I got a serious question for those that know what gluttony is. If I eat till I'm full three times a day, does that make me a glutton? (btw, my definition of full is not being uncomfortably full)
1. We do never hear much at conferences about gluttony, overeating, laziness, or excess of lifestyles because a huge majority of those attending are practicing gluttony, overeating, laziness or excess of lifestyle.
2. The Bible teaches us to refrain from gluttony and do all things in moderation and temperance is one of the fruits of the spirit, along side love, faith, and the others.
No, there is only ONE FRUIT of the Spirit (everything on the list in Galatians 5:22).
3. I have never heard a pastor preach against it.
I don't think I have either.
4. Yes, they are afraid to preach against it with a bulging waistline. It would be hypocritical.
No, you're assuming that everyone who is overweight is a glutton.
Have you ever noticed most real fat preachers are always talking about fasting??? I have never seen it fail put them up and in a few minutes "folks we need to fast more." I think they looked down and saw that catapilar intertube around his waist and remembers. Then after church hey brethren where is the all you can eat buffet????????????????
Have you ever noticed most real fat preachers are always talking about fasting??? I have never seen it fail put them up and in a few minutes "folks we need to fast more." I think they looked down and saw that catapilar intertube around his waist and remembers. Then after church hey brethren where is the all you can eat buffet????????????????
My response was tongue in cheek, yes I teach about gluttony and excess often.
I teach that the convential Pentecostal wisdom which says sex is ok within boundaries, wine is forbidden completely, and food has no limits whatsoever is completely false.
In reality, the Bible teaches that sex, wine, and food are all gifts given to man by God and are to be partaken of with respect to certain limits and only in moderation.
The Christian life should never be the picture of excess.
I suppose that this will be misunderstood, but there it is anyway.
Are you trying to say that you teach sex in moderation also? How do you monitor this to ensure that excess isn't being partaken of? Does the couple who has six kids in four years have to be sat down and not involved in ministry?
Yeah, some of you are laughing, but the point is, what's excess for one might not be excess for another. This goes for anything, whether it's wine, food, or sex.....or whatever. There are some who can eat a lot and never show it, and others who eat barely anything but are overweight.
Moderation is subjective to the person. There is no objective way to monitor moderation in anything. You can teach it, but only the individual themselves knows if they are practicing it or not.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
Great reply. And I do not disagree with the definition of Webster. However, could you give some Biblical context/definition that shows "gluttony" to be considered a sin? Thanks!
Some are missing that gluttony isn't limited to excess in satiety alone.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
Okay. Then to follow your thoughts to a logical conclusion based on your earlier question about the beltline: Jesus would have had a rather large waistline to have been accused of being a glutton, correct?
Obviously, we would n ot think this was the case. The term "glutton" in scriptural terms does not equate necessarily to "overweight" as much as it does to "excessive."
So to answer your earlier question: No, a large waistline does not equate to gluttony. It can, but does not unequivocably. A glutton can also be rather thin.
Thank you.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
Are you trying to say that you teach sex in moderation also? How do you monitor this to ensure that excess isn't being partaken of? Does the couple who has six kids in four years have to be sat down and not involved in ministry?
Yeah, some of you are laughing, but the point is, what's excess for one might not be excess for another. This goes for anything, whether it's wine, food, or sex.....or whatever. There are some who can eat a lot and never show it, and others who eat barely anything but are overweight.
Moderation is subjective to the person. There is no objective way to monitor moderation in anything. You can teach it, but only the individual themselves knows if they are practicing it or not.
I have to admit I was wondering what the guidelines on that subject were myself.
Proverbs said of the wife of your youth, "Be thou ravished always with her love..."