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Old 08-07-2018, 09:31 AM
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Health Insurance

Health Insurance has become so expensive since Obama broke health care, and the Republicans have not fixed it.

I now know several people who used to carry health insurance who can no longer afford it.

When I retire I'm looking at paying possibly 600/month until I can sign up for medicare.

Newt G wrote this on health care:

The U.S. economy has been growing and breaking records ever since President Trump first took office and Republicans took control of Congress.

Many in the GOP are hoping this success will help them get re-elected in November. Some consultants I’ve spoken with seem to think it will inoculate Republican candidates against most all Democratic attacks.

They are mostly right, except for one area – health care.

No doubt, Republicans should be proud of the enormous success of the economy. But the economy won’t reach its full potential and the GOP will not win big in the 2018 elections unless Republicans deal with the cost of health care in America.

The reason is simple:

Health care represents nearly one-fifth of our country’s economy and is the largest driver of government spending. It is also such a huge slice of household budgets that many Americans don’t end up feeling the benefits of the 4.1 percent growth in gross domestic product (GDP). In 2016, individual health care costs amounted to $10,328 per person (in 1960, that figure was $146).

As Dave Winston and Myra Miller at The Winston Group have noted, with nearly half of Americans saying they are living paycheck-to-paycheck (with no reserves for emergencies) it is hard for people to “feel the prosperity” implicit in a remarkably strong macroeconomy. Their individual micro-economies are too deeply impacted by the cost of health care.

Additionally, health care costs are out-pacing income growth because businesses have had to eschew raises and promotions to afford more and more health care costs. According to a 2017 report by the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research & Education Trust and federal income data, “premiums for an employer-provided family insurance plan have climbed 19 percent, while worker pay increased 12 percent.” The additional money Americans are receiving in their paycheck from the Tax Cut and Jobs Act helps, but lowering health care costs still needs to be a priority.

Fortunately for Republicans – and for the country – we now have leadership capable of developing a serious strategy for a dramatically improved health care system. Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar has the knowledge and the experience to help shape a new, profoundly better health system for all Americans.

Secretary Azar’s move this week to widen access to less expensive, short-duration health insurance plans was a step in the right direction. These plans will give Americans more options to buy the level of insurance they need for themselves – rather than being forced to buy more expensive coverage they don’t necessarily need.

President Trump’s earlier announced plan for reducing prescription drug prices will also be a huge help for families, and the administration’s support for the expansion of association health plans will provide more options for small businesses and self-employed individuals.

So, while there is still more work to be done, Republicans can point to positive steps that have been taken and progress that has been made — but they can’t shy away from talking about health care.

This reality of half the nation operating on the margin is what drives support for government-run health care, which is now sweeping large parts of the Democratic party. If Republicans refuse to articulate a better solution, a large portion of the American people will decide that government bureaucracy is better than constant economic anxiety about unknowable, increasing health costs.

As I have written before, if the left wins on health care and puts in place a single-payer system, it would be a disaster.

So, to truly win the economic argument, Republicans must think through and win the health care argument. The dynamics of the fall campaign give them no choice. The Democrats’ government-run health care system will fill the gap left by the absence of a serious Republican alternative.

There is a long tradition of Republicans trying to avoid health issues. Consultants assert “it isn’t our topic.” Incumbents find it hard to communicate a clear policy or plan for improving the health system. “Repeal and Replace” was largely about repeal because Republicans lacked a coherent plan to replace ObamaCare. This is why it failed.

A Republican party that hides from the challenge of modernizing the health system is a party which has conceded a huge part of the political playing field to the left.

Conversely, a Republican party that can explain common sense improvements that will empower Americans to have longer lives, better health, greater convenience, more choices, and lower costs in health care is a party that can easily demolish the left’s arguments.

This is the moral and economic necessity of 2018.

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Old 08-07-2018, 10:58 AM
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Re: Health Insurance

"To win the economic argument"? Nobody cares about " winning the argument" anymore. Every man to his tent.
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Old 08-07-2018, 11:18 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Health Insurance

I think insurance companies should have a right to sell shot term health insurance packages tailored to fit individual needs. And, people should have the right to buy them.

