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Old 08-14-2014, 02:25 PM
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Re: Ferguson PD and Race - MO AG's 2013 Report

There is a time where this may be appropriate but I don't think this is such a time.
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Old 08-14-2014, 02:36 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Ferguson PD and Race - MO AG's 2013 Report

Where did these cops get these weapons? The concussion grenades, the MRAP? The Feds have been selling off equipment like crazy, some claim in an effort to militarize the local police. For what, though?

Have you watched the video of the news crew who was tear gassed and shot at? Then after they run away, an MRAP drives up, "police" in cammo get out and dismantle the lights and camera.

News Crew Tear Gassed and Shot At *Video

It's insane! I know you hate any finger being pointed at this administration, but it is. Under obama, DHS has obtained more guns and ammo than any time since its creation under W. Along with that, local LEA's have been able to purchase and receive more military guns and vehicles than any previous administration.


I completely agree with you, Rand Paul and others who have seen the heavy handed retaliation by the police against the protestors. As one person said, these are citizens with rights -- not enemies of war!

I also agree with Paul and others who believe the police have only served to escalate the protests by provoking the people with the tear gas, grenades and rubber bullets.

What obama needs to do is demand these cammo clad "police" get lost, demand FPD pull the MRAPs off the street and stop firing concussion grenades and rubber bullets.

Then Congress needs to pass a bill preventing the selling of military equipment to local LEA's.

This is America, but lately it's looked like a police state.
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Old 08-14-2014, 06:11 PM
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Re: Ferguson PD and Race - MO AG's 2013 Report

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
Disagree with you bud.

Hopefully, they patrolled the problem areas more than the non-problem areas, regardless of the racial make-up of the neighborhood.

If the "black part of town" has more crimes, issues, etc, then I would expect to see more patrols in the area that has more crime, regardless of the racial make-up of the area.
lol...they can never win. The Cops get criticized for patrolling those areas too much because they are black areas, and criticized for not...
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Old 08-14-2014, 06:15 PM
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Re: Ferguson PD and Race - MO AG's 2013 Report

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
Something else that I had a bad gut feeling about is what I perceived to be a severely heavy-handed response by local police in Ferguson to what is happening there.


I heard about their use of concussion grenades against protesters and rioters two nights ago.

We used concussion grenades in combat on genuine terrorists and never in my wildest mind would I find it necessary to use them in a protest situation. They're not even designed for that!

At this point, I have more sadness than anger and I am hoping the Feds step in even more so and end the madness that's going on as the local authorities appear to be, inefficient-- though I could probably think of a couple other words to describe their handling of all this.
Police use those grenades ALL the time.
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Old 08-14-2014, 06:19 PM
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Re: Ferguson PD and Race - MO AG's 2013 Report

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Where did these cops get these weapons? The concussion grenades, the MRAP? The Feds have been selling off equipment like crazy, some claim in an effort to militarize the local police. For what, though?

Have you watched the video of the news crew who was tear gassed and shot at? Then after they run away, an MRAP drives up, "police" in cammo get out and dismantle the lights and camera.

News Crew Tear Gassed and Shot At *Video

It's insane! I know you hate any finger being pointed at this administration, but it is. Under obama, DHS has obtained more guns and ammo than any time since its creation under W. Along with that, local LEA's have been able to purchase and receive more military guns and vehicles than any previous administration.


I completely agree with you, Rand Paul and others who have seen the heavy handed retaliation by the police against the protestors. As one person said, these are citizens with rights -- not enemies of war!

I also agree with Paul and others who believe the police have only served to escalate the protests by provoking the people with the tear gas, grenades and rubber bullets.

What obama needs to do is demand these cammo clad "police" get lost, demand FPD pull the MRAPs off the street and stop firing concussion grenades and rubber bullets.

Then Congress needs to pass a bill preventing the selling of military equipment to local LEA's.

This is America, but lately it's looked like a police state.
Cops have been using CGs for years guys. They have been getting free armored vehicles from the feds for years.

They even get the kind that are protected against mines. I listened to a News report where a SWAT guy was talking about it and was really glad they get these things.
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Old 08-14-2014, 06:54 PM
n david n david is offline
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Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
Cops have been using CGs for years guys. They have been getting free armored vehicles from the feds for years.

They even get the kind that are protected against mines. I listened to a News report where a SWAT guy was talking about it and was really glad they get these things.
Yeah, cause we all know des Moines Iowa streets are filled with landmines.
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Old 08-14-2014, 09:00 PM
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Re: Ferguson PD and Race - MO AG's 2013 Report

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
Something else that I had a bad gut feeling about is what I perceived to be a severely heavy-handed response by local police in Ferguson to what is happening there.


I heard about their use of concussion grenades against protesters and rioters two nights ago.

We used concussion grenades in combat on genuine terrorists and never in my wildest mind would I find it necessary to use them in a protest situation. They're not even designed for that!

At this point, I have more sadness than anger and I am hoping the Feds step in even more so and end the madness that's going on as the local authorities appear to be, inefficient-- though I could probably think of a couple other words to describe their handling of all this.
If they would do rioting it wouldn't be a problem.
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Old 08-14-2014, 09:21 PM
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Re: Ferguson PD and Race - MO AG's 2013 Report

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Yeah, cause we all know des Moines Iowa streets are filled with landmines.
I don't understand that part, but they are bullet proof.
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Old 08-15-2014, 12:04 AM
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Re: Ferguson PD and Race - MO AG's 2013 Report

Originally Posted by Truthseeker View Post
If they would do rioting it wouldn't be a problem.
Not riot I meant.
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Old 08-15-2014, 12:31 AM
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Re: Ferguson PD and Race - MO AG's 2013 Report

The PD chief said they were being shot at numerous times. I can see armored vehicles.

I can maybe even see needing to disperse the crowd
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  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
  6. The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
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