Originally Posted by jfrog
You don't find men saying that our whole national currency is counterfit very funny?
That isn't what they said. And the fact that you think it is what they said... is funny.
They didn't say our money was counterfeit. (Although it is, admittedly, fiat)
They didn't say anything was counterfeit.
They said that what the fed was caught doing due to increased disclosure of late is like counterfeiting. And if it weren't for men like Paul & Kucinich... we would have never known they did it.
The discussion was about 3+ Trillion that we would have never even known was sent out to other countries because of the secrecy of the fed.
So... In my opinion...
Recognizing first that they don't print anymore... they just add zeroes to a balance sheet... but, in the end, it's same difference and we still refer to it as printing.
A non government privately owned entity printing 3+ trillion dollars of our money that is backed by nothing and printed out of thin air and sending that money to foreign countries without the consent or even the knowledge of any part of the United States Government. Yeah... to me... that is like counterfeiting.
And when you pay higher prices for food... part of the reason is a diluted money supply that was diluted without the consent or knowledge of us or our representatives. This is way serious business. In other words... This is not funny. And one wonders what deals did that non government privately owned entity called the Federal Reserve cut with those countries in lieu of those loans taking place? The Federal Reserve is operating as if it is our government and it isn't even part of the government. It is privately owned.
To any prudent student of the American financial system... that is like counterfeiting. I didn't say it WAS counterfeiting because the national atrocity that is the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 makes it legal.
But a basic understanding of our financial system would make the scenario I laid out above... tantamount to counterfeiting. Not the money. But the act.