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Old 09-01-2018, 04:37 AM
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The Character Crisis Comes to Rome

The more important the position, the more important the character of the person who holds it.

If a person becomes more powerful, does his character matter less? Or more? Increasingly, it seems, the answer from partisans is resounding and unmistakeable.

It’s less. It’s so much less that it’s doubtful character matters at all.

You think I’m talking about Donald Trump, don’t you? You think I’m talking about the disturbing tendency of Trumpists to shrug aside his infidelities, his ignorance, and his outright mendacity, for the sake of policy victories and good judges, or to simply beat the Left. You think I’m talking about the irritating tendency to care more about who is making claims against Trump than the truth of the claims themselves. After all, if Donald Trump loses, the “deep state” wins, and the deep state simply cannot be permitted to prevail.

For more than two years now, progressives have been screaming to conservatives that the truth matters. Character matters. You cannot — must not — turn a blind eye to real wrongdoing, even when the stakes seem high. In other words, after selling out to protect Bill Clinton in 1998, the progressive movement has reformed. It understands that character matters and some values (our “norms”) transcend politics.

Or maybe their movement hasn’t reformed at all. Maybe partisans haven’t changed. Raise the stakes enough, and character once again matters less than the cause.

Just ask the progressive partisans of Pope Francis. This week, we’ve witnessed a remarkable turn of events. A senior Vatican official — a member of a rival Church faction — has written a letter accusing the pope of ignoring claims of sex abuse against former cardinal Theodore McCarrick. The pope has not denied the allegations. In fact, he’s refused to address the allegations at all. It’s a claim that cries out for a full and complete investigation, and if the allegations are proven true, then it demands a meaningful consequence.

But don’t tell that to the New York Times. Don’t tell that to the pope’s defenders. They’ve turned to the old playbook. Demonize the accusers. Question their good faith. Point out the good that the pope is doing. Read, for example, this remarkable paragraph in a Times article entitled “Vatican Power Struggle Bursts Into Open as Conservatives Pounce”:
With the letter — released in the middle of the pope’s visit to Ireland — an ideologically motivated opposition has weaponized the church’s sex abuse crisis to threaten not only Francis’ agenda but his entire papacy. At the very least, it has returned the issue of homosexuality in the Roman Catholic Church, which many conservatives are convinced lies behind the abuse crisis, to the center of debate.

Wait. What? To put this in perspective, can you imagine the Times writing: “An ideologically motivated opposition has weaponized Donald Trump’s affairs to threaten not only Trump’s agenda but his entire presidency”? The Times is engaging in Breitbart-level misdirection.
And it’s not “just” the most important newspaper in the world indulging in this kind of spin. Take the astounding NBC News interview of Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago. After saying that the news media should press Francis’s accuser for information (fair enough), Cupich says this:
But for the Holy Father, I think to get into each and every one of those aspects, in some way is inappropriate and secondly, the pope has a bigger agenda. He’s gotta get on with other things of talking about the environment and protecting migrants and carrying on the work of the Church. We’re not going to go down a rabbit hole on this.

Is that the progressive Christian version of “But Gorsuch”? But the environment. But immigration.

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Old 09-01-2018, 10:21 AM
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Re: The Character Crisis Comes to Rome

Sede Vacante
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~Declaration of Independence
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