I would like to thank all those that have helped on so many projects here in Brazil. Some have asked how the bus funds are coming along. If you remember we needed 7thousand dollars. Over half has come in for this project.
Our son Arlei has been to the jungle with a group and cleared the land for a headquarters north Brazil church, dug a well and leaves next week with a team to go dig the foundation and they will be making several visits to other needy areas on this trip.
Our south Brazil tabernacle is coming along fine. We are hoping to have it finished enough for a minister’s seminar in July. That is quite a stretch of faith that our son Raul Jr is displaying.
Our son Ednei has been very sick but we believe the Lord for a miracle.
Pastor Hugo will be traveling in two weeks to the country of Paraguay where we are trying to sit up a headquarters in that area also.
!6 were just baptized in the precious name of Jesus last weekend.
Tonight we had a beautiful wedding at our headquarters church.
We know many things have happened because of our friends on the forum. We just wanted to say thanks for reaching out and helping the work here.
We love you folks.
Bro. and Sister Alvear Sr