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Old 03-05-2012, 09:56 AM
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Re: Has Rush Limbaugh finally gone too far?

Originally Posted by crakjak View Post
She is at Georgetown on a "public interest" scholarship! So, she wants to be protected from having children while in law school, by having the public pay for her birth control pills!!!

Because it is in the "public interest" for her not to have kids, that the public would then have to pay for the cost of her natal care, and day care for her children, and of course, room and board for them as well.

So, you see she wants the public to take responsibility for her decisions. Like she is an animal and can't control herself and must have sex!!

Oh, but the left will say that for a law student, "...birth control pills are for her health, control periods, and estrogen and etc, etc!!! What a messed up entitlement leftists mindset!!!
Again, where did she ever say she needed this birth control for sex? Just give me a link where she said that.
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Old 03-05-2012, 09:57 AM
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Re: Has Rush Limbaugh finally gone too far?

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Fluke's complaint is that women are spending $3,000 for birth control during their time in college.

“For a lot of students, like me, who are on public interest scholarships, that’s practically an entire summer’s salary,” she complains.

That expense calculates to 2.74 times per day she says she and her fellow students are having sex. Enrollment is going to skyrocket, I imagine.

"If she is, kudos! But promiscuity is not the hallmark of a virtuous woman. Is it Limbaugh’s fault for pointing it out or Fluke’s fault for the behavior? It’s a rhetorical question and the answer proved Limbaugh’s entire point." - Dana Loesch
Where did she say that she is having sex that much?
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Old 03-05-2012, 10:02 AM
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Re: Has Rush Limbaugh finally gone too far?

Originally Posted by Twisp View Post
I'll ask you the same I have asked all of her detractors. Where did she ever say she needed birth control for "getting it on"? Everyone keeps saying that, but no one can provide a statement from her that confirms that.
That is the main purpose of the pill! To protect against having children? Rush was wrong to assume she wants to have sex all the time. She just wants to have it whenever, without responsibility.

Actually, the Democrats should be ashamed of having this ignorant girl make a fool of herself. But now, they and their supporters in the media have pulled all stops to protect her reputation!! The fact is she is being used for Democratic political purposes, they don't give a rip about her! All a part of the plan to change the subject from their failures!!
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Old 03-05-2012, 10:04 AM
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Re: Has Rush Limbaugh finally gone too far?

Originally Posted by Twisp View Post
I'll ask you the same I have asked all of her detractors. Where did she ever say she needed birth control for "getting it on"? Everyone keeps saying that, but no one can provide a statement from her that confirms that.
I don't believe she actually said that, unless there's an obscure comment somewhere that wasn't in the video of her speaking to congress. I think Rush was characterizing her remarks as such; he didn't actually quote her. I read her transcript, and I didn't see anything close to his comment, so I have to assume he was slapping that meaning onto her entire presentation to Congress.

She did basically say that her friends were going broke or were too broke to purchase contraceptives. I'm sure that Rush inserted the bit about "having so much sex." He didn't use the term "getting it on" that I'm aware.

Here's a link to the transcript of RL's commentary:


And the transcript of SF's remarks to Congress:


I DO agree with him and others that her presentation was dishonest. There are MANY cheap alternatives available for women, especially women who are in college. A $70 appointment to a clinic and you can get generic BC pills for a year for $4-$5 a month at Wal-Mart or Target pharmacies. (And I'm sure there are other pharmacies that offer similar discounts.) That's a total cost of $118-$130 a year. A far cry from the $1000/year she presented to Congress.
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Old 03-05-2012, 10:05 AM
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Re: Has Rush Limbaugh finally gone too far?

Originally Posted by Twisp View Post
Again, where did she ever say she needed this birth control for sex? Just give me a link where she said that.

I know of a few teenage girls that convinced their parents that they needed the pill for health purposes!! Of course, the parents and their friends all knew the real reason that the girls needed it!

So, you can just get off the leftists "speaking points".
For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)

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Old 03-05-2012, 10:07 AM
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Re: Has Rush Limbaugh finally gone too far?

Originally Posted by Twisp View Post
Where did she say that she is having sex that much?
Do the math, Twisp.

