Originally Posted by Esaias
Does your church have a private school?
Can you describe the following:
1. Number of students
2. Number of teachers
3. Curriculum used
4. Training of teachers
5. Average yearly tuition cost per student
6. Average total yearly cost to operate
7. What role the church plays in financing, hiring, training of staff and faculty, curriculum selection, etc.
8. Areas you think improvement is needed
The church in which my father was Pastor had a private school when I was growing up. It closed shortly after I graduated.
1. At its height, about 30. When I graduated, about 18, mostly elementary.
2. Between 3-7, depending on the day.
3. Accelerated Christian Education.
4. I believe the teachers went through some kind of ACE training. They were all volunteers from the church
5. Free to students who attended church.
6. I don't know. Couldn't have been cheap, between curriculum, books, lunch and other activities.
7. It was completely private. All costs were incurred by the church. Staff were volunteers from the church. Training was through ACE.
8. Improvements, IIRC, could have been with knowledge of the staff, especially once our Youth Pastor moved to another city to Pastor a church. For readers who don't know ACE, students work on their own using a workbook, or PACE (Packet of Accelerated Christian Education), it's not instructor-led.