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Old 01-10-2013, 09:10 AM
n david n david is offline
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Mental Health bills and the CT Shooting

Breitbart and others had articles about the CT shooting and how the shooting could have been prevented had CT passed SB 452, a mental health act. Along with those articles have been discussions relating to mental health care and treatment for people who have mental health issues.

Several articles criticized the defeat of the bill. Breitbart wrote: "Why didn't the legislation pass? Because the ACLU and other "civil liberties" groups and individuals cried foul."

There are a lot of cases I don't agree with the ACLU on; however, this is one time I agree with the ACLU. SB452 was a bad bill that would not have stopped Adam Lanza. From all accounts, Adam was not violent; nor did he appear to pose any danger to himself or others. Reading through SB452, the patient has to exhibit a threat to themselves or others. So it's doubtful this would have prevented Lanza from his massacre.

The fear I have with SB452 and any other mental health bills is: who decides if the patient is a danger to society and is forcibly institutionalized and medicated against their will?

Current CT law requires two "impartial" physicians to agree on committing a patient; SB452 would have needed only one court-appointed physician to do so. Even after being released from an institution, SB 452 would require the patient to continue taking medications prescribed to them, and if they did not, they would be forcibly institutionalized again. The use of law enforcement - state or local police - could be used to detain and transport the patient to the facility. How is that a good thing?

I have very serious reservations when it comes to mental health institutions. A man who went to a church I attended a couple decades ago was arrested for theft and put in jail. Unable to make bail, he remained til his trial. He tried hanging himself in jail, so they committed him to the state mental health institution. I visited this man several times, and watched in horror as this man who was once completely sane and intelligent turned into a shell of man who could barely piece together a complete sentence. The first few visits he complained about medications he was being made to take. He said they were hurting him and causing him to be sick. Almost a year after he was committed, I visited him the last time. He was gaunt, eyes dark and hollow, mumbling, crying. He died soon after from "natural causes."

I don't believe it was natural causes at all. It was the junk drugs they forced him to take. He was murdered by court-ordered "psychiatrists" who prescribed and forcibly gave him deadly drugs.

For all the talk about gun control, I'm most concerned with what will be passed regarding mental healthcare. We all should be.
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Old 01-10-2013, 09:19 AM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Re: Mental Health bills and the CT Shooting

You said it.
And here I thought I was the only one far more worried about all this "improved" and "stricter" mental health talk than any of the gun control restrictions -which I am of course also worried about. The left will always take a mile (or more) every time you give them an inch and one can only imagine what will soon be defined as "mental illness" by them. Shoot (pun intended), most of them already consider any NRA member with more than 7 days of food storage (read: prepper), a terrorist.

Last edited by RandyWayne; 01-10-2013 at 09:22 AM.
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Old 01-10-2013, 09:47 AM
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Re: Mental Health bills and the CT Shooting

Anytime there is a mass shooting the first question that comes to my mind is... what psychotropic drug were they on. In most every case you'll find that they are on these drugs. But does the mainstream media go around yelling that we need to ban these drugs?

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Old 01-10-2013, 09:57 AM
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Re: Mental Health bills and the CT Shooting

The problem all of us need to realize is that more laws will not change man. More laws on gun control or mental health or drunk driving, or drugs or.... _________ will never stop evil from taking place. Never.

Just because there is another law against drunk driving... does that stop people from driving drunk? No. Look at all the police out there ferreting drugs everywhere they can. Does that stop the drug trade? No. It has only served to increase it. Just because there is a "LAW" that says you can or can't do such and such.... never means that man will intend to abide lawfully by it. Man-made laws only serve to be broken.

The only way to change the world we are living in today is to turn back to God's laws, essentially the ten commandments.

The only way peace will ever be achieved in this world is when man decides he can't govern himself, and needs the Spirit of Christ in him to live a righteous life.

Of course, we know that this is never going to happen as long as Satan is ruling over this world, and we are believing in nonsense if we believe that there can ever be enough laws or rules to somehow govern man into being good. It just will never happen.

Man has no power to make himself good. No amount of laws will ever change man's sinful selfish nature.

So, I said all this about the laws to say this.... mankind is on a downward spiral, and at some point when God gets tired enough of it all, there will come the "Day of the Lord" spoken about through the prophets, Christ himself and the apostles, where every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord.

Until that day, the Day of the Lord, peace will NEVER reign in the earth. We need to quit looking for it to happen on our own abilities, or strengths... or laws.

May we all become aware that the only way we can ever be "good" is only through Christ living within us. And not to expect it any other way.

May we change the world around us, not with laws, but with love. Love is the strongest force in the world.... far stronger than hate.

The only answer to the misery in this world.... loving God and loving one another.

Let us love one another and let the law of the Spirit of Christ within us teach us all things.
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