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Old 07-11-2007, 09:49 AM
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Accelerated Recovery Program Therapy

Does anyone know anything about ARP Therapy? My chirrpractor is recommending it and I am seriously thinking about doing it, but before I plop down the money to do it, I was wondering if anyone has a testimonial.

Here is some information about it:

What is The ARP Trainer, and how does it work?
ARP is an acronym for Accelerated Recovery Performance, which incorporates all the protocols and techniques created by Denis Thompson for dealing with all types of injuries, after years of research and development.

Conventional medical philosophy defines human physiology in biochemical terms. Whether biochemical reactions are ionic, covalent, or VanderWall, they are all inevitably determined by their electrical charge characteristics.

Altering the electrical charges and magnetic fields surrounding biochemical structures also affects the attraction and reactions of enzymes, etc., in the biosystem.

Any type of injury will cause electrical change, which we call charge of injury, in the injured tissue. It is this charge of injury that limits or greatly retards the body's ability to repair itself.

The ARP Trainer uses a unique bio-electrical current, simultaneously with active range-of-motion and other stimulating exercise techniques, to dissipate the charge of injury, instantly assist a concentrically contracted muscle to relax and extend, and speed up the body's natural recuperative ability.

The principal difference between The ARP Trainer and all other electrical stimulation protocols is that The ARP Trainer accentuates eccentric contraction.

The ARP Trainer, in essence, stresses the elongation and strengthening of muscles in eccentric contraction, while all other electrical stimulation techniques concentrate on concentric muscle contraction and require patients to stay motionless.
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Old 07-11-2007, 05:53 PM
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Old 07-25-2008, 01:22 AM

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Re: Accelerated Recovery Program Therapy

USE CAUTION when it comes to doing business with Denis Thompson, he is a smooth talker and a real showman when it comes to hawking his ARP Trainer. After a meeting with Denis my 83 year old father was convinced it would help his neuropathy and wrote Denis a check for $13,500, well to make a long story short "It Did Not Help" Denis agreed to help sell the machine, he did sell it and received the funds a long long long time ago, Denis called to say my fathers portion would be $11,000. Since then Denis and his Partner in Crime Jim Reger have been telling me that the "CHECK IS IN THE MAIL" As of today 7-24-08the check is not here and these two thieves will not return my calls. If there's anyone that has been cheated by Denis or his companay e-mail me at CheatedByDenisThompsonARPTrainer@live.com
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Old 07-25-2008, 06:52 AM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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Re: Accelerated Recovery Program Therapy

Hey sis you have been missed!!!! How is EMMA???? Lord have mercy its been forever.....

I do not a thing about this program however when I was at PT one day for my back... I overheard a conversation and someone was asking the mgr about this same person. He said it was bad news. Thats all I know.. I would check it out a lot more is all I would say.
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Old 07-25-2008, 07:03 AM
JamDat JamDat is offline
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Re: Accelerated Recovery Program Therapy

Originally Posted by AmazingGrace View Post
Hey sis you have been missed!!!! How is EMMA???? Lord have mercy its been forever.....

I do not a thing about this program however when I was at PT one day for my back... I overheard a conversation and someone was asking the mgr about this same person. He said it was bad news. Thats all I know.. I would check it out a lot more is all I would say.
It's still been forever. This thread is from a year ago, lol. For some reason people are pulling up old threads and others are thinking they're new.
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Old 07-25-2008, 07:24 AM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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Re: Accelerated Recovery Program Therapy

Ahhh I didnt read the date LOL... I see now. It was a spammer! My bad!!!
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