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Old 05-05-2011, 04:10 PM
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Re: FOX News: Illegal to Kill Osama

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
Fox's Shep Smith:

"Is anyone talking about the fact that this is illegal-- this operation was illegal?"


Gimme a break!

How many conservatives see a problem with the assertion and line of thinking associated with FOX's assertion?

Not many, I bet.

I guess there are many who would agree to the fallacy that what President Obama did was illegal.

I guess there are some conservatives who would like to see our President brought up on war crime charges for the death of bin laden....

Absolutely maddening!
Please correct yourself. It was SHEPPARD SMITH who made the statement not FOX NEWS.
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Old 05-05-2011, 04:15 PM
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Re: FOX News: Illegal to Kill Osama

Originally Posted by deacon blues View Post
I believe had Bush done this the liberals and media would be working this angle. That being said I don't believe the Geneva Convention applies to terrorists and I don't believe what our Navy SEALS did was illegal. We made it clear anyone getting in our way of brining these people to justice would suffer the consequences. Pakistan obviously knew something, they would've tipped OBL off had we communicated our intentions or sought permission. We did it exactly right.

Besides, we let Pakistan off the hook with terrorists by keeping them out of the loop on this. No one can blame Pakistani cooperation. I'm sure their leaders, even if publicly complaining, are breathing a huge sigh of relief. Who would want the burden of harboring OBL in their country?
There is no question in my mind that only a democrat could get away with what Obama just did.

ANY republican would have been excoriated by the media and democrats for basically invading an ally not to mention shooting an unarmed man.

demands to see the tapes of the event would be called out in congress. Supenas to those involved and the media would be looking for an inside informant to hang the president.

Obama gets cover because republcans believe in justice and democrats have no souls.
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Old 05-05-2011, 04:50 PM
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Re: FOX News: Illegal to Kill Osama

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
Fox's Shep Smith:

"Is anyone talking about the fact that this is illegal-- this operation was illegal?"


Gimme a break!

How many conservatives see a problem with the assertion and line of thinking associated with FOX's assertion?

Not many, I bet.

I guess there are many who would agree to the fallacy that what President Obama did was illegal.

I guess there are some conservatives who would like to see our President brought up on war crime charges for the death of bin laden....

Absolutely maddening!
First of all, as far as we know, this is out of context. You did not provide the context OR a link.

Second this is not Fox. That is "Shep Smith" according to you.

Third, that is one person. One Person.

By and far all the conservatives I have heard are glad he is dead and not complaining about it being illegal
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Old 05-05-2011, 04:58 PM
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Re: FOX News: Illegal to Kill Osama

BTW Shep asked IF anyone was talking about the action being illegal or not.
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Old 05-05-2011, 05:50 PM
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Originally Posted by scotty
I agree, it was an illegal operation. While this president has lacked much to be desired, I believe he acted the same as GW would have. GW said from the beginning we would go where ever we had to if we found him, Obama simply upheld that promise. Yes, it was an illegal operation, but I'm going to stand behind the president when he says "yeah, but what are you going do about it now"
It doesn't matter what you agree on. Who are you? How is it that you know if it was illegal or not?
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Old 05-05-2011, 05:56 PM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: FOX News: Illegal to Kill Osama

Originally Posted by Light View Post
It doesn't matter what you agree on. Who are you? How is it that you know if it was illegal or not?
We read the laws.

Just remember. Obama broke the law when he started bombing in Libya very recently also. It is his duty to go to Congress to get their consent. Bush of course did go to Congress to declare war.


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush turns his attention on Friday to the United Nations after the Senate joined the House in strong votes authorizing a possible U.S. attack on Iraq.

The Republican-led House and Democratic-led Senate by wide margins approved the resolution that Bush wanted to reinforce his demand that the U.N. Security Council threaten the use of force, if necessary, to enforce its requirements that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein abandon programs for biological, chemical or nuclear weapons.
Obama is a lawless character from Chicago.
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Old 05-05-2011, 06:02 PM
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Re: FOX News: Illegal to Kill Osama

Originally Posted by coadie View Post
We read the laws.

Just remember. Obama broke the law when he started bombing in Libya very recently also. It is his duty to go to Congress to get their consent. Bush of course did go to Congress to declare war.

Obama is a lawless character from Chicago.
Well mr blow hard with all your knowledge and all your money why don't you bring a law suit against Obama. No you wouldn't do that you just have the Runs of the mouth.
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Old 05-05-2011, 06:33 PM
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Re: FOX News: Illegal to Kill Osama

Originally Posted by Light View Post
Well mr blow hard with all your knowledge and all your money why don't you bring a law suit against Obama. No you wouldn't do that you just have the Runs of the mouth.
More lawlessness from bud light.

Civil laws are dealt with as civil torts or lawsuits. Criminal laws are not filed as law suits.
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Old 05-06-2011, 12:46 AM
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Re: FOX News: Illegal to Kill Osama


He was the FBI's "Most Wanted" terrorist for killing thousands of innocent Americans, but just days after U.S. Navy SEALs stormed Usama bin Laden's Pakistan compound and killed the Al Qaeda leader, a U.N. official wants to make sure the operation was carried out legally.
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Old 05-06-2011, 05:00 AM
canam canam is offline
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Re: FOX News: Illegal to Kill Osama

The UN is nothing but a world wide welfare/orgainization that we are footing the bill for,while they thumb their nose at us,with every ruling they make.
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