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Old 09-24-2007, 06:44 PM
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Paula white & rick Hawkins Marrying???? you gotta see this!!!!



WOW! the People are REALLY talking @!!!!!

you gotta see this !!!
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Old 09-24-2007, 06:48 PM
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Will Paula White Marry Rich Hawkins?

Will Paula White marry Rich Hawkins of Family Praise Center in San Antonio,Texas, and if so, will God honor the marriage?
I am sure this is the question on many people's minds. I have my own thoughts on this, and I don't want to stray far from the issue at hand that most greatly affects the body of Christ today, the reason that Paula White is getting divorced in the first place.

I think the church is owed an explanation. I believe that if Randy committed adultery, it would be best to tell about it. Otherwise, so many members are left to wonder if the divorce is based on biblical grounds. If Paula committed adultery and is calling the divorce so that she can marry again, then that is a different situation, and not one that calls for support from the body of Christ.

The church can be a harsh place at times, misunderstandings take place, but when a power house couple announces they are getting divorced, it is expected that they will give bonafide biblical reasons as to why. It leaves the church wondering why they haven't.

I expected that another announcement would have been made by now, setting the record straight. It hasn't. Only one announcement that apparently was made before the filing of legal paperwork. That is odd as well. Why announce an impending divorce before filing papers?

None of this makes any sense, and I am beginning to worry how this will impact baby Christians. Please, church don't let this weigh heavy on your heart, and don't use it as a measuring stick to compare all ministries by.

I think Paula White will remarry, I feel it in my gut. My gut says she has grounds to do so, but I can't figure out why they wouldn't release the grounds of their divorce to their congregation.

Basically, what I would like to know is whether or not the body of Christ thinks that they are owed an explanation as to why they are getting divorced. Do you think that the body of Christ, and Randy and Paula White's followers, deserve to have an explanation given as to why they are getting divorced?

Will you continue to follow a ministry that announces their divorce simply stating, "We are going in separate directions?"

Do you think as a church member you are owed more of an explanation?

What would make sense to me, is that Randy was unfaithful, they are filing for divorce, Paula is free to marry another minister, and continue in ministry. However, no one is saying this. Nothing has come out regarding infidelity, and the body of Christ is left wondering why.

Well, I guess when the papers are filed, more will be revealed, since obviously, Randy and Paula White don't seem to think that they owe the body of Christ any explanations.

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Comments - 42 total
Wow, is the the Barry Cook in San Diego? How long ago was this scandal?

The fruit of Rick Hawkin's and Paula White's influence is far reaching even to the West Coast. The pastor of Ambassador Family Church, Barry Cook, brought Rick and Paula to our church many times. Even after it came out that Cook had an affair with his associate pastor's wife that resulted in a pregnancy, Rick Hawkins kept on coming. (The real tragedy of Cook's affair is that he married the couple before God and the church just a couple of years previous.) Many of Cook's leadership left and eventually his wife divorced him after she received a settlement she could live with. Don't feel too sorry for her. She abused her position over the woman in the church and was often guilty of very flirtatious behavior with the married and single men of the church. She was very expressive of her sexuality in all of her sermons in mixed company. One of the married men in the church refused to be her personal usher because of her seductive ways and was alienated for doing so. Today Cook continues t

Charisse Van Horn: This is the lie that cultists use to keep people from thinking for themselves. It is absolutely ridiculous to believe that you are committing a sin for acknowledging the shameful sinful acts of "leadership". It is also absurd for people to put themselves in "leadership" positions, remove all forms of accountability, then expect people to sit back and follow them blindly. They are out of order, and I am not afraid to say it.

Con't. Yet, GOD will deal with each of them, because HIS blanket of Covering is now off their lives, and he always deals with things in his way, in his manner. It is horrible to be a person in leadership that is in that position, I would not want to be Paula or Randy on Judgement day....that is for sure! As Christians, We need to pray for them, that they repent, and have a sincere heart towards Christ. God loves the Whites,just as much as he loves you or I, I know he wants them to turn away from their wicked ways and repent. What a mighty God we serve....all we can do is pray.

It isnt right to slander any leadership. GOD obviously is the Judge here, and we are not God. Romans 3:23 says FOR ALL HAVE SINNED AND FALLEN SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD. That means ALL of us posting here. Like Jesus says..." Let him who has not sinned cast the first stone" I dont believe any one of us can really say they are better than Paula or Randy, because we have all sinned. Their sin just looks greater, because they are in a leadership/authority/ and Godly position and people look up to them. Right? You better believe that the Lord is judging them...WE dont have to. They should be fearing that Judgment, and nothing from the public....God hates divorce. I personally dont believe that Paula or Randy have given the public a biblical ground for divorce, and they know this in their hearts. How sad for them, and it must be hard to be them right now. BUT we make our own choices, right? Yet, GOD will deal with each of them, because HIS blanket of Covering is now off the

