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Old 07-27-2018, 10:30 PM
CalledOut238 CalledOut238 is offline

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Judaism is not Hebraism

When the Kingdom of Judah returned from Babylon; after seventy years of captivity, they gradually regained nationhood. While in Babylon the Yehudi blended pagan and Hebraic beliefs into a system of oral teachings known as the tradition of the elders. (Matthew 15:2-3)

Hasmonean John Hyrcanus; a dynamic priest-king of Judah, conquered the people directly to the south of Judah which were the Edomites. After thoroughly subjugating them, Hyrcanus gave the Edomites the choice of either death or conversion to the religion, language, and culture of Judah. This proved to be a catastrophic decision for the people of Judah, and a choice which Hyrcanus should have known as forbidden in Old Testament law (Deuteronomy 7:1-5; Leviticus 20:24, Joshua 23:12-13; Ezra 9:1-4; Nehemiah 13:23-30). This is the point in history when the meaning of the names Judah, Judean, and Jew became convoluted. All citizens of Judea were Judean; however, not all citizens of Judea were descendants of Judah (Tribe).

There is Edom [Esau is called Edom in Genesis 36:8]. And Edom is in 'Modern Jewry' Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol. 5, p. 41. Even the encyclopedia on your shelf may inform you of these events, if one is sharp enough to understand the significance: “The Hasmonean dynasty conquered the Idumeans in the 100's B.C., and converted them to Judaism.” (World Book Encyclopedia, 1967, Vol. 6, p. 55)

The Romans, in the 1st century BCE, conquered much of the known world, ending the reign of the Greeks, as well as the reign of the Hasmonean dynasty in Israel. Around 40 BCE, the Roman Senate proclaimed Herod the Great as "King of the Jews." When Herod came to power, he solidified his position by bringing in relatives from Idumea and appointing many non-Judeans to important positions. And he killed the entire Sanhedrin except Hillel and Shammai. Herod was practicing Judaism, as many Edomites and Nabateans had been commingled with the Judeans and adopted their customs. The Edomites were called the Herodians in scripture and were politically aligned and supported Herod. The scriptures also prove many of the Pharisees were Edomites. The Pharisees told the Messiah that they had never gone into bondage. This could only apply to the Edomites living in Judea at this time, because the tribe of Judah was taken into captivity in 585 BC by Babylon.

John 8:33 They answered him, We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?

Two of the best known 18th century editions of the New Testament in English are the Rheims (Douai) Edition and the King James Authorized Edition and both contain the word “Jew." Yet, when the English language version of the Rheims (Douai) New Testament was first printed in 1582 the word "Jew" did NOT appear in it. Similarly the King James Authorized translation of the New Testament into English (begun in 1604) and first published in 1611, here too the word "Jew" did NOT appear. The original chroniclers used the Greek "Ioudaîos" to denote people who lived in Judaea, that is, in English, for "Judeans." The word "Jew" is a relatively modern invention used, seemingly indiscriminately and interchangeably, by 18th century redactors to describe Israelites, Judahites and Judeans.

The word, “Gentile”, originated from the Latin Vulgate translation, where the Roman doctrine claimed that Rome had inherited the promises made to Israel, that is, the Roman Church had become the “Israel” of the Bible. The inference of the word, “Gentile”, in the Roman Catholic context, is one who is “not of Rome”. In the English translations that were based upon the Latin Vulgate, this Latin word has carried on with a similar meaning but instead of meaning "not of Rome" it has become to mean "not of Israel". Gentile in Hebrew (Strong's H1471) Gowy, Gio, and Goyim means nation, people. And I will make of thee [Israel] a great nation (goy)... (Genesis 12:2, KJV) The Greek word ethnos (Strong's 1484) literally means "nation." This word is used in the 2,000 year old Greek Septuagint to translate the Hebrew word goy (Strong's 1471), which also means "nation." In the Greek texts the word Hellen = “Greek”, and is used thirty five times, but our translators have also chosen to translate this word (wrongly) as “gentile”, particularly in the Book of Romans. Ethnos and Hellen are quite different words! Consequently, the New Testament refers to two groups: The Uncircumcision (the Israelites outside the Judean nation) and the Circumcision (the Israelites inside the Judean nation). All of Paul’s writings were to the Israelites. He uses ethnos to refer to his outcast kinsmen of Israel because that is how they were addressed in the Old Testament Scriptures -- Genesis 19:4-6; Psalm 22:27, 28; Psalm 57: 9; Psalm 67:4; Psalm 81:8; Psalm 108:3; Psalm 117:1; Isaiah 5:26; Isaiah 11:12; Isaiah 34:1; Jeremiah 1:5,10. His children are still responsible to share the true light to all nations. Deuteronomy 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord.

