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Old 07-04-2011, 03:46 PM
BroGary BroGary is offline
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Re: We want america back

I am a veteran, and I am not anti-government, I am anti-CORRUPT government, and sadly our government has effectively (and deliberately) strayed away from obeying all the Constitution for quite a very long time now.

Many of our founding fathers were much MORE concerned from corruption that could develop from within rather than outside threats and that is why they wrote the Constitution the way they did, but globalist politicians sidestep or simply ignore the Constitution.

I can hope that the U.S. would resist being part of the coming Antichrist one world government, but instead our country seems to be the country that is being used to help lead the world into the coming Antichrist one world government, and that is sad indeed.

I know the Antichrist one world gorvenment will happen because the Bible says so, but we still don't want to even unwittingly help evil to happen.

In case you have not seen any of these yet, here are some very informative "New World Order" and Bible prophecy related studies:





















Here are some very informative books to consider:

Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World (Paperback)
by Henry Makow PhD (2008)

Illuminati 2 - Deceit and Seduction
Henry Makow PhD (20100

Worldwide Evil and Misery: The Legacy of the 13 Satanic Bloodlines
Robin de Ruiter (2008)

Bloodlines of the Illuminati [Paperback]
Fritz Springmeier (2005)

The Synagogue of Satan
Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (2007)

The Creature From Jekyll Island - A Second Look at the Federal Reserve
by G. Edward Griffin (2008)

Pawns in the Game (Paperback)
by William Guy Carr

The Conspirator's Heirarchy: The Committee of 300 (Revised and updated 4th edition) (Paperback)
by John Coleman (2006)

Codex Magica: Secret Signs, Mysterious Symbols, and Hidden Codes of the Illuminati [Paperback]
Texe Marrs (2005)

Who's Who of the Elite : Members of the Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations, & Trilateral Commission (Paperback)
by Robert Gaylon, Sr. Ross (2000)

Fourth Reich of the Rich (Paperback)
by Des Griffin (1998)

Enroute to Global Occupation (1992)
by Gary H. Kah

New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies (1990)
by William T. Still

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America (Paperback)
by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
Publisher: 3D Research; third edition (September 1, 1999)
ISBN-10: 0966707109
ISBN-13: 978-0966707106


(the above author has made her book available for free on her web site as a PDF file you can download)

Major General Smedley Butler

Smedley Darlington Butler (July 30, 1881 – June 21, 1940), nicknamed "The Fighting Quaker" and "Old Gimlet Eye", was a Major General in the U.S. Marine Corps and, at the time of his death, the most decorated Marine in U.S. history.

During his 34 years of Marine Corps service, Butler was awarded numerous medals for heroism including the Marine Corps Brevet Medal (the highest Marine medal at its time for officers), and subsequently the Medal of Honor twice. Notably, he is one of only 19 people to be twice awarded the Medal of Honor, and one of only three to be awarded a Marine Corps Brevet Medal and a Medal of Honor, and the only person to be awarded a Marine Corps Brevet Medal and a Medal of Honor for two different actions.


(the above link is to an online version of a book Major Butler wrote)
Acts 2:38 is a must, not simply an option !

Last edited by BroGary; 07-04-2011 at 04:25 PM.
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Old 07-04-2011, 05:14 PM
Dedicated Mind Dedicated Mind is offline
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Re: We want america back

brogary, i'm not in to conspiracy theories, i think world government is a logical and natural development. no single individual or group of individuals can make it happen, it is logical development imo.
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Old 07-05-2011, 07:53 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: We want america back

God's ways are not our ways. Our methods of saving our country may not be God's ways with relation to saving His people.
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Old 03-15-2012, 03:28 PM
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Re: We want america back

Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind View Post
brogary, i'm not in to conspiracy theories, i think world government is a logical and natural development. no single individual or group of individuals can make it happen, it is logical development imo.
According to the bible Satan is the lord of this world. In biblical times persia was a "demon ran" governmental society. It may seem crazy to most people to think that something like that would go on but the bible also said "Will they not think of you as crazy" when it came to tongues and the holy spirit So if it could happen back then... then what is to stop it from happening today. If we would quit focusing on politics and how the world is run or should be run and quit trying to "fix it" and accept it for what it is, was, and always will be. Then we can turn our focus to merely educating folks on the subject of political corruptness and the understanding of why things are the way they are and then put all our efforts on spreading knowledge and truth and getting a kingdom built that truly matters. (sorry If I am offending someone who is not christian truly this is not my aim I am speaking moreso to christians)

The illuminati is the closest thing to biblical prophecy I can find. Look up the speech that got JFK shot. He tried to blatantly warn america of his and this countries demise. Came right out and used the words secret society and "monolithic force that has conscripted mass human resources in its effort... Military powers are becoming to strong..." and so on and so forth.

