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Old 05-11-2007, 05:35 AM

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Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
That's still beside the point. In Oneness we do not see His Deity having made a change. We ONLY see Humanity being added to Him. He, as the Son, has two natures now. He in His Deity did not change

What are these two natures of the Son and what are they called?

1) Is it Father and Son

2) Son and Son

3) Father and Father?

if you reply (1), hthen ow can the nature of the Son be called the Father? As that woul;d make the Son the father, something which is contrary to both Oneness and also to Trinitarian theologies.
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Old 05-11-2007, 08:44 AM

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Originally Posted by Iron_Bladder View Post
What are these two natures of the Son and what are they called?

1) Is it Father and Son

2) Son and Son

3) Father and Father?

if you reply (1), hthen ow can the nature of the Son be called the Father? As that woul;d make the Son the father, something which is contrary to both Oneness and also to Trinitarian theologies.
Divine and human!
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Old 05-11-2007, 12:16 PM

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Originally Posted by Chan View Post
Divine and human!

OK, so what do you call jesus' divine side and what do you call his human side?
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Old 05-11-2007, 12:17 PM

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Here is that revised post on Malachi 3:6, which I changed after Praxeas pointed out a mistake.


“For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.” (Malachi 3:6, KJV).

This chapter deals from verse one, with God's specific prophecy concerning the messenger (John the Baptist) who will precede himself; the Messiah. It’s a message to Israel which is why verse six is addressed to the ‘Sons of Jacob.’ He then goes onto explain his future judgements upon the wicked in verses two to five. Nevertheless, this statement about his not changing in verse six, must to some extent refer to his own essential being and not just specifically to his covenantal promises with Israel. For although these covenantal promises with Israel are certainly the main focus of the unchangeableness of Malachi 3:6, this steadfastness of his promises comes from the immutability of his own nature.

So God’s assurance to us at Malachi 3:5 is that because he is an immutable being, who cannot change, learn or grow in wisdom and understanding just as we do. Therefore his promise of a Messiah (verse 1), and future punishment of the wicked (verses 2-5), is absolutely assured, because the actions and prophecies of such an immutable being would always be completely secure and trustworthy. So God is telling us at Malachi 3:6, that we can trust him and rely upon his promises, because an unchanging God’s words and prophecies (re verses 1-5), will always come to pass exactly as he states them. So God’s word, which in this case is his covenantal promises with Israel are unchanging, because he himself is an immutable God.
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Old 05-11-2007, 01:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Iron_Bladder View Post
What are these two natures of the Son and what are they called?

1) Is it Father and Son

2) Son and Son

3) Father and Father?

if you reply (1), hthen ow can the nature of the Son be called the Father? As that woul;d make the Son the father, something which is contrary to both Oneness and also to Trinitarian theologies.
Humanity and Deity.
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Old 05-11-2007, 02:17 PM

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Originally Posted by Iron_Bladder View Post
OK, so what do you call jesus' divine side and what do you call his human side?
Jesus' divinity is divinity and His humanity is humanity. Since I believe in hypostatic union, I call the One in whom the two natures are in union "Jesus."
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Old 05-11-2007, 06:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Chan View Post
Jesus' divinity is divinity and His humanity is humanity. Since I believe in hypostatic union, I call the One in whom the two natures are in union "Jesus."
Trust me Chancellor, this does not get any better. He will be like this all the way through to the end of the story
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Old 05-24-2007, 05:01 AM

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Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
Humanity and Deity.
OK what do you call the Humanity and what do you call the deity? Is one the Father and the other the Son or are they both the Father or are neither of them the Father and the Son.
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Old 05-25-2007, 10:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Iron_Bladder View Post
OK what do you call the Humanity and what do you call the deity?
You are still missing the point we are making as evidenced by the way you are asking this question.

Is one the Father and the other the Son or are they both the Father or are neither of them the Father and the Son.
Deity is part and parcel with the PERSON for eternity. But the person did not take to Himself humanity until the incarnation. Deity was not taken upon the Person of God since His person always possessed deity. But He did take upon Himself humanity when He BECAME SON in the incarnation, indicating the Son is not eternal. We do not CALL the humanity the Son, but the humanity is something the SON possesses.

Like I said, an apple has the nature of being red. Do we call "red" an apple?

We call the humanity the quality that God took upon Himself in incarnation. One cannot call the humanity anything such as "Son" or "Father" because the issue of natures does not relate at all to such a thought in that manner at all. Your error in thinking is found in a comparison, so you get my point, in saying something absurd such as "My dog has the nature of Rover." That makes no sense. Similarly it makes no sense to ask whether we call the deity or the humanity by either Son or Father. We do not call natures by ttiels. The person with the title POSSESSES a certain nature in the confines of that title. That nature which one possesses is not something that can be CALLED by the title.

Since humanity is a nature that both you and I both possess, to say that we call the humanity either Son or Father is ridiculous, since you and I are not "the Son" nor "the Father". As I said elsewhere, only One possesses the nature of deity -- God -- , but MANY, including the person of God only since the incarnation, possesses the nature of humanity. And here is where some people go into another error and think that HUMAN NATURE implies weakness and imperfection, when in actuality only FALLEN human nature possesses that. Christ now possesses PERFECT humanity since He is glorified as per His humanity. He still possesses the nature of humanity! And we will also possess that in the resurrection. Imperfect Human nature is only a result of the fall. What would humanity have been like had the fall never occurred?
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Old 05-25-2007, 10:21 AM

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Originally Posted by Iron_Bladder View Post
OK what do you call the Humanity and what do you call the deity? Is one the Father and the other the Son or are they both the Father or are neither of them the Father and the Son.
They're both called "Jesus."
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