Many Christians today believe that Judaism is the faith of Hebrews or Israelites. But Judaism puts the Babylonian Talmud over the Tanakh or Old Testament. The Babylonian Talmud, composed of the Mishnah and the Gemara, was the final halachic authority in 500 CE that is accepted by the rabbis of Judaism. The Zohar (Kabbalah), come from nearly 1,600 years Judeans spent in plains of Shinar. Even their Rabbis know the distinction between Judaic and Hebraic teaching.

Rabbi Ben Zion Bokser wrote, "This is not an uncommon impression and one finds it sometimes among Jews as well as Christians. That Judaism is the religion of the Hebrew Bible. It is, of course, a fallacious impression. Judaism is not the religion of the Bible.” (Judaism and the Christian Predicament, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1967, p. 59).

Rabbi Moshe M. Maggal, President, National Jewish Information Service wrote: ". . . you will notice the great difference between the Jewish and Christian religions. But these are not all. We consider the two religions so different that one excludes the other . . . we emphasized that there is no such thing as a Judeo-Christian religion. There is not any similarity between the two concepts" (Letter of August 21, 1961).

The Mishna is a collection of rabbinic notes derived from the Jewish oral tradition. When Jesus walked the earth the Mishnah was known as the traditions of the elders. The Kabbalah is the ancient Jewish tradition of mystical interpretation of the Old Testament was influenced by the mysticism of the Babylonian culture.

Matthew 15:2. Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? For they wash not their hands when they eat bread. 3 But he answered and said unto them, (Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?) 4. For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death. 5. But ye say, Whosoever shall say to his father or his mother, It is a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; 6 And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition. 7 Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, and 8. This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. 9. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

When you combined the confusion of the Maccabean period; and Latin grammatical perversions of the modern era, you have created a counterfeit people who masquerade as “God’s Chosen People.” They are the Synagogue of Satan that Jesus referred to in Revelation chapters 2&3: verse 9. Look around and you will see the Antichrist Spirit of Judaism orchestrating Catholicism, Islam, Secret Societies and Governments to destroy the body of Christ in plain site by its hidden hand. This Kingdom of Iron and Clay; Rome and Edom, continues its deception on Christians who believe Judaism is Hebraism.

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Old 07-28-2018, 07:14 AM
Monterrey Monterrey is offline
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Re: Judaism is not Hebraism


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Old 07-28-2018, 07:42 PM
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Esaias Esaias is offline
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Re: Judaism is not Hebraism

Originally Posted by CalledOut238 View Post
When the Kingdom of Judah returned from Babylon; after seventy years of captivity, they gradually regained nationhood. While in Babylon the Yehudi blended pagan and Hebraic beliefs into a system of oral teachings known as the tradition of the elders. (Matthew 15:2-3)

Hasmonean John Hyrcanus; a dynamic priest-king of Judah, conquered the people directly to the south of Judah which were the Edomites. After thoroughly subjugating them, Hyrcanus gave the Edomites the choice of either death or conversion to the religion, language, and culture of Judah. This proved to be a catastrophic decision for the people of Judah, and a choice which Hyrcanus should have known as forbidden in Old Testament law (Deuteronomy 7:1-5; Leviticus 20:24, Joshua 23:12-13; Ezra 9:1-4; Nehemiah 13:23-30). This is the point in history when the meaning of the names Judah, Judean, and Jew became convoluted. All citizens of Judea were Judean; however, not all citizens of Judea were descendants of Judah (Tribe).

