Originally Posted by Aquila
You do realize that civil marriage and marriage licensing as we know it today didn't exist until the 1920's don't you???
Prior to the 1920's, marriage in the United States was a private arrangement under natural (or common) law... in all respects. It wasn't established, regulated, defined, or dissolved by government. George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and many others never had a "marriage license" or a "civil marriage". In fact, for most, the marriage certificate provided by churches or signed by the couple in their family Bible was enough to establish a marriage if the courts were ever involved. Many divorces were handled through private arbitration.
I was born in 1981, and this redefigning of marriage makes me uncomfortable. I don't like to have to change a system that hasn't been to bad to be going on for the last 100 years. Just because there are some leaders who don't have the common sense to know that male and female bodies where not designed for one another. This even to an atheist is ridiculus. Is mankind becoming so ignorant.
As far as a contract to be consenting between two parties, It could be argued that a dog can consent in its own way. I know animal lovers now who brag on how intelligent their dog is and maybe they could go by a tail wag or bark.Children can consent and it could be argued that some thirteen year old are pretty mature. A brother and sister can consent and I am sure it is possible for them to have sexual disposition to one another. Pretty stupid, kind of like two men or two women getting married.
I think that homosexuality has gained ground on the premise that they have a natural inclination to the same sex. There are people who have paticular desires for children, animals, near family, polygmy, etc. I guess after the homosexuals people otta start protesting all these other things as well. not really.
Homosexuality is sick and even sicker is that it is becoming normal and acceptable behavior in our culture. I dare to say at some point every homosexual alive felt when that lifestyle began that this is not right. Scripture teaches of God sending delusion. Any supporter of homosexuals having a right to marry is not loving the homosexual, but instead is actually dooming their soul. The church should be loving, but we should be vocal in our stand against.
I don't think this is just another sin, but this is actually signs to the destruction of this nation. I don't hasten the Lord's judgement because I have loved ones who I don't want to see lost. I know many look at this from a libertarian's point of view, but our allegiance is to Christ before anything else. I love homosexuals and I welcome them to our church, but we must have clear lines.