Originally Posted by bluegrassdad
Well I was raised non denominational our pastor broke away from church of god once god revealed the oneness,Jesus baptism,and all christains going thru the great tribulation.back in the seventies.since church broke apart...then I went to apostolic church but to me they are preaching it all good except revelations..imo....we are children of light ...just looking for a church that preaches what I believe....churches are not in my opinion preparing people for the worse to come....totally my opinion....
Good for you Bluegrassdad. You are absolutely right.
I tried to teach that the Church would go thru the Tribulation, back in the 80's. I didn’t know that there would be 6 ministers there that night. And everyone of them came against me.
One said, “We can’t teach that.” I asked why, if it is the Truth?
He said, “If we taught that, many of our people would backslide” I don’t think I said it, but that means they were holding their audience by fear.
Can you believe that?
I was surprised, that many in the audience, asked good questions, and understood more than the Ministers. Later I asked one of the Ministers, “Why that was so, and why won’t t hey let me teach Prophecy in the Churches?
And he told me the Truth. He said, “Sister, our Pastors are so busy, that they don’t have the time that you have had to study prophecy. And when someone like you, teaches anything different than what they have taught, they don’t know if you are telling the truth or not.
Then when you leave, and their saints ask them a question, they won’t know what to answer. “
In other words they would be embarrassed.
Good luck in finding a church of like belief’s. I can’t find one. You might think about a House Church. Starting one. And letting the Holy Ghost be the Head.