Originally Posted by Sheltiedad
In the interest of being fair and balanced... and to give some perspective... Given some recent statements on another thread, if a preacher is “lying” about the television issue, here is a complete list of the other rules in the same section of the manual that he may or may not be lying about. For consistency's sake, let's make sure we call them liars if they do not comply with any of the other 33 rules not involving television and video. (paraphrased by me to be less boring)
13. All ministers have to pay their local district dues.
That is the “Obligations and Rules” section in a nutshell. Obviously there is more legalese in there to clarify stuff further...
Many years ago when I had first gone full time and had begun tithing to the district, a presbyter who was sitting next to me in a district business meeting showed me his "Personal and Confidential" report from the district secretary. The district's "Financial Plan" called for all full time ministers to tithe to the district on their ministerial income.
This report detailed how much he had paid to the district in the preceeding year. I still have no idea what his motivation was in showing me his report. Was he "bragging" or was he trying to show me that I should "wise up?" I just glanced down at the report and saw that this district boardmember had paid less than $500.00 to the district for that entire year. Had he made only $5,000 dollars that year from his work as a full time pastor of a church running at least 200?
I had paid more than 3x's what he did - I was only "full time" for the last couple of months of that year and making a small fraction of what he must have been.