Originally Posted by JamesGlen
Someone save me a little time re-researching, and lay down what they erroneously believe, which is in direct contradiction with the Bible.
First and most important, one must keep in mind JWs are almost NEVER argued out of their religion by "exposing doctrinal error". They aren't JWs because they believe certain things about or from the Bible. Rather, they are JWs because they believe the Watchtower Society is God's anointed and chosen Servant, and their salvation depends on their faithful obedience to the Watchtower, which is Divinely Guided to INTERPRET AND EXPLAIN ALL DOCTRINE.
So arguing "But the Bible says...." is literally an exercise in futility. They don't care what you think the Bible says. They already believe you are led by Satan and deluded, from the get go. The only way to reach them is to show them the watchtower is NOT God's Organization, and that there is a Better Way (the Bible Way). They will never admit any doubts to you until they can get away from other JWs and are ready to break with the org. Which is very difficult because they will literally lose almost everything, friends, family, etc. You have to be REEEEEEAAAAAALLLLLY patient.
Doctrinally, they believe whatever the latest editions of their newsletters and books tell them. Their doctrine changes often.
Some core ideas they've kept:
Jesus came back invisibly in 1914, beginning the time of Tribulation.
Jesus will at some point soon burn the world up with fire, EVERYONE dies horribly except the JWs, then the Millennium begins.
All dead people will resurrect during the Millennium - not all at once, but throughout the 1000 years. They will be taught by the JWs. At the end, is the Judgment. Those who reject JW teaching are destroyed, the rest continue on, living in a Paradise On Earth. During the Millennium, JWs will be rebuilding the shattered earth along Garden of Eden lines.
A few will never be resurrected because they were so bad.
The Archangel Michael was the first being created by God. Michael then created everything else in the universe. Michael incarnated and was born as s human, named Jesus. Jesus was nailed to an upright stake (not s cross) and died. Michael was recreated as a spirit being like he was before, went around as the "resurrected Jesus", then ascended to heaven. Thus, Jesus, the actual human, not only stayed dead but will never resurrect. Michael uses the name Jesus now, having assumed his "resurrected identity".
All governments, and all non JWs, are under demonic control led by Satan.
Only 144,000 throughout all time will resurrect with spirit bodies and go to heaven. The rest will resurrect with physical bodies and remain on earth.
The 144,000 resurrect immediately at death. They alone are "born again" and they alone have "the holy spirit in them", they alone are redeemed by the blood of Jesus in the direct personal sense, they alone take Communion. So, every Sunday at Kingdom Halls JWs offer communion and then refuse to take it as part of their ritual.
The Watchtower Society HQ Governing Board of Directors is the "Faithful and Discreet Slave/Servant" spoken of in
Matthew 24:45 and is in charge of all God's household (church, organization, truth, etc etc). Obedience to the Society is a requirement of salvation. The Society gets "new light" on doctrine and changes accordingly. All other denominations are stuck in man made and satanic traditions and errors.
Charles Taze Russel was the prophesied Messenger of
Malachi 3:1, although I think they may have changed it to the Watchtower Society itself.
Speaking in tongues is actually cursing and blaspheming by demon possession.
Jehovah is God's Name you MUST use as often as possible, or your prayers won't be heard and you won't be saved. Yahweh is considered more accurate, but Jehovah is universally used instead anyway.
Baptism requires a confession of faith in Jesus as well as the Society, last I heard.