Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
Well since then I have met another one in Lexington KY. The Pastor there told me there are a lot of post trib UPC Churches. He says they have been persuaded to believe in post trib by listening to Brother Irvin Baxter. Having said that he has yet to name any of these Churches.
In my time in the UPC, I'd say that while there are a lot of pre trib churches with pre trib pastors, there are also quite a few post trib members. Also, EVERY single UPC church I've been a member of except maybe one had a pastor who said they weren't 100% certain either way. Some of them leaned post trib, but didn't want to offend the pretribbers in the congregation.
Among independents, the ones I've known were mostly post trib.
So, there's a lot of post trib believers, although the church leadership tends to be officially pre trib more often than not, for some reason. Post trib usually doesn't garner big crowds paying big tithes. Might be because post tribbers are spending all their money on stockpiling food and other tribulation preps? lol j/k