Originally Posted by n david
You are being hypocritical.
The rent a cop didn't need to use that kind of force to make her comply.
You admit it was brutal, but that's okay with you. So a rent a cop can use brutal force against a teenage school girl, but not against a grown man?
Have you beat on a female before? Did you feel like a man afterwards?
1) He is a Police Officer, not a rent-a-cop.
2) He didn't beat on her.
3) She resisted a police officer's commands. What do you want him to do, ignore it and walk away? You try removing someone who is resisting from one of those chair/desk things!
4) The teacher and school administrator deemed her a threat and called him to do a job and he did it. This 15 year old and the school officials created this situation. The police officer was just doing what he was trained to do. When he realized she was resisting, what would you have him do-- call for back up?
5) If you don't want police officers to use police maneuvers in a school, don't have police officers stationed in a school!
This was a bad decision by the school administrators and county officials from the beginning. Putting police officers in schools and asking them to police school infractions is a disaster waiting to happen.
6) You've plainly stated something horrible and now you have insinuated something worse! I am quick to apologize once someone makes it clear I have offended them, but I don't get the same in return from you or anyone on AFF. If I make a point and even insinuate an insult in the process, I have people straight up going overkill on me. I bring up an offense and it is ignored and rebounded with another insult.
7) So you can go sit on a tack! You're proving to be not worth jousting with any more.