Like with all this stuff going on with Koney or whatever his name is. I can tell that we are going to pull out of the middle east mostly and head to africa. Because there is a barrels upon barrels of oil there on that land. So you have the shooting the quaran burning the koney video and celebrities talking about it... just watch. You start to realise patterns throughout all of it.
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Old 03-15-2012, 03:33 PM
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Re: We want america back

Originally Posted by acerrak View Post
we prayed for america today at church, exspecially for forgiveness
Does God forgive countries?
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty

More New Stuff in Timmy Talk!
My Countdown Counting down to: Rapture. Again.
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Old 03-15-2012, 03:36 PM
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Re: We want america back

Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
Does God forgive countries?
Icelands still around isn't it?

(sin to be forgiven = bjork)

**I can say it. Im icelandic.
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Old 03-15-2012, 03:51 PM
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Re: We want america back

Originally Posted by Dalton View Post
Icelands still around isn't it?

(sin to be forgiven = bjork)

**I can say it. Im icelandic.
Maybe that volcano was its punishment.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty

More New Stuff in Timmy Talk!
My Countdown Counting down to: Rapture. Again.
Why am I not surprised?
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Old 03-15-2012, 06:37 PM
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Re: We want america back

The murders of the Indians in our history was not performed by Christians. Further, there were massacres on both sides. Wounded Knee and Sand Creek were only one from each side.
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Old 03-15-2012, 06:43 PM
OldPathsII OldPathsII is offline
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Re: We want america back

Originally Posted by BroGary View Post
I am a veteran, and I am not anti-government, I am anti-CORRUPT government, and sadly our government has effectively (and deliberately) strayed away from obeying all the Constitution for quite a very long time now.

Many of our founding fathers were much MORE concerned from corruption that could develop from within rather than outside threats and that is why they wrote the Constitution the way they did, but globalist politicians sidestep or simply ignore the Constitution.

I can hope that the U.S. would resist being part of the coming Antichrist one world government, but instead our country seems to be the country that is being used to help lead the world into the coming Antichrist one world government, and that is sad indeed.

I know the Antichrist one world gorvenment will happen because the Bible says so, but we still don't want to even unwittingly help evil to happen.

In case you have not seen any of these yet, here are some very informative "New World Order" and Bible prophecy related studies:





















Here are some very informative books to consider:

Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World (Paperback)
by Henry Makow PhD (2008)

Illuminati 2 - Deceit and Seduction
Henry Makow PhD (20100

Worldwide Evil and Misery: The Legacy of the 13 Satanic Bloodlines
Robin de Ruiter (2008)

Bloodlines of the Illuminati [Paperback]
Fritz Springmeier (2005)

The Synagogue of Satan
Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (2007)

The Creature From Jekyll Island - A Second Look at the Federal Reserve
by G. Edward Griffin (2008)

Pawns in the Game (Paperback)
by William Guy Carr

The Conspirator's Heirarchy: The Committee of 300 (Revised and updated 4th edition) (Paperback)
by John Coleman (2006)

Codex Magica: Secret Signs, Mysterious Symbols, and Hidden Codes of the Illuminati [Paperback]
Texe Marrs (2005)

Who's Who of the Elite : Members of the Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations, & Trilateral Commission (Paperback)
by Robert Gaylon, Sr. Ross (2000)

Fourth Reich of the Rich (Paperback)
by Des Griffin (1998)

Enroute to Global Occupation (1992)
by Gary H. Kah

New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies (1990)
by William T. Still

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America (Paperback)
by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
Publisher: 3D Research; third edition (September 1, 1999)
ISBN-10: 0966707109
ISBN-13: 978-0966707106


(the above author has made her book available for free on her web site as a PDF file you can download)

Major General Smedley Butler

Smedley Darlington Butler (July 30, 1881 – June 21, 1940), nicknamed "The Fighting Quaker" and "Old Gimlet Eye", was a Major General in the U.S. Marine Corps and, at the time of his death, the most decorated Marine in U.S. history.

During his 34 years of Marine Corps service, Butler was awarded numerous medals for heroism including the Marine Corps Brevet Medal (the highest Marine medal at its time for officers), and subsequently the Medal of Honor twice. Notably, he is one of only 19 people to be twice awarded the Medal of Honor, and one of only three to be awarded a Marine Corps Brevet Medal and a Medal of Honor, and the only person to be awarded a Marine Corps Brevet Medal and a Medal of Honor for two different actions.


(the above link is to an online version of a book Major Butler wrote)

WOW!! Thank you for all this. GREAT resources. I'll make to check out every single bit of it...........as soon as I finish this GREAT book on George W. Bush and how he flew one of the jets into the World Trade Center and parachuted out just before impact. They've even got a video here. Awesome!!
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Old 03-15-2012, 06:48 PM
OldPathsII OldPathsII is offline
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Re: We want america back

Yep, I'm all for taking America back. How we all long for the days of slavery, the day when women couldn't vote, the days when blacks had separate bathrooms and water fountains, the days when men wandered the west carrying guns and killing over a poker game, the days when Major League Baseball wouldn't let them ere black people play our national past time, the days when the KKK was a major influence, the days when Cassius Clay was denied service in a Louisville restaurant just days after he won a gold medal.

I'll tell ya, I sure miss them ere good ole days.
Old Paths II is....not sharing an IP address with any other user. You can put the question about him being another poster to rest. He's just OPII. All by himself. He's not a fake, he's an original. ~The Mrs
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