Originally Posted by votivesoul
The prediction seems to be that "iniquity will wax worse and worse" until the love of many grows cold.
The question is, in what way, if any, are demons involved?
On a more serious note, I do not think that there is an ever increasing quantity of demons. Their number, I believe, is finite and settled. I don't suppose that more and more upright, holy angels, are still falling and becoming evil spirits, or that God is creating more and more devils every day.
But the culmination of the age leads us to the Son of Perdition/Man of Lawlessness.
There is a certain "wisdom", so-called that is earthly, even devilish. The more humanity embraces this "wisdom", the more enthralled to devils humanity will become.
There is nothing new under the sun, but there is also something to be said for
Revelation 9, when the angel with the key of the abyss lets a marauding horde of demons loose upon the world, led by the Destroyer.
When that event takes place, I don't think we can justify any other conclusion but that there is, at that time, a definitive increase in demonic activity.
We so often say, all the Lord needs is a willing vessel. But that goes both ways. All Satan needs is a willing vessel, too. More and more people are becoming willing.