Originally Posted by Sherri
Platform standards are a necessity, at least at our place! There are certain things that we do not allow ever on the platform, and then there are certain things that we do not allow on Sundays (such as jeans). I think a higher level of modesty and moderation should be displayed on the platform, because they are ministering before the Lord. We also have dress codes for all of our teachers.
Same with us sherri. although we are still in the UPc our platform guidlines are not what you'd think in most upc chursches.
No jeans ansd tenny's are one we go by also. Pressed slacks casual drerss shirt's
Girls are asked to wear a womens hair fasion and men to wear their hair as most men do.
Jewelry..ear rings etc to not be excessive or guady.
Don't go all Tammy Faye..but if you need a little help..use a "little help"
We encourage are girls to wear dresses if they are on the platform.
Also we encourage them to not be to low cut in the blouse's
We do also ask all our women to be clean shaven.
So shoot me please....I've become a legalist