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Old 07-11-2007, 08:42 AM
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Mental Health Screening, You May Be Next

Mental Health Screening, You May Be Next

Norman Dodd, working for a Congressional oversight committee, was told these words while enquiring about the kind of work that major foundations do.

"We operate here under directives which emulate from the White House ... The substance of
the directives under which we operate is that we shall use our grant making power to alter life in the
United States so that we can comfortably be merged with the Soviet Union." -- Rowan Gaither, President of the Ford Foundation, 1954.

You may be asking, what on earth does this have to do with mental health screening? Well some people in some very high places have been trying very hard for a very long time to make dramatic changes in the American society. All of the big foundations have been and still are involved in this. It starts first with education. This certainly is a conspiracy but it is no theory. Their plans have been in the making for a long time, and the fruits of their labor are started to manifest themselves.

In 2002, President Bush established the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health to conduct “a comprehensive study of the United States mental health service delivery system.”(1) This is part of his New Freedom Initiative legislation. Really great names, aren’t they? This NFI initiative is to provide mental health screening for everyone (first starting with kids, then universal), and provides for strong anti-psychotic and anti-depressant drugs as treatment for many mental health problems detected. In case you think that this will affect you only if you have some extreme form of psychosis or neurosis, you need to look at whom the leaders in the psychiatric field consider mentally disturbed.

But before we delve into that, just who is behind all of this? The most powerful force behind this initiative is the pharmaceutical industry, including Eli Lilly & Co. (manufacturer of Prozac). Is it merely a coincidence that George H. W. Bush has been on the board of directors of Lilly, that Lilly made over $1 million in contributions to George W. and his campaign in 2000, and Lilly’s CEO was appointed to the Homeland Security Council? (1) There are no coincidences.

Congressman and Presidential candidate Ron Paul commented on this initiative in

September 2004. “The goal is to promote the patently false idea that we have a nation of children with undiagnosed mental disorders crying out for treatment…The greater issue, however, is not whether youth mental health screening is appropriate. The real issue is whether the state owns your kids. When the government orders “universal” mental health screening in schools, it really means “mandatory”…The political right has now joined the political left in seeking the de facto nationalization of children, and only informed resistance by parents can stop it. The federal government is slowly but surely destroying real families, but it is hardly a benevolent surrogate parent.”

A Columbia University project called TeenScreen, which has been recommended by the Bush’s New Freedom Commission, conducted a pilot program test. These were the results. One third of the teenagers in the test were flagged as “positive” for mental health problems, with half of those being recommended for mental health treatment. (1) What does this mean? We have 52 million public school students. If this program were to be implemented nation wide, which is the course we are now on, one third or 17 million would now have this libelous label attached to them and 8 million would be turned over to psychiatric/pharmaceutical industry. That is in addition to the

4 million children, a number that has doubled in 15 years, who are now on Ritalin.

Just who do all of these smart, educated doctor types consider mentally disturbed? Let’s take a trip back in time. Remember, the mental health professionals of today were educated by the mental health professionals of yesterday. The head of the Rockefeller Foundation in 1933 stated that their goal was social control or the control of human behavior. Don’t forget that most of the doctors, educators, etc. of the past and of the present receive their grants and funding from the big foundations. Without going into all of the names, these are some of the things that they have stated by these “leaders’ and “policy makers” down through the years. (1)

1840. “The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, guided…It does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd.”

1919. “We have vindicated the right of social control…The state must socialize every group…Men must learn to have world patriotism…World patriotism must be a faith”

1921. “The thrust of the Committee’s philosophy was that mental illness hinged on faulty personality development in childhood and that, therefore, personality development should supersede all other educational objectives.”

1927, “Sterilize all of the unfit, among whom I include all fundamentalists.”

1928. “Under Socialism you would not be allowed to be poor. You would be forcibly fed, clothed, lodged, taught, and employed whether you liked it or not. If it were discovered that you had not the character and industry enough to be worth all this trouble, you might possibly be executed in a kindly manner.”

