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Old 05-17-2007, 06:27 PM
Rev Dooley

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The Smile of Avarice

I was in a casino (as part of my job) today and saw a man walk by with this huge, greedy looking smile. I realized that he had just won more than a few hundred dollars. You could just about see the wheels turning in his mind. Already, he seemed to be comtemplating his next big score. He was wearing the smile of avarice.
How often do we go to church just to receive a blessing? We are there to lift up our hands just right and hope for the goosebumps to begin. Maybe if we move a little extra, we will get some extra shockamoo going. All the while wearing the smile of avarice.
How often do we come to church with a smile? We are ready for whatever the preacher hands out. "Lay it on me pastor" we may say, all the while wearing the smile of avarice. We are ready to receive all that God has for us today.

Church is not about me. It is about Him.

We must get away from the idea that it is about receiving. It must become about giving. It is more blessed to give than to receive. Are we so caught up in the receiving of a blessing that is so small that we miss out on the greater blessing that comes through giving unmitigated praise to Him?
When was the last time we went to church and made up our minds ahead of time that regardless of whether or not I feel His touch, I am going to worship Him with all of my might?
I believe that if we can take on this attitude, we will begin to see God bless not only us but those around us in greater measure than before simply because we decided to give instead of receiving.
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Old 05-17-2007, 06:32 PM
Rico Rico is offline
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Ohhhh how the mighty have stooped to grace us with their wisdom and knowledge. I humbly bow and welcome thee back from your travels among the gods, O Great One. Whatcha been up to?
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Old 05-17-2007, 06:54 PM
Brother Strange

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God will not once bestow a blessing upon us that is not needed. He is kind, loving and merciful but he is not Santa Clause handing out blessings upon anyone just for the sake of giving alone. A blessing is in answer to a need. The storehouse of his blessings are full and will never run dry.

Yes, let us give him all the praise and glory for his bountiful love and care that can never be exausted. He is the only source of true blessings.
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Old 05-17-2007, 07:07 PM

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Originally Posted by Rico View Post
Ohhhh how the mighty have stooped to grace us with their wisdom and knowledge. I humbly bow and welcome thee back from your travels among the gods, O Great One. Whatcha been up to?
Get out the royal robe, put a ring on his finger, and kill the fatted calf
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Old 05-17-2007, 07:52 PM
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NI great post ,I'm glad you're back.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
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Old 05-17-2007, 08:12 PM

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Originally Posted by NobodyImportant View Post
I was in a casino (as part of my job) today and saw a man walk by with this huge, greedy looking smile. I realized that he had just won more than a few hundred dollars. You could just about see the wheels turning in his mind. Already, he seemed to be comtemplating his next big score. He was wearing the smile of avarice.
How often do we go to church just to receive a blessing? We are there to lift up our hands just right and hope for the goosebumps to begin. Maybe if we move a little extra, we will get some extra shockamoo going. All the while wearing the smile of avarice.
How often do we come to church with a smile? We are ready for whatever the preacher hands out. "Lay it on me pastor" we may say, all the while wearing the smile of avarice. We are ready to receive all that God has for us today.

Church is not about me. It is about Him.

We must get away from the idea that it is about receiving. It must become about giving. It is more blessed to give than to receive. Are we so caught up in the receiving of a blessing that is so small that we miss out on the greater blessing that comes through giving unmitigated praise to Him?
When was the last time we went to church and made up our minds ahead of time that regardless of whether or not I feel His touch, I am going to worship Him with all of my might?
I believe that if we can take on this attitude, we will begin to see God bless not only us but those around us in greater measure than before simply because we decided to give instead of receiving.
I always called it a fix, fix to get me by until the next fix...Happy to say I no longer need the fix to keep me going for God~
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Old 05-17-2007, 08:29 PM
Rev Dooley

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Originally Posted by Brother Strange View Post
God will not once bestow a blessing upon us that is not needed. He is kind, loving and merciful but he is not Santa Clause handing out blessings upon anyone just for the sake of giving alone. A blessing is in answer to a need. The storehouse of his blessings are full and will never run dry.

Yes, let us give him all the praise and glory for his bountiful love and care that can never be exausted. He is the only source of true blessings.
Thanks for your kind and wise reply. Your response is so true.
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Old 05-17-2007, 08:30 PM
Rev Dooley

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Originally Posted by CupCake View Post
I always called it a fix, fix to get me by until the next fix...Happy to say I no longer need the fix to keep me going for God~
I have been there too. I am glad that you no longer need a fix.
May we always recognize our need of Him and not just a "fix".
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Old 05-17-2007, 09:01 PM
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Felicity Felicity is offline
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I don't go to church to get a "blessing". I'm blessed abundantly in so many ways.

I go to church to worship, to meet with God and to receive from His Word. This happens every Sunday whether or not I receive a "blessing" per se'.
Smiles & Blessings....
~Felicity Welsh~

(surname courtesy of Jim Yohe)
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Old 05-17-2007, 09:14 PM
Rev Dooley

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Originally Posted by Felicity View Post
I don't go to church to get a "blessing". I'm blessed abundantly in so many ways.

I go to church to worship, to meet with God and to receive from His Word. This happens every Sunday whether or not I receive a "blessing" per se'.
Good response. I sincerely hope and beleive that all feel this way. This is exactly the pitfall that IMO must be avoided- to be so concerned with what I GET from a service than what I can GIVE TO it.
Our contribution to a service is more important than what we receive for there is a greater blessing to be received if we would but give more to the service. This principle is applicable to a great number of things in life. This is merely one aspect of it that I felt needed to be illuminated.
I hope others are enjoying the responses to this as much as I am!
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