Vitamin C , approx. 2000mg every 2-3 hours until you get diarrhea. That is "bowel tolerance". Back the total daily dosage down from that level just a bit. That'll be anywhere from 20,000 to 100,000 mg of Vitamin C per day. It should be powdered Vitamin C, but tablets are better than nothing.
Also vitamin D3, 1000 IU or 5000 IU per dose, I'd start at about 5000 IU per day, or up to 10,000 IU per day if it's really bad.
Lots of water. Avoid junk food if you can. I can't imagine taking a dairy product while having fever, makes me waaay worse. With fever, I pile on the blankets, take extremely hot showers or baths a couple times a day, if possible go outside and mow the lawn, cut firewood, or anything else than will make you sweat and break the fever.
Only thing I would eat would be fruits, maybe crackers or bread or a light salad, and then only if I felt hungry. "Starve a fever, feed a cold" and all that.
People have used Ivermectin to knock out stuff in as little as a couple hours. Google how to use the veterinary stuff if you can't get straight Ivermectin via a doctor.
Sunlight definitely helps if you can handle it. And sleep.
Stay away from pineapple though. Had a flu years ago, delirious with fever, hallucinating about tropical fruits and waterfalls. Begged wife to buy me a pineapple. I cut that sucker up and ate the whole thing in one sitting. Wound up with a blistered mouth from the acids.
Will definitely keep you in prayer.