1932, “I am not seriously alarmed by the sufferings of the creditor class…the restrictions of certain kinds of freedom which must result, nor even by the bloodshed of the transition period. A better economic order is worth a little bloodshed”

1933. “Can we develop so sound and extensive a genetics that we can hope to breed, in the future, superior men?”

1937. “The only way out of the current cultural crisis is the establishment of a scientific control of human affairs.”

1948. “Anyone with a brain cell must recognize that the only way to prevent a child from becoming infected by the psycho-emotional cesspools of the parents is to fumigate Mom and Dad psychologically.”

1957. “Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluorine will in time gradually reduce the individual’s power to resist domination by slowly poisoning and narcotizing this area of the brain tissue and make him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him.

1958. “If you believe that parents should teach their children right and wrong, then you are mentally ill….If you believe the great doctrines of the Christian Church as contained in the Bible, then you are mentally ill. If you prefer American Sovereignty to World Government, then you are mentally ill. So say the various self-appointed guardians of the world’s health, the Mental Health fanatics….This group constitutes one of the most dangerous universal brain-washing brigades which has yet appeared on the scene of human activity.”
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Old 07-11-2007, 08:42 AM
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1968. “Religion is …directly opposed to the goals of mental health….It encourages a fanatic, obsessive-compulsive kind of commitment that is, in its own right, a form of mental illness…This close connection between mental illness and religion is inevitable and invariant…In the final analysis, then, religion is neurosis.”

1969. “Ten years hence it should be more accurate to term him [the teacher] a “learning clinician”. This title is intended to convey the idea that schools are becoming “clinics” whose purpose is to provide individualized psychological “treatment” for the student, thus increasing his value both to himself and to society…. {Children would} become the objects of {biochemical} experimentation.”

1970. “Society would be dominated by an elite…which would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control. The possibility of extensive chemical mind control…Man is increasingly acquiring the capacity to affect through drugs the extent of children’s intelligence, and to modify and control their personalities.”

1970. “The American family structure produces mentally ill children…every child who enters school at the age of six in the United States is mentally ill because he comes to school with certain values he inherits from the family unit.”

1973. “Dramatic changes in the way we raise our children in the year 2000 are indicated, particularly in terms of schooling…We will need to recognize that the so-called “basic skills”, which currently represent nearly the total effort in elementary schools, will be taught in one-quarter of the present day…When this happens, and it’s near, the teacher can rise to his true calling. More than a dispenser of information, the teacher will be a conveyor of values, a philosopher…. We will be agents of change.”

1981. “The one world government will also be feudalistic in nature…..dictatorship will come, is coming, but with the acquiescence of the people, who subconsciously probably want it. The Grand Inquisitor likely was correct. People want material plenty and mysticism, not perfect freedom. Freedom is an intolerable burden.”

1983. “The battle for humankind’s future must be waged and won in the public school classroom…between the rotting corpse of Christianity…and the new faith of humanism…Humanism will emerge triumphant”

1987. “The battle will be lost, not when freedom of speech is finally taken away, but when Americans become so ‘adjusted and conditioned’ to getting along with the ‘group’ that when they finally see the threat, they will say, “I can’t afford to be controversial.”

1987. “A pervasive system of thought control exists in the United States…The citizenry is indoctrinated by employment of the mass media and the system of public education…people are told what to think about……The old order is crumbling…..Nationalism should be seen as a dangerous social disease…. A new constitution is necessary…Americans really have no choice, for constitutional alteration will come whether or not it is liked or planned for…. Ours is the age of the planned society…. No other way is possible.”

Have you had enough? These are some pretty strong statements, don’t you agree? I particularly like the one authored in 1987, which refers to Americans becoming “adjusted and conditioned”. When they finally see the threat, they will be afraid to speak out, and will say “I can’t afforded to be controversial”.