There is Edom [Esau is called Edom in Genesis 36:8]. And Edom is in 'Modern Jewry' Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol. 5, p. 41. Even the encyclopedia on your shelf may inform you of these events, if one is sharp enough to understand the significance: “The Hasmonean dynasty conquered the Idumeans in the 100's B.C., and converted them to Judaism.” (World Book Encyclopedia, 1967, Vol. 6, p. 55)

The Romans, in the 1st century BCE, conquered much of the known world, ending the reign of the Greeks, as well as the reign of the Hasmonean dynasty in Israel. Around 40 BCE, the Roman Senate proclaimed Herod the Great as "King of the Jews." When Herod came to power, he solidified his position by bringing in relatives from Idumea and appointing many non-Judeans to important positions. And he killed the entire Sanhedrin except Hillel and Shammai. Herod was practicing Judaism, as many Edomites and Nabateans had been commingled with the Judeans and adopted their customs. The Edomites were called the Herodians in scripture and were politically aligned and supported Herod. The scriptures also prove many of the Pharisees were Edomites. The Pharisees told the Messiah that they had never gone into bondage. This could only apply to the Edomites living in Judea at this time, because the tribe of Judah was taken into captivity in 585 BC by Babylon.

John 8:33 They answered him, We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?

Two of the best known 18th century editions of the New Testament in English are the Rheims (Douai) Edition and the King James Authorized Edition and both contain the word “Jew." Yet, when the English language version of the Rheims (Douai) New Testament was first printed in 1582 the word "Jew" did NOT appear in it. Similarly the King James Authorized translation of the New Testament into English (begun in 1604) and first published in 1611, here too the word "Jew" did NOT appear. The original chroniclers used the Greek "Ioudaîos" to denote people who lived in Judaea, that is, in English, for "Judeans." The word "Jew" is a relatively modern invention used, seemingly indiscriminately and interchangeably, by 18th century redactors to describe Israelites, Judahites and Judeans.

The word, “Gentile”, originated from the Latin Vulgate translation, where the Roman doctrine claimed that Rome had inherited the promises made to Israel, that is, the Roman Church had become the “Israel” of the Bible. The inference of the word, “Gentile”, in the Roman Catholic context, is one who is “not of Rome”. In the English translations that were based upon the Latin Vulgate, this Latin word has carried on with a similar meaning but instead of meaning "not of Rome" it has become to mean "not of Israel". Gentile in Hebrew (Strong's H1471) Gowy, Gio, and Goyim means nation, people. And I will make of thee [Israel] a great nation (goy)... (Genesis 12:2, KJV) The Greek word ethnos (Strong's 1484) literally means "nation." This word is used in the 2,000 year old Greek Septuagint to translate the Hebrew word goy (Strong's 1471), which also means "nation." In the Greek texts the word Hellen = “Greek”, and is used thirty five times, but our translators have also chosen to translate this word (wrongly) as “gentile”, particularly in the Book of Romans. Ethnos and Hellen are quite different words! Consequently, the New Testament refers to two groups: The Uncircumcision (the Israelites outside the Judean nation) and the Circumcision (the Israelites inside the Judean nation). All of Paul’s writings were to the Israelites. He uses ethnos to refer to his outcast kinsmen of Israel because that is how they were addressed in the Old Testament Scriptures -- Genesis 19:4-6; Psalm 22:27, 28; Psalm 57: 9; Psalm 67:4; Psalm 81:8; Psalm 108:3; Psalm 117:1; Isaiah 5:26; Isaiah 11:12; Isaiah 34:1; Jeremiah 1:5,10. His children are still responsible to share the true light to all nations. Deuteronomy 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord.

