Originally Posted by jfrog
I wonder just how many people make God out to just be a means to some end without even realizing it.
Bro, it is like this, go to any box gym. You will find that there are people who are working out hard. But the greater majority never show up. They pay their membership fees, sometimes for years, and never set a foot in the building. There are others who go and sit on a machine and scroll through their phone. People are people, no matter what they do or what they are involved in. Religion is just one aspect of the human condition. But instead of looking for bad examples to justify some agenda. Look for the best examples of those who follow God. If I want to get some knowledge about anything, I don't talk to people who stink at it. I find the experts, and those who do an exceptional job.
We are told to follow Christ, and His example alone. If we work at that job, then we will be loving Truth, and GOD.