Foundations along with other groups have been changing the course of our country for decades. In the past, they have given grants to socialist historians who have basically re-written history. When it really comes to it, we really don’t know what has actually happened through out recent history. Here is one example. Communism was not something that was brought about by the downtrodden masses as a way to throw off the chains of their oppressors. Communism was created and brought into existence in this world by rich capitalists. They funded the Russian Revolution. Communism was conceived as another way to control the masses, create an enemy for the west, and also foster war. You see rich capitalists, the educated elite, etc. are socialists or collectivists. A collectivist is one who believes that society must be structured, that all rights are granted by the state, and that sometimes individuals must be sacrificed for the benefit of the society. Of course, since they are wise, rich, and educated, they must remain at the top of the pyramid to rule. They learned long ago that the best way to mold the people of the world into the society they want is to first break them down through a method that has been used for all of history to change people, war. Without going into much detail, suffice it to say, the ruling elite of the planet have been behind every war in the Twentieth Century, including our current “war on terror”.

The mental health tests that are being put into place in the schools is a government-mandated program that is the culmination of decades of planning and conditioning. What will you say one day when your life or health insurance company says that you must have one of these mental screenings or your premium will go up? This is how it will be implemented. Things that are compulsory now, always have a way of becoming universal and mandatory later.

The New Freedom Commission on Mental Health in 2002 found that “despite their prevalence, mental disorders often go undiagnosed” and recommended comprehensive mental health screening for “consumers of all ages”, including pre-school children. A whistle blower from Pennsylvania Office of the Inspector General revealed that key officials with influence over the medication plan in his state received money and perks from drug companies with a stake in the mental health-screening plan. He was sacked. Are you surprised?

In a Columbus Dispatch article dated April 25, 2005, the headlines read, “EVEN BABIES GETTING TREATED AS MENTALLY ILL; Prescriptions on the rise even though they haven’t been tested on children”.

The Dispatch reported, “Nearly 40,000 Ohio children on Medicaid were taking drugs for anxiety, depression, delusions, hyperactivity, and violent behavior as of July 2004. For the entire year, the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services paid out about $65 million for kid’s mental-health drugs.” They also reported that 696 Ohio children, ages newborn to 3 years old, received sedatives and powerful, mood altering, mental-health drugs.

TeenScreen has nearly 500 sites in 42 states. This fall they are opening sites in Ouachita and Jefferson Parishes in Louisiana. Ohio was just a pilot test case. Through government grants, all states are moving in this direction.

Researchers have found that suicide rates have doubled among children 5 to 14 years old in the past 20 years. Virtually all of the gun-related massacres that have made headlines over the past decade have one thing in common: They were perpetrated by people taking Prozac, Zoloft, Luvox, Ritalin, Paxil or a related antidepressant drug. If these drugs are actually effective treatments, one would expect suicides, murders, and violent behavior to be decreasing, yet the reverse of this is happening. These drugs can cause Akathisia, a mental and physical agitation that sparks self-destructive, violent behavior. They can also induce dissociate reactions, making those who take the drugs insensitive to the consequences of their behavior.

Psychiatrists and mental health professionals have used the “chemical imbalance in the brain” theory and the “if we’d only gotten there sooner to help” PR campaigns for years to bamboozle the public and their corrupt government officials. There maybe be an epidemic of suicide in young people but it is the suicide prevention industry that is not only marketing the idea but also contributing to it. Think about this. If there were a natural anti-depressant that was ever linked to a suicide, or attempted suicide, or mass murder, or whatever, the FDA would close every health food store in the country. Natural supplements are negatively graded on adverse reactions, such as stomachaches, high blood pressure spikes, dizziness, etc. Reactions such as these can get natural supplements pulled of the shelf. However the adverse reactions of suicide and mass murder get zero reaction from the FDA.

Are you surprised?

In 2005, Congressman Paul attempted to introduce a bill that would prevent the federal government from moving forward with its Orwellian program to mandate mental health screenings in schools. Nearly 100 members of Congress supported his amendment. They lost. Our tax dollars are now being given to states that apply for grants to establish their own programs with a full-fledged program run by the Department of Health and Human Services soon on its way.