Many Christians today believe that Judaism is the faith of Hebrews or Israelites. But Judaism puts the Babylonian Talmud over the Tanakh or Old Testament. The Babylonian Talmud, composed of the Mishnah and the Gemara, was the final halachic authority in 500 CE that is accepted by the rabbis of Judaism. The Zohar (Kabbalah), come from nearly 1,600 years Judeans spent in plains of Shinar. Even their Rabbis know the distinction between Judaic and Hebraic teaching.

Rabbi Ben Zion Bokser wrote, "This is not an uncommon impression and one finds it sometimes among Jews as well as Christians. That Judaism is the religion of the Hebrew Bible. It is, of course, a fallacious impression. Judaism is not the religion of the Bible.” (Judaism and the Christian Predicament, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1967, p. 59).

Rabbi Moshe M. Maggal, President, National Jewish Information Service wrote: ". . . you will notice the great difference between the Jewish and Christian religions. But these are not all. We consider the two religions so different that one excludes the other . . . we emphasized that there is no such thing as a Judeo-Christian religion. There is not any similarity between the two concepts" (Letter of August 21, 1961).

The Mishna is a collection of rabbinic notes derived from the Jewish oral tradition. When Jesus walked the earth the Mishnah was known as the traditions of the elders. The Kabbalah is the ancient Jewish tradition of mystical interpretation of the Old Testament was influenced by the mysticism of the Babylonian culture.

Matthew 15:2. Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? For they wash not their hands when they eat bread. 3 But he answered and said unto them, (Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?) 4. For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death. 5. But ye say, Whosoever shall say to his father or his mother, It is a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; 6 And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition. 7 Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, and 8. This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. 9. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

When you combined the confusion of the Maccabean period; and Latin grammatical perversions of the modern era, you have created a counterfeit people who masquerade as “God’s Chosen People.” They are the Synagogue of Satan that Jesus referred to in Revelation chapters 2&3: verse 9. Look around and you will see the Antichrist Spirit of Judaism orchestrating Catholicism, Islam, Secret Societies and Governments to destroy the body of Christ in plain site by its hidden hand. This Kingdom of Iron and Clay; Rome and Edom, continues its deception on Christians who believe Judaism is Hebraism.

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Old 08-14-2020, 09:57 AM
LetUsReason LetUsReason is offline
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Re: Judaism is not Hebraism

Certainly there has been alot of ethnic mixing over the years, and certainly rabbinic Judaism is far from Mosaic Judaism. Several questions...just interested to hear your response... do you support the modern state of Israel? And if you believe all of modern Jewry is really Edomites masquerading as Jews, who do you believe are the "real" Jews?
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Old 08-14-2020, 07:34 PM
1 God 1 God is offline

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Re: Judaism is not Hebraism

I think God has been regathering the Jews in that land,among others, for His return.
He saves them as He returns to that area.
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Old 08-15-2020, 10:07 AM
LetUsReason LetUsReason is offline
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Re: Judaism is not Hebraism

Originally Posted by 1 God View Post
I think God has been regathering the Jews in that land,among others, for His return.
He saves them as He returns to that area.
So in your view, the Jews in Israel are "real Jews?" Or a mix? Do you believe in the Khazarian imposter view that most of modern Jewry is fake? (Not taking a position, just asking questions).
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Old 08-15-2020, 08:12 PM
1 God 1 God is offline

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Re: Judaism is not Hebraism

I am not sure of their bloodlines, but God clearly said they would be regathered.
I count the word of God as accurate, not census results.
God has always done what He says He will do.
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Old 08-16-2020, 11:22 AM
LetUsReason LetUsReason is offline
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Re: Judaism is not Hebraism

