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Old 12-29-2013, 03:45 PM
easygo easygo is offline
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Poaching ??? Or Pot Shots

In old English days, every rabbit, der or hog or any other animal was owned by the king. If you were not famous or just a common pheasant you could be jailed by law for hunting the kings meat.
If someone was brought to court for crime again the crown for shooting illegal meat, he could plead (it was a pot shot) . That meant he was only trying to feed his family. In this case the judge could show some mercy or let him go.
Here in the USA, if you hit a deer and damage your car ( LOT OF RUCK) . You pay to fix your car with no help, But if your a poor trailer house redneck feeding his family and shoot a deer out of season, its called Illegal. and you go to jail and pay fines.

But is ok, to have millions of people on food stamps for GENERATIONS. I know you must have some rule of law, but I think its over kill right now.

What about fish limits?
It costs over 150k per year for each game warden in texas per year x 1000s of them. The 150k covers car, pay, free insurance and many other things.
How many fish fingerlings can be bought for the price of one game warden. (many Truck loads)
For the price for 1 game warden you could stock every pond, land private or public for a fraction of that cost twice per year.

Its more about control than conservatism of game.
I know one guy who was busted by game warden for hog hunting on his own land to stop the hogs from damaging the farm land.
In the 60s in many states you did not even have to have a license to hut or fish.
A license is a way to sell your rights back to you that they stole while we watched TV like drones.
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Old 12-30-2013, 08:34 PM
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Re: Poaching ??? Or Pot Shots

Interesting thoughts. Here in the state I live in, if you hit a deer, elk, or moose you are allowed to take the road kill home. We were very blessed last winter when a cow elk ran into my vehicle, and after the trooper came out, we were able to take the elk home, and we ate on that amazing meat all winter.
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