I know the question may strike you as a bit odd at first, but take in to consideration the overwhelming number of fellowship meetings, conferences, conventions, rallies, revivals, singings, homecomings, concerts, etc., there are to choose from. Pick up any Apostolic publication and you can find a listing (at least a pages worth) of different events that month where you can attend.
I know the question may strike you as a bit odd at first, but take in to consideration the overwhelming number of fellowship meetings, conferences, conventions, rallies, revivals, singings, homecomings, concerts, etc., there are to choose from. Pick up any Apostolic publication and you can find a listing (at least a pages worth) of different events that month where you can attend.
Im not that familiar with event driven fellowship. For many years fellowship to me was like sitting at a friends house and talking about Jesus for hours on end.
I have seen very little fellowship in Church meetings.
Im not that familiar with event driven fellowship. For many years fellowship to me was like sitting at a friends house and talking about Jesus for hours on end.
I have seen very little fellowship in Church meetings.
I like your definition the best! This is the kind of fellowship I am used to as well.
I suppose if one could afford to go to all the fellowship/church meetings offered it would be excessive. With guys like me who work a job, limited on cash and time the abundance of these meetings is kinda nice because I can pick and choose what to attend. when I have cash and time chances are good that there is a meeting going on some where that I may be interested in.
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. - Benjamin Franklin
I don't really subscribe to any specifically Apostolic publications but the local Christian radio stations site will show a huge variety of every kind of what you just mentioned... To me those things are more about entertainment than fellowship...
Fellowship is what I get eating lunch for an hour with my Christian co-workers and taking about our struggles and our triumphs... Or going to visit a friend in Christ who is having a tough time and just trying to meet her needs of the moment with prayer and housekeeping.
I get plenty of preaching from Don... and lots of bible study at home... but every now and then I pick something that looks fun... like a concert and get off the farm for a minute
I agree, simply attending a church does not mean your getting fellowship. The direction of this thread kind of hits close to home for my wifes family. My mother-law, who recently quit church all together used to complain and nit-pick everything and every body church related. Her main complaint was that she had no church friends, truth is, she don't have a lot of friends outside church either. For her church was a place to hurry up and get out of the way. She and my father-in-law would come in last minute, sit in the back, sit through the worship, nod to the message preached, skip the altar-call then pick up and go home soon as possible. This was her habit for 19 years, all the while not bothering to talk to any one before or after service. She never made "church" an opportunity to have fellowship. My wife and I go to the same church and know the same people and we disagree with most of what she would say about church. The difference is we made church an entirely different thing than she has. I am not suggesting that you view church the way she does or even act like she did. I choose to accept having church to be much more than a few songs, an offering and a sermon. For me, its another opportunity to connect with God, my brothers and my sisters in Christ.
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. - Benjamin Franklin
Dante... I just read a book called "Pagan Christianity" It is written by a guy who believes in organic church, or home church. You might want to read it. It is a fabulous read. I recommend it to anyone who is frustrated with the way the current church system is set up, because it brings to light the reason why there is such a problem in our churches today.
Home church, fellowship with other like minded believers, is really the only true fellowship. Sitting in a crowd being entertained, no matter what they call it... church, camp meeting, convention, concert..... is not fellowship. It is entertainment at various levels.
Sitting down with someone having face-to-face conversation, prayer, testimony, teaching, exhorting... now THAT is fellowship.