conspiracy.
If Trump had 55% instead of 45%, or even 75%, they still would be trying to take him down.

If Jeb Bush was leading right now with 45% of the vote among 3 candidates, the establishment would be fine with it and there would be no delegate discussion at all.

If he gets the required number of delegates before the convention, they will try to change the goal posts still.

Your refusal to understand the establishment mindset is remarkable.

Last edited by Originalist; 04-16-2016 at 09:28 AM.
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Old 04-16-2016, 09:31 AM
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Re: More Trump Campaign Failures

Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
If Trump had 55% instead of 45%, or even 75%, they still would be trying to take him down.

If Jeb Bush was leading right now with 45% of the vote among 3 candidates, the establishment would be fine with it and there would be no delegate discussion at all.

If he gets the required number of delegates before the convention, they will try to change the goal posts still.

Your refusal to understand the establishment mindset if remarkable.
Ted Cruz is simply schooling Trump on the Art of the Deal. Running for President is a long game. It tests the candidates in many ways. One big test is preparedness, i.e. organization and planning ahead.

MEMO: Delegate Allocation And Selection Rules

TO: Interested Parties
FROM: Sean Spicer, RNC Chief Strategist and Communications Director @seanspicer
RE: Delegate Allocation and Selection Rules
DATE: April 15, 2016

On October 1 of last year, 50 states, 5 territories, and the District of Columbia submitted finalized plans for how delegates would be chosen for the Republican National Convention. These plans were promptly circulated to all of the campaigns and the RNC held a briefing with over 100 members of the media in attendance laying out these plans the next day on October 2.

As a party, we believe in the freedom of the states to make decisions about how they will select delegates to the National Convention. And for decades, this grassroots-driven, democratic process has been transparent and effective.

This cycle is no different.

The rules surrounding the delegate selection have been clearly laid out in every state and territory and while each state is different, each process is easy to understand for those willing to learn it.

It ultimately falls on the campaigns to be up to speed on these delegate rules. Campaigns have to know when absentee ballots are due, how long early voting lasts in certain states, or the deadlines for voter registration; the delegate rules are no different.

Whether delegates are awarded through a primary, caucus, or convention, this process is democracy in action and driven by grassroots voters across the country.

The RNC is transparent about the rules and works with campaigns on a consistent basis to address any questions surrounding the process. As we head into the final contests in April, here is a rundown of those elections and how their delegates will be selected:


Delegates in Wyoming are elected at the grassroots level at the Wyoming State Party Convention. Campaigns can organize supporters to run as delegates and those candidates can be bound if they declare for a candidate.


On April 19, New York Republicans will go to the polls with 95 delegates at stake. Delegates are awarded by congressional district and on an at-large basis. If a candidate receives over 50 percent of the vote in a congressional district they win all three of the at-large delegates in that district. Only those candidates who receive more than 20 percent of the vote are eligible to receive delegates. The delegates bound by the primary vote will then be elected by their peers at grassroots congressional district meetings. The 11 at-large delegates to the National Convention are voted on by the Republican State Committee at their meeting on May 18.



Delegates are submitted as slates by the candidates and are awarded on an at-large and congressional district basis. At-large delegates are awarded proportionately for all candidates who receive over 20 percent of the vote with all at-large delegates awarded to a candidate if they break 50 percent. The plurality winner of the congressional district vote wins all three delegates from the district. Both the at-large and congressional are elected at the State Committee Meeting on April 26.


Delegates are awarded on a winner-take-all basis and are voted on as a slate at the state convention on April 29.


Three delegates for each candidate are elected directly on the ballot in each congressional district and at-large delegates are voted on individually at the State Central Committee meeting on May 14. Congressional district delegates are winner-take-all by district vote, at-large delegates are winner-take-all by statewide vote.


Pennsylvania elects three delegates from each congressional district on the primary ballot and the State Committee elects 14 at-large delegates at their meeting on May 21. Congressional district delegates are submitted by campaigns, though are technically unbound. At-large delegates are winner-take-all based on the statewide vote.


Delegates are elected directly on the ballot in the primary election. Delegates are awarded proportionately on an at-large and congressional district basis with a 10 percent threshold.

For more information and facts about the convention, conventionfacts.gop addresses frequently asked questions about delegates, the rules, and how the process works.

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Old 04-16-2016, 09:33 AM
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Re: More Trump Campaign Failures

Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
If Trump had 55% instead of 45%, or even 75%, they still would be trying to take him down.

If Jeb Bush was leading right now with 45% of the vote among 3 candidates, the establishment would be fine with it and there would be no delegate discussion at all.

If he gets the required number of delegates before the convention, they will try to change the goal posts still.

Your refusal to understand the establishment mindset is remarkable.
You are putting out fear mongering talking points. You don't know that there will be a change of the goal posts. If that happens, deal with it then instead of speculating.
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