FRANKFORT, Ky. -- Bible classes could be taught in Kentucky public schools under a bill that's made it halfway through the legislature.
State Senator Joe Bowen wants Kentucky public school students to have an opportunity to take classes about the bible.
"No doubt about it, the most important book ever written and obviously, it's had so much influence on our society and all of western civilization," Bowen said.
Last year, former State Senator David Boswell introduced the same bill. It passed the Senate, but died in the house.
Bowen defeated Boswell last November.
Now he, too, has passed the same bill out of the Senate, even though Bowen admits there's nothing preventing Kentucky public schools from teaching bible classes now.
"There's not, but this provides a road map, OK, this sets the foundation," he said.
Last year, when Boswell introduced the bill, State Senator Tim Shaughnessy voted for it. This year, Republican Bowen introduced it, Shaughnessy didn't vote on it.
"I didn't read it as closely as I should have," Shaughnessy said. "I spent a little more time looking into it."
Shaughnessy specifically said a provision allowing students to substitute their own text for the course throws academic credibility out the window.
State Rep. Reggie Meeks has a harsher view of the bill – he believes the Senate, with its 34-1 vote in favor of the measure, is pandering to Kentucky's Christian voters.
"It's like waving meat in front of a dog, OK? You give them what they want," Meeks said.
"What this bill provides for is a social studies course. It's education, it's not indoctrination," Bowen said.
"I suspect it will not make it out of the house this year, either," Meeks said.
"We know that was an obstacle," Bowen said.