Originally Posted by Ferd
Isnt that projection? I understand the resolution isnt as good?
Resolution has nothing to do with the delivery method (projection vs. other means).
What you are probably referring to is that you must have control over lighting for projectors. The pic does not look good in a well it room.
They are intended to replicate the theater viewing experience though so you want the lights down anyway. I have my remote controlled dimmer set for the ceiling light to be just a warm glow.
My projector is a High Definition one that in conjunction with my high def DISH VIP 622 satellite receiver and Toshiba HD A2 high def DVD player will blow your mind!
The picture is incredibly sharp on high def material and even standard channels and DVD's look good because of the upconversion to 720p.
Once you have seen NFL or College football on any high def and especially a large high def screen like mine you will never want to go back!
Come visit Nashville and I will demo it for you.