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Old 10-04-2015, 10:14 AM
Originalist Originalist is offline
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Re: They have no shame

Originally Posted by good samaritan View Post
I firmly believe the early church growth was because of the signs that followed the Church. Big, Medium,small, in a house, in a church building, if we start doing the exploits the early church did you are going to see the growth the way the early church grew. Our church is so tiny people that visit from other churches ussually make remarks, but I don't care. I pray for God to work miracles among us.

When people start coming up out of wheel chairs I don't think giving will be a problem. Is this common in your meetings? This was what was happening in the early church. I pray for your church right now as I type this. Lord prepare the hearts for a great revival.
The sign gifts that we see in Acts accompanied the preaching of the message of the Kingdom of God and the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. They happened open air where all could see, not in a church building. We will not see them until we get the boldness to preach in the streets as the Apostles did.

Last edited by Originalist; 10-04-2015 at 11:03 AM.
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Old 10-04-2015, 11:01 AM
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Re: They have no shame

Originally Posted by good samaritan View Post
I firmly believe the early church growth was because of the signs that followed the Church. Big, Medium,small, in a house, in a church building, if we start doing the exploits the early church did you are going to see the growth the way the early church grew. Our church is so tiny people that visit from other churches ussually make remarks, but I don't care. I pray for God to work miracles among us.

When people start coming up out of wheel chairs I don't think giving will be a problem. Is this common in your meetings? This was what was happening in the early church. I pray for your church right now as I type this. Lord prepare the hearts for a great revival.
Thank you for your prayers! Every time we have service or prayer meeting we pray for you and the folks meeting with you that God would pour out a Holy Ghost revival, that souls would be saved, that his Spirit would manifest in even greater ways, and the Lord would have his perfect way in your meetings.

We appreciate your prayers. If I ever am in Tennessee I will be sure to look you folks up.
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Old 10-04-2015, 04:41 PM
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Re: They have no shame

Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
The sign gifts that we see in Acts accompanied the preaching of the message of the Kingdom of God and the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. They happened open air where all could see, not in a church building. We will not see them until we get the boldness to preach in the streets as the Apostles did.
Not to appear contradictory, but miracles are not contingent on place. In our Church we have recently had someone healed of several tumors in their neck. We had prayer and upon returning to their doctor to do biopsy of what kind of tumors they where they were all gone. There are others that we are waiting for confirmation on.

I agree that preaching the word of God with boldness is a must, but the scripture doesn't support that healing only will occur if we hit the streets. I haven't a problem with street ministries, but the ones I have seen where very ineffective. I believe the street sermons you mentioned where not just Paul picking a sermon and yelling on the corner, but they were orchestrated by God (time and place).
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Old 10-04-2015, 04:46 PM
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Re: They have no shame

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Thank you for your prayers! Every time we have service or prayer meeting we pray for you and the folks meeting with you that God would pour out a Holy Ghost revival, that souls would be saved, that his Spirit would manifest in even greater ways, and the Lord would have his perfect way in your meetings.

We appreciate your prayers. If I ever am in Tennessee I will be sure to look you folks up.
Thank you as well."The Church" is on the brink of some great things to happen. The conditions are setting for a great revival and I don't want to miss it. Lord bless your church family.
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Old 10-04-2015, 09:15 PM
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Re: They have no shame

Originally Posted by Sean View Post
Preachers are taking a HUGE gamble with their very own salvation, by teaching the doctrine of tithing to N.T. believers.

They think that because their elders "got away with it" then they will too.

How do they know if the elders(that died so far) indeed got away with it though?

Unfortunately, they will have to die to find out the hard way!

Don't worry Sean you will be there to greet them.
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