Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
I disagree with you.
I'm not surprised.
Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
Most political commentators will tell you that the political climate with this Congress was more toxic and partisan than the Congress' of the past.
Here's a quiz for you: Which party filed Articles of Impeachment against which President? Democrats/Bush or Republicans/Obama?
Answer: Democrats actually filed, and voted through to committee, Articles of Impeachment against GWB. While a few current Republicans in the House have mentioned impeachment, there have been no Articles of Impeachment drafted yet against obama.
And while you will likely disagree, there are more reasons by Congress to impeach obama than there was for GWB -- because obama has bypassed Congress on many issues, which is why this SCOTUS ruling is huge for both sides.
Does obama bear
any responsibility for the current political climate?
Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
As far as not working with GWB, there were so many questions and doubts concerning the NECESSITY of going into Iraq-- and now we find out that they were right to have those doubts as the convincing reasons for Congressional approval to go into Iraq were based on lies.
It's not the same.
You do remember that everyone was convinced of the intel brought against Iraq. GWB did not falsify the intel. I find it ironic that bad intel during GWB admin means he lied; yet bad intel with obama means the intel agencies were bad.
Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
The Democrats got things done with GWB.
And obama has signed bills into law with a Republican House. His signature healthcare law was passed into law.
Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
Republican strategy was to paralyze and shut down the Democrat President by shutting down the government. They allowed our credit rating to suffer in a political stunt to make Obama look bad-- and it back fired.
Be careful complaining about the Republicans shutting down the government, you'll lose. Democrats have shut down the government far more times than Republicans.
The opposition to raising the debt ceiling and other financial spending caps was not done just as a "political stunt to make obama look bad." See, here's another area I question your claim of being conservative or a Republican. Any fiscal conservative would be against these massive increases in government spending, with no cuts to offset. Yet your post here implies that Republicans should just roll over and allow obama to pass any and every spending increase or debt ceiling increase.
That's not how it works, and you know it.
Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
It's not the same, but you are not being objective.
I'm not being objective?! That's funny, coming from someone who believes obama does no wrong. obama could fart and you would ask where to buy a bottle of the smell.