Originally Posted by CC1
I am sorry you have had complications with your surgery. My wife is trying to avoid neck surgery. She had an epideral in her neck a couple of months ago that really helped but it seems to be wearing off now. She is afraid of neck surgery so your experience thus far is not going to reassure her any! Back and neck surgery are scary. Her back surgery releived some of her leg pain but did not "fix" her. We are praying for divine healing for that.
I will continue to pray for your recovery and in particular about the blood clots and fever. I hope the fever does not indicate infection.
Thanks CC1.
I ran a low grade fever again last night. I was able to bathe myself today for the most part. I can't lift my hands over my head to well without a lot of pain. I was able to get my blouse over my head, but it has a wide opening that helped.
I can't do my hair yet.
I still can't believe they think I can go back to work next week????
My left arm today shows a lot of broken blood vessels. I don't know if that is from the blood clots or what. This arm has really bothered me and I didn't have any surgery on it.
I still covet your prayers. Something is not quite right here????
My first neck surgery was a breeze and went very well. This one is another story. I almost wish I didn't have it done at this time. Maybe in a couple of weeks I will feel differently.