But there is a problem with these. This is why the Obamacare plan didn't include them. Joe American is in relatively good health. He doesn't really need an insurance package covering things he doesn't need. So, he buys one of these little happy plans. Then... he's in a serious car accident. He discovers that his plan doesn't cover the extensive care he'll need, or his relatively long hospital stay. He ends up at home, needing a surgery he can't afford. Other insurance companies aren't going to pick him up and cover his injuries, he's now an expensive liability. The short-term plan expires and he's left with virtually nothing but medical bills up to his ears. And he can't pay them all. So, guess who the providers pass their loss down to? The consumer in higher healthcare costs. And what do those higher healthcare costs do? They push the cost of insurance up. While Joe American thought he didn't need various things in his coverage, he thought wrong. Joe actually needed a more comprehensive plan. But now, Joe is pretty much going to be in a wheelchair discussing his need for surgery for years, wheeling around his house, blaming Obama for his woes. And, we're all paying for the bills he couldn't pay for him... with fees and administrative costs combined.

These little plans aren't all bad. In fact, in Canada, people can buy little plans like these to supplement their government plan. And even with these plans, at the end of the day, after all is said and done, the average Canadian still has more money left in pocket... and coverage that is far better than what most Americans have.

Then you have the issue of folks just going to ERs because they don't have insurance. They drive the cost up for the rest of us... and healthcare is handled like a social service. But it isn't funded like a social service. So... there is no stability in the cost of healthcare. It just keeps on climbing.
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Old 08-07-2018, 01:22 PM
Wilsonwas Wilsonwas is offline
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Re: Health Insurance

As I work for a German company, I have German co-workers that absolutely cannot understand our system. They seem perfectly happy with theirs, something my Canadian colleagues did not.

They school system, and their healthcare system are government run. They pay high taxes, but they seem to like them both. The good for them is that theirs never was as broken as ours. Which in part is the insurance companies, part large corporate hospitals with high admin costs- and lawyers
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Old 08-07-2018, 01:37 PM
Wilsonwas Wilsonwas is offline
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Re: Health Insurance

I write the above, as I am in ER being checked for a heart problem. Is it weird I find that ironic ?
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Old 08-07-2018, 01:39 PM
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Re: Health Insurance

Originally Posted by Wilsonwas View Post
I write the above, as I am in ER being checked for a heart problem. Is it weird I find that ironic ?
praying you are ok in Jesus name.
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Old 08-07-2018, 01:42 PM
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Re: Health Insurance

I'm tempted to forgo insurance and trust God for healing.
I've had cancer once, but don't want to go thru chemo again regardless.
I just need to outlive my dog and my husband (because he is disabled)


A few years back my husband lived in Germany, and I visited him regularly.
He got sick and had to go to the hospital, they took really good care of him and did not bill him.

Now that Germany's borders are being overrun, I wonder if they still provide healthcare for non citizens.

Last edited by Amanah; 08-07-2018 at 01:44 PM.
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Old 08-07-2018, 02:08 PM
Wilsonwas Wilsonwas is offline
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Re: Health Insurance

Originally Posted by Amanah View Post
I'm tempted to forgo insurance and trust God for healing.
I've had cancer once, but don't want to go thru chemo again regardless.
I just need to outlive my dog and my husband (because he is disabled)


A few years back my husband lived in Germany, and I visited him regularly.
He got sick and had to go to the hospital, they took really good care of him and did not bill him.

Now that Germany's borders are being overrun, I wonder if they still provide healthcare for non citizens.
I can ask one of the guys. Their english is better than my german.

Just got a cat scan with the studd from an iv that makes you feel warm...since its hot out that was unpleasant....
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Old 08-07-2018, 02:17 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Health Insurance

I agree with Newt G regarding the GOP needs to do something about healthcare.

obamacare was awful, and single-payer is far too expensive besides the other host of issues it would cause with govt involvement. But there does need to be some changes made that the GOP-led Congress could and should implement.

They've had control of the WH and Congress for two years now and haven't done anything about it. Of course, the fishing expedition by Mueller and Democrats has slowed things down, but it can still be done.
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Old 08-07-2018, 03:41 PM
BuckeyeBukaroo BuckeyeBukaroo is offline

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Re: Health Insurance

Republicans have been in control of Congress for YEARS-- since 2010.

Truth is, the clowns in Congress would rather cut Americans' noses off to spite our faces when it comes to healthcare reform. As long as the evil Democrats look bad..

In fact, all of Congress has had ample opportunities over the last 8 years or so to fix things so that healthcare reform makes sense.

They would rather let people like you and me suffer so that they can use our suffering as a campaigning point and rallying cry.

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