My Oldest daughter is 17 & in grade 11 & she is both a voracious reader, & a writer of poems & short stories.
Her poems have been published in the last three years of the school's anthologies!
This year she was in Creative writing 12 where there is only 10-12 students chosen, (she was one of them) & was given the task of writing a short story
& she became one of only two in her school that were chosen to be in the UBC
(University of British Columbia) anthology.
I had to sign permission for her to be published because she is under 18 & the short story is set in Vancouver in 1936 the year City Hall was built called the "Tower of Babel!"
She had to take a 7 page short story & edit it down to 3 pages!
She has been invited to a reading next Friday evening where she & other students, along with famous authors will be reading their works.
God is good!