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Old 11-01-2015, 12:12 AM
JoReba JoReba is offline

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Matthew 16:15-23, Jesus' Quick Little Lesson.

Quick, but evidently beyond the comprehension of both historic and current Church Babblers.

In Matthew 16 Jesus asked His Guys who they thought He was, and Peter alone stepped up with the right answer. "You are the Christ, the son of the living God." Peter did not call Jesus "God," and Jesus affirmed Peter's exact words, stating Peter's knowledge was only from His Father in Heaven.

Jesus called Peter "Blessed," renamed Him "Peter" (even though the text already had called him Peter), and lastly gave him some sort of "Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven."

The ensuing text has Jesus explaining the ghastly abuse and death He would soon have in Jerusalem. Peter then mistakenly tried to be protective and supportive to his Lord in the only way He knew how. Rather than kindly explaining a little more of the situation to Peter, and thanking Peter for his love, for Peter's error Jesus jumped down his throat, and called him "Satan."

Let's review, in case you cannot follow this with your level of Faith. First Peter was "Blessed," was affirmed as having heard from The Father Himself, had his identity profoundly established in his name as Peter, and was promised an unparalleled authority with the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, then Jesus decided to call Peter "Satan" for his one ignorant error.

The purpose in this review of Matthew 16:15-23 here is to show how Jesus easily demonstrated that if any Christian makes a mistake in Doctrine, displays any omission of the facts as spoken by Jesus, does not perfectly understand Jesus and His work, or speaks out of step with any Prophecy from The Father, then that Christian is assuredly indwelt with either Satan himself or with an evil spirit.

This is why "ministers," preachers, and evangelists need not be listened to or supported in any manner. By their own admission, they are "not perfect." Their roles were strictly for starting The Church, and not for The Church's continuation through today. No Scripture ever speaks of an ongoing role for them, especially since The Apostles and The NT writers all had expected Jesus to return soon within their life time. The immediacy of Jesus' return appears throughout all of The NT. Just read it.

Lol. Think with agape before you embarrass both yourself and your ... Lord.
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Old 11-01-2015, 07:09 AM
shazeep shazeep is offline

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Re: Matthew 16:15-23, Jesus' Quick Little Lesson.

you have already demonstrated that there is no point in replying to you, as you seem to be locked in a monologue; but for the record, this was written after the fact, when Peter was already known as Peter, and so that would explain why he was already called that before this passage. Also, Peter left his place in "rebuking Jesus," and so the response is deemed appropriate from that perspective. Peace to you.
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Old 11-01-2015, 09:39 AM
JoReba JoReba is offline

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Re: Matthew 16:15-23, Jesus' Quick Little Lesson.

Originally Posted by shazeep View Post
you have already demonstrated that there is no point in replying to you, as you seem to be locked in a monologue; but for the record, this was written after the fact, when Peter was already known as Peter, and so that would explain why he was already called that before this passage. Also, Peter left his place in "rebuking Jesus," and so the response is deemed appropriate from that perspective. Peace to you.
That's it? That is the best you can come up with in the English language? Lol.

If there "is no point in replying" to me, why did you just reply? How intelligent are you?
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Old 11-01-2015, 06:07 PM
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Re: Matthew 16:15-23, Jesus' Quick Little Lesson.

Originally Posted by shazeep View Post
you have already demonstrated that there is no point in replying to you, as you seem to be locked in a monologue; but for the record, this was written after the fact, when Peter was already known as Peter, and so that would explain why he was already called that before this passage. Also, Peter left his place in "rebuking Jesus," and so the response is deemed appropriate from that perspective. Peace to you.
Exactly Shazeep!

And besides, while Peter did some terrible things like deny Jesus at the time Jesus needed him the most... Jesus forgave him, and the keys to the kingdom were still his.

Joreba... the hurt runs like an ugly river through your soul and onto the pages of this forum. You are the one who needs to forgive, and the one you are angry at the most is Jesus himself. Has Jesus disappointed you?
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Old 11-01-2015, 08:18 PM
JoReba JoReba is offline

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Re: Matthew 16:15-23, Jesus' Quick Little Lesson.

Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord View Post
Exactly Shazeep!

And besides, while Peter did some terrible things like deny Jesus at the time Jesus needed him the most... Jesus forgave him, and the keys to the kingdom were still his.

Joreba... the hurt runs like an ugly river through your soul and onto the pages of this forum. You are the one who needs to forgive, and the one you are angry at the most is Jesus himself. Has Jesus disappointed you?
Unkempt, The stupidity and gullibility runs thru you like a ... a ... a ... powerless 40 minute monologue delivered by a Dimwit preacher. Lol.

Did you know Jesus never commanded anyone to "ask Him into their heart?" Yet, you have tried to do so. Revelation 3:20 Jesus knocking says nothing about "heart," and the context of that verse is about people who are already saved and in The Church.

Do you really think accurate knowledge of Scripture and Jesus is about being "hurt?" Nope. Lol. It is more about the stench of foul doctrine.
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Old 11-01-2015, 10:05 PM
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Re: Matthew 16:15-23, Jesus' Quick Little Lesson.

Originally Posted by JoReba View Post
Unkempt, The stupidity and gullibility runs thru you like a ... a ... a ... powerless 40 minute monologue delivered by a Dimwit preacher. Lol.

Did you know Jesus never commanded anyone to "ask Him into their heart?" Yet, you have tried to do so. Revelation 3:20 Jesus knocking says nothing about "heart," and the context of that verse is about people who are already saved and in The Church.

Do you really think accurate knowledge of Scripture and Jesus is about being "hurt?" Nope. Lol. It is more about the stench of foul doctrine.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 11-02-2015, 02:37 PM
JoReba JoReba is offline

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Re: Matthew 16:15-23, Jesus' Quick Little Lesson.

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Lol. I see you still look to the World, and it's language of Hollywood movies, to frame and express your inner thoughts and priorities. Spend a lot of time watching that Godlessness, do you? As an Evangelist? An "anointed" Evangelist spending hours looking at the trash from Hollywood? Posting the pictures of them, rather than speaking the Words of God from Scripture?

Are you phoney, or genuine? Let me know when The Holy Spirit convicts you.

(P.S. Do you and your Little Wifey let your children watch TV trash, or do you just watch it? Lol. Gotcha again.)
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