Originally Posted by Coonskinner
Then let him be the greatest soulwinner in the country.
But he isn't going to be on my platform.
I have not read this thread until today and WOW... some amazing stuff is being said here.
On the post I quoted I say this.... wait until he gets popular and then a few in the circles you run in have him come and preach at their church and you will be calling him to book a revival.
Let the denying commence.
Several general thoughts...
I keep seeing...
He would be a distraction... I think we could use a distraction. A distraction from our constant need to compare ourselves among ourselves. A distraction from our navel gazing while a world is plunging headlong into an eternity without God.
He would be a bad example... I think he would be an excellent example. An example of what God has brought him out of. An example of Gods ability to save and even an example to think before you do something because some things never go away no matter how much you wish they would.
If this man received the Holy Ghost. If this man was able to reach out to this world. If this man had a message that reached souls. If this man was able to stir the hearts of mankind. If this man was able to do all those things (which is what the kingdom is about btw) and I denied him operation in my church because of the way he looked then I wonder exactly what kind of answer I would be able to give to God for that?
If you invite him BECAUSE of how he looked then that isn't any better than refusing to invite him because of how he looked. But if a man, of his own merits, was a soul winner then not only would I have him but I would sit down with him hoping to learn what it is I have been missing that I cannot reach these souls that he reaches.
Not would I invite him to come I would hope to learn from him because reaching souls is what it is all about.
I keep seeing this "