Congressman Paul, a medical doctor, says: “The psychiatric establishment and the pharmaceutical industry of course support mental health screening programs in schools, because they both stand to benefit from millions of new customers. But we should not allow self-interested industries to use a government program to create a captive audience for their products. We should be especially careful about medicating children with psychotropic drugs when their brains are still developing. Certainly there are legitimate organic mental illnesses, but that does not mean it is the role of government to subject every child to arbitrary screening without the consent of parents. Most Americans still understand that certain things are none of the government’s business, even if Congress does not.”
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Old 07-11-2007, 08:43 AM
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Congressman Paul certainly doesn’t speak like the other mental health professionals, socialists, and collectivists, does he? I really don’t know if all mental health professionals or administrative educators think the way their predecessors did. But they certainly are not speaking out against this mental health initiative. They have been conditioned into thinking that their way is the right way. Is it really? Or is something else going on? Not that I have tried, but I would assume it would be difficult to get the mental health professionals and administrative educators to understand our concerns. They are the pros and we are simply average people. However, think about these words.

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” Upton Sinclair, American author and politician (1878-1968)

Here are the words of other knowledgeable people who know a few things about the nature of human beings. I really like the last one.

“We consistently elect candidates who tell us what children would want to hear. And what do children want to hear? Everything is okay. That little is required of them. That they can go out and shop and play and watch sports or reality TV, and that they will be taken care of and protected. In exchange; they are expected to be seen and not heard, to pay their taxes, to take their flu shots and to not question, questionable authority.” Jeff Golden, As If We Were Grownups

“The greatest weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the minds of the oppressed.”
Author unknown

“Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of the truth.”
Albert Enstein

(1) Dennis L. Cuddy, PhD. Mental Health Screening, How It Will Affect Your Children,2005
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Old 07-11-2007, 10:55 AM

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And people want to bring this psychology garbage into the Church!!!! They want us to believe that only mental health "professionals" are qualified to counsel people.
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Old 07-11-2007, 11:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Chan View Post
And people want to bring this psychology garbage into the Church!!!! They want us to believe that only mental health "professionals" are qualified to counsel people.
Give me someone whose face has been buried in a carpet in prayer anyday.....
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Old 07-11-2007, 12:53 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Qualified COUNSELORS are a good thing to have in certain situations that come up.

When my wife's mom died 15 years ago, she was attending bible college in Springfield, MO. She was allowed three days to leave to attend the funeral than was expected back, ready to go. Their idea of "counseling" was praying at the alter. And if you needed a bit more, why then you simply needed to pray more. Then she was actually reprimanded for skipping some classes during the next week.....

She didn't stay.

Needless to say I have known many pastors and elders who are distinctly NOT qualified to help anyone who is truly hurting other than to maybe pray for them in silence while someone ELSE did the counseling. We recently left a church because the then-new pastor had completely crazy idea's about marital relations. It makes my skin crawl to think about him actually "counseling" soon-to-be-wed couples!
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Old 07-11-2007, 02:46 PM

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Originally Posted by RandyWayne View Post
Qualified COUNSELORS are a good thing to have in certain situations that come up.
If they're basing their counseling on wicked worldly philosophies like psychology then they're not qualified!

When my wife's mom died 15 years ago, she was attending bible college in Springfield, MO. She was allowed three days to leave to attend the funeral than was expected back, ready to go. Their idea of "counseling" was praying at the alter. And if you needed a bit more, why then you simply needed to pray more. Then she was actually reprimanded for skipping some classes during the next week.....
Isn't Jesus the "Wonderful Counselor"?
She didn't stay.
That was her choice.

Needless to say I have known many pastors and elders who are distinctly NOT qualified to help anyone who is truly hurting other than to maybe pray for them in silence while someone ELSE did the counseling.
On what basis are you saying they're not qualified? On some wicked worldly philosophy like psychology? Are you saying that someone who is called by GOD to shepherd HIS flock is not qualified to counsel the saints? Are you saying the Church must defer to some wicked worldly philosophy - defer to an enemy of God - when it comes to counseling?
We recently left a church because the then-new pastor had completely crazy idea's about marital relations. It makes my skin crawl to think about him actually "counseling" soon-to-be-wed couples!
Crazy ideas according to whom? It only matters that the ideas were biblical (and I don't mean according to some 21st century American interpretation) and if they weren't biblical then he needs to be shown how they're not biblical. If you didn't show him his error then you did not fulfill your biblical responsibility in that regard.
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Old 07-11-2007, 06:37 PM
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Originally Posted by RandyWayne View Post
Qualified COUNSELORS are a good thing to have in certain situations that come up.
I'm not a big fan of "qualified counselors" just because I haven't seen that many of them that I felt were qualified.

