Originally Posted by Originalist
I lost all respect for Walker. What a sore loser. "Positive message". He means, "The GOP establishment RINO line". He just insulted all those who want ACTION on the things Trump is talking about. Even if Trump fizzles his supporters are not going to Jeb. The revolution has begun and there is no stopping it.
I knew he was a Rhino and would support the GOP Establishment when he threw Ted Cruz under the bus on the Obamacare filibuster. He along with Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, Lindsey Graham, etc. put out their fear mongering that we would lose very big in 2014 if we pushed that issue.
Ted said we wouldn't lose, it's what the American people want. We didn't lose and they are on record as Rhinos. They DO NOT want change.
Now, 7 activists and chairs from Scott Walker have jumped on board the Cruz train.
So, I've heard it will be a Trump/Carson (with Trump putting Cruz on Supreme Court) or a Jeb/Rubio or a Trump/Cruz. And I've heard it could come down to a primary fight between a conservative (Cruz) against a moderate (Rubio). We shall see.
However it lands, Ted Cruz is a fine candidate and will continue fighting for the rights of all Americans. I would LOVE to see him land on the Supreme Court bench. He would do it right.