Charisse Van Horn: Ok, I have stayed away from posting the pure garbage the Whites are into. If anyone wants to know for themselves, just go here: http://www.tboforums.com/index.php/forums/viewforum/30/

Leigh Busby,Detroit ,MI.
pEOPLE PLEASE WAKE UP ,LOOK ON-LINE AND SEE HOW MANY OF THESE FALSE TEACHERS ARE BEING EXPOSED!aND ALL AT SEEMLY ,THE SAME TIME .i READ ABOUT JUNITA bYNUM AND bISHOP weaks,THEN i READ ABOUT A pASTORS WIFE BEING SLASHED DURING 'WORSHIP SERVICE' IN THE DOWN STAIRS BATH-ROOM,THEN pAULA wHITE AND rANDY ANNOUNCES THIER "dIVORCING" ?!? wHAT GIVES?rEAD YOUR bible,judgement must first begin where...??? "..in the HOUSE of GOD..."In the HOUSE of GOD folks! GOD is wining up things on earth.Time is very short ,don't be fooled by these false profits $$$ who claim a revival in the lasts day.I have NEVER read such a thing in my BIBLE! Where is it written in GOD's WORD about some last time revival in scripture? You are being played by TBN,DayStar,and some on the WORD network folks.Stop sending GOD's money to these false teachers and all who promote them! Give to your local ministries ho work hard for YOUR community and watch for your souls.

who has biwitched you paula in the book of galatians , you are being asked that question. how could you start in the spirit and end in the fresh. money and fame has become more important to you than God who YOU are rejecting because of riches. some of the celebaties you are embracing are well known to see witch doctors WHAT DO YOU HAVE IN COMMON?. has church of jesus christ become so lame that we have to seek wisdom of how to be rich from the world? How about preaching plain simple gospel of christ ofREPENTANCE AND forgiviness of sin? Everybody knows you were to blam in the marridge, your husband knows you were going the wrong path, he dicided he would rather have Jesus than the riches but you were so scAred of divorce coz you were scared of losing everything and he promised you that he will announce that he is 100/100 RESPONSIBLE SO THAT PEOPLE DON'T RUN AWAY FROM YOU and you ageed FOR YOUR FAME AND RICHES SAKE.IN THE BOOK OF GALATIANS IS STILL ASKING AGAIN, CAN YOU BE SO FOOLISH T

Most peoople think that Paula bought a house in San Antonio, Texas but she actualy bought a house in Bourne, Texas. WOW that where RTick Hawkins has a Ranch... The description of Paula's new House sounds like Rick Hawkins,Hmmm Funny

Very sad situation for the body of Christ. I just can't understand how they can not fear the judgement of God. I would be afraid to use his name. I attended WWIC for 5 years. I loved Paula's teaching, and beleived she was real. Now I feel very foolish. This has effected my two teenage children, who also loved her ministry. We are attempting to find a church elsewhere but extremely hard to do. Live in Seminole, if anyone knows of one please pass it on.

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Old 09-24-2007, 06:49 PM
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Old 09-24-2007, 06:50 PM
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having trouble posting the actual link

maybe someone else can help
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Old 09-24-2007, 07:08 PM

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I know of One resident poster that is a TBN'er that Im am sure is shocked at her world of charismatic heros is crumbling around her.
First Benny Hinn smokes Heroine and now this...
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Old 09-25-2007, 10:34 AM
Theresa Theresa is offline
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Originally Posted by Strongminded View Post
I know of One resident poster that is a TBN'er that Im am sure is shocked at her world of charismatic heros is crumbling around her.
First Benny Hinn smokes Heroine and now this...
was this post even necessary?

bashing of another poster - even in muted tones...

where does it speak to the topic at hand?
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Old 09-25-2007, 10:39 AM
Theresa Theresa is offline
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Originally Posted by Strongminded View Post
I know of One resident poster that is a TBN'er that Im am sure is shocked at her world of charismatic heros is crumbling around her.
First Benny Hinn smokes Heroine and now this...
The more I read this, the more it bothers me.

Who are YOU to make this personal about one of our posters??

Someone who did a WHOLE lot for a WHOLE lot of ungrateful people ((and a few really grateful ones)) - when SHE didn't even have to.

It takes a LOT of nerve to take a veiled jab at someone like this. Even if you dont agree with them...pray for them.

might want to repent FIRST
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Old 01-04-2008, 01:59 AM
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Matthew 7:6

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Originally Posted by Strongminded View Post
I know of One resident poster that is a TBN'er that Im am sure is shocked at her world of charismatic heros is crumbling around her.
First Benny Hinn smokes Heroine and now this...
Get your facts right, buddy.

2 of Benny Hinn's employees died of heroin abuse.
There have been no credible allegations that Benny Hinn himself smoked heroin.
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.

I'm T France, and I approved this message.
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Old 09-24-2007, 07:49 PM
Pig Pen

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By far one of the funniest, most hilarious things to ever read on AFF is to read any of this drivel and then look at the Verse of the Day posted at the top of the page.
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Old 09-25-2007, 12:28 AM
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