And you know what was an extraordinarily, stupid remark made by Obama in his phone call to Fluke - "You're parents should be very proud of you."

Her parents should be proud that she is testifying before Congress ON NATIONAL TELEVISION that she is promiscuous, her fellow students are promiscuous and her/their promiscuity needs to be funded?!!!!!! On THAT her parents should be proud! Estupida en la cabeza!
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Old 03-05-2012, 10:08 AM
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Re: Has Rush Limbaugh finally gone too far?

Originally Posted by crakjak View Post
I know of a few teenage girls that convinced their parents that they needed the pill for health purposes!! Of course, the parents and their friends all knew the real reason that the girls needed it!

So, you can just get off the leftists "speaking points".
I will have to correct you there, crakjak. My OBGYN put me on the pill at age 17 to help *regulate* everything, and the pill also helps clear up acne. There ARE legitimate reasons to take BC pills other than as a contraceptive.

As a sidenote, I generally believe the pill is unhealthy and I wish women would use more holistic methods for BC, but I'm just pointing out that there is more than one reason a doctor would prescribe it.
"God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours."
--David Livingstone

"To see no being, not God’s or any, but you also go thither,
To see no possession but you may possess it—enjoying all without labor or purchase—
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Old 03-05-2012, 10:17 AM
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Re: Has Rush Limbaugh finally gone too far?

Originally Posted by crakjak View Post
That is the main purpose of the pill! To protect against having children? Rush was wrong to assume she wants to have sex all the time. She just wants to have it whenever, without responsibility.

Actually, the Democrats should be ashamed of having this ignorant girl make a fool of herself. But now, they and their supporters in the media have pulled all stops to protect her reputation!! The fact is she is being used for Democratic political purposes, they don't give a rip about her! All a part of the plan to change the subject from their failures!!
That is not true. Millions of women use it for reasons other than pregnancy prevention.

It is interesting that you automatically assumed that she "just wants to have it whenever, without responsibility". She never said that, never alluded to that, there is no evidence of that.

It is very sad that you jump to that harsh of a conclusion about a woman you have never met or talked to, based on what GOP talking heads are saying.
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Old 03-05-2012, 10:18 AM
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Re: Has Rush Limbaugh finally gone too far?

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
I don't believe she actually said that, unless there's an obscure comment somewhere that wasn't in the video of her speaking to congress. I think Rush was characterizing her remarks as such; he didn't actually quote her. I read her transcript, and I didn't see anything close to his comment, so I have to assume he was slapping that meaning onto her entire presentation to Congress.

She did basically say that her friends were going broke or were too broke to purchase contraceptives. I'm sure that Rush inserted the bit about "having so much sex." He didn't use the term "getting it on" that I'm aware.

Here's a link to the transcript of RL's commentary:


And the transcript of SF's remarks to Congress:


I DO agree with him and others that her presentation was dishonest. There are MANY cheap alternatives available for women, especially women who are in college. A $70 appointment to a clinic and you can get generic BC pills for a year for $4-$5 a month at Wal-Mart or Target pharmacies. (And I'm sure there are other pharmacies that offer similar discounts.) That's a total cost of $118-$130 a year. A far cry from the $1000/year she presented to Congress.
I know she didn't say that. I am just trying to illustrate the point that people saying she said that are being deceitful. On a Christian forum no less! lol

Last edited by Twisp; 03-05-2012 at 10:20 AM.
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Old 03-05-2012, 10:23 AM
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Re: Has Rush Limbaugh finally gone too far?

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Do the math, Twisp.

And you know what was an extraordinarily, stupid remark made by Obama in his phone call to Fluke - "You're parents should be very proud of you."

Her parents should be proud that she is testifying before Congress ON NATIONAL TELEVISION that she is promiscuous, her fellow students are promiscuous and her/their promiscuity needs to be funded?!!!!!! On THAT her parents should be proud! Estupida en la cabeza!
I do not have to do the math. You and I both know she never said she needed birth control for sexual reasons. To keep saying that she did say that is being deceitful.

I had no problem with President Obama encouraging her. She was called a slut by a prominent Republican talking head on the radio for no reason. I would call and encourage her myself if I were able.
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