Originally Posted by n david
Blame Aquila.
I guess I was standing too close when he got taken up/banned and I got a double portion when I picked up his wallet that fell out his pocket.
I mean...whats he gonna need money for in a flaming chariot right?
But seriously man..
Its a simple question.
Do we as Christians have the right to support the evil that someone else commits in our name?
It seems like we have terminal case of "Theend justifiesthemeansitis" when it comes to meddling.
Is it because of the intense focus on endtimes prophecy in the middle east that we feel like as long as we are helping God *win* Hes gonna give us a pass?
Look...yes admittedly I titled this as a "gotcha" to ward against a common driveby posting habit by a certain member who shall remain nameless*cough cough Harry Morse cough cough *
Sorry...sinus drainage.
But God has been dealing with me heavily to the point of tears about this.
There are certain arguments I was never exposed to because of denominal/political affiliations.
With Jesus telling us telling us what to do concerning our *neighbor* and who that is, and all what He says about what we are to do with our enemy...does it only apply when the enemy is a singular entity...an individual?
Or is it negated when a group of individuals choose a side opposing yours?
How many unconverted Apostle Pauls have we bombed into a pink mist?
Or were they pre ordained to meet their end by the sword wielded by Gods favorite people? Former or current?
If we are committing murder in the name of our God...what makes an American cultural *christian*any better than the Muslim extremist?
Is it "You can do whatever you want as long as its in my name?"
Why arent our pulpits ringing with calls for repentance as a nation for THAT?
See, I guess I should have just kept my blinders on and stayed ignorant...the arguement could be easily made that I still am.