Originally Posted by 1 God View Post
I am not sure of their bloodlines, but God clearly said they would be regathered.
I count the word of God as accurate, not census results.
God has always done what He says He will do.
Yes, I see two clear worldwide regatherings of Israel prophesied in Scripture. The first, a regathering in unbelief (which I believe we've witnessed in the past 100 years) and the final and second, a regathering in faith (after the Second Coming). That wasn't really my question though. The OP seems to believe all of modern Jewry is Edomite imposters, so I'm curious who the you all believe the "real" Jews are then. I know some people who believe strongly in the fake Jews theory take it as far as to deny the re-emergence of the nation of Israel as even being a prophetic event at all. In fact, many of them are steeped in anti-Semitism and will actually call supporters of Israel "Zionists" as a pejorative.
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Old 08-16-2020, 04:33 PM
1 God 1 God is offline

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Re: Judaism is not Hebraism

Originally Posted by LetUsReason View Post
Yes, I see two clear worldwide regatherings of Israel prophesied in Scripture. The first, a regathering in unbelief (which I believe we've witnessed in the past 100 years) and the final and second, a regathering in faith (after the Second Coming). That wasn't really my question though. The OP seems to believe all of modern Jewry is Edomite imposters, so I'm curious who the you all believe the "real" Jews are then. I know some people who believe strongly in the fake Jews theory take it as far as to deny the re-emergence of the nation of Israel as even being a prophetic event at all. In fact, many of them are steeped in anti-Semitism and will actually call supporters of Israel "Zionists" as a pejorative.
I simply know that God made a promise to Abraham to save his physical descendants in the future.
I trust God was being truthful to him and will fulfill His word.
After Abraham died, God spoke about this same promise through the prophets, Jesus, then the Apostles.
It is laced from Genesis to Revelation.
I don't want to even start posting passages that you already know concerning this promise, but I trust you know them all(per your studies).
Some day, God will save all of physical national Israel, as they are sinners today...the way He saves everyone else.
His promise to Abraham will be fulfilled on that day. If God fibs here, half our Bible is a false deceptive book..
Folks merely question God's logistical operation, which is a non-starter.

Last edited by 1 God; 08-16-2020 at 04:36 PM.
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Old 08-16-2020, 01:53 PM
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Esaias Esaias is offline
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Re: Judaism is not Hebraism

The modern day people called Jews are not the House of Judah nor are they the Biblical Israel nor are they really even Biblical Israelites (though there are some among them who are descended from Jacob).

About half of the global population of modern day Jews are Chinese-Southeast Asian. Hardly Israelites.

The Bible prophesied that Israel would become a multitude of nations and a company of nations united under Messiah and controlling most of the world's resources and would be responsible for the global propagation of not only general blessings of prosperity and civilisation but the global propagation of the Word of God and the Gospel of Christ.

The modern day state over in the Levant calling itself "Israel" has fulfilled ZERO prophecies concerning the descendants of Jacob.

In the first century AD Judea was controlled by Edomites under Herod. The ruling Edomite families were intermarrying with the Flavians (Imperial Roman ruling families) and their cousins throughout the Empire, particularly in Asia Minor, Armenia, and what is now northern Iraq and Iran (the area just south of the later Khazarian kingdom).

Upon the destruction of Jerusalem, many Judeans were killed and many others sold off into slavery and many others scattered abroad. A large number of those Judeans were in fact Edomites (having been forcibly converted under John Hyrcanus during the times of the Maccabees prior to the first century AD). Centuries later many of the Jews living in what is now Iraq and Iran and Arabia converted to Islam. Not long after, the Khazarian kingdom converted to Judaism en masse. The Khazarians shortly afterwards migrated into Eastern Europe.

There are essentially four groups comprehended by the term "Jews" today: descendants of Esau (the Edomite aka Idumean faction), descendants of the Khazars (many of whom intermarried with the Slavic peoples of Eastern Europe as well as the Germans of central Europe and Spain), descendants of Jacob (their number is unknown and unknowable due to the loss of geneological records as required by Scripture - see Ezra-Nehemiah), various other ethnicities converted to Judaism such as Chinese, Arabic, and African groups.
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Last edited by Esaias; 08-16-2020 at 01:55 PM.
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