My pastor is a counselor licensed with the state and that is still his occupation outside of the pastorate.

I would trust him completely because he has demonstrated himself to be a consistent of wise and well thought out advice and I would feel that he would be counseling from his prayer more than his diploma.

I fully understand what you are saying about pastors that just don't have what it takes to be counseling. I have seen quite a few that would cause me to fear as to what they might say in "counsel".

I would imagine that it would just be on a case by case basis for me. Both can be wonderfully qualified (with and without any formal training) and both can be horribly misguided.

But I certainly could not offer any blanket endorsement for pastors etc as a good source of counsel nor could I write a blanket disclaimer against trained and licensed counselors.

But, given the option, I would feel better with a good man of God (in the ministry or not) who has what it takes to counsel well and a prayer life to hear from the Lord. Barring that, I would not have a complete opposition to those "other guys" but I would be a very picky customer.

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Old 07-12-2007, 01:33 PM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Originally Posted by RandyWayne View Post
Qualified COUNSELORS are a good thing to have in certain situations that come up.

When my wife's mom died 15 years ago, she was attending bible college in Springfield, MO. She was allowed three days to leave to attend the funeral than was expected back, ready to go. Their idea of "counseling" was praying at the alter. And if you needed a bit more, why then you simply needed to pray more. Then she was actually reprimanded for skipping some classes during the next week.....

She didn't stay.

Needless to say I have known many pastors and elders who are distinctly NOT qualified to help anyone who is truly hurting other than to maybe pray for them in silence while someone ELSE did the counseling. We recently left a church because the then-new pastor had completely crazy idea's about marital relations. It makes my skin crawl to think about him actually "counseling" soon-to-be-wed couples!

I have been fortunate to know many Pastors who realize that are not equipped to counsel on anything other than spiritual matters. Unlike Chan likes to about, not all psychological teaching, principles are used by professional Christian Counselors, although some are and actully fall in line with Biblical principles..actually the truth belonged to God first and the world coppied it.

Pastors, if they are truthful...have their plate full with praying, studying, and meeting the spiritual health of their congregation and the mental health should be left up to praying, trained qualified counselors.

Blessings, Rhoni
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Old 07-11-2007, 04:11 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Isn't Jesus the "Wonderful Counselor"?
Yes, and even JESUS "wept", thus acknowledging that some people were feeling real hurt before proclaiming that everything would be alright.

I see YOU would have been just as bad as the "elders" who told her to stop complaining, pray, and get back to your studies.

On what basis are you saying they're not qualified? On some wicked worldly philosophy like psychology? Are you saying that someone who is called by GOD to shepherd HIS flock is not qualified to counsel the saints? Are you saying the Church must defer to some wicked worldly philosophy - defer to an enemy of God - when it comes to counseling?
I am saying that SOME are not. But then again, SOME are.
I have to say that I have a weird feeling knowing that I am talking to a kin of L Ron Hubbard here.... Half of his Scientology is based on the evils of psychology. I'M not even talking about psychology, I'm talking about counseling, but you keep putting the two together.

Crazy ideas according to whom? It only matters that the ideas were biblical (and I don't mean according to some 21st century American interpretation) and if they weren't biblical then he needs to be shown how they're not biblical. If you didn't show him his error then you did not fulfill your biblical responsibility in that regard.
I would start to list them but I have a feeling that when I bring up the point that he says downs syndrome babies are a result of sin in the mothers life, you would probably agree with him....
(The sin in question is having sex during unclean times which include half the month, Sundays, and Saturday nights -because they are the night before a Sunday.)
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