I’ve done years of research involving mental breakdown through media and societal corruption. I find it strange how certain Apostolics are bent on the dangers of TV, not allowing this media flow in the home, yet, they allow Video Games.
I have worked with several psychiatrists who openly told me about the danger of Video Games. They expressed that they are so habit forming that marriages, jobs, and health have all been lost from Video Game addiction. One counselor with 30 years experience told us, Video Games attract the same lust and brain activity as when someone looks at pornography.
I have my own personal experience with this. My Son-in-law is so obsessed with Video Games that he has sacrificed his family, spiritual life, and personal health. At 29, he is now divorced, has health problems of a man twice his age, and no longer attends any church. I’ve watched him for the last 15 years deal with this crisis. He would throw away the games, smash his game player, only to return to the vice and challenge of another game.
After the divorce, my daughter revealed the nightmare that she lived in. He would play games almost every waking moment of his life, rejecting intimacy, time with his children, and even his job. His intimate acts became perverted with playing a game, and my daughter literally becoming a part of this false world.
I’ve never seen or heard about TV doing this to anyone. Yes, TV has many negative ramifications to those who over indulge in it, but I grew up with TV and never did I see me or my friends wanting to watch TV instead of playing outside. I’m sure there were some, but overall kids loved the outdoors. Today, kids who have the appetite for these games are finding themselves “Hooked” and unable to let them go for the important things in life.
It seems that the internet is replacing video games, though. We have a Wii and an XBox 360, but our kids rarely play them any more, preferring the internet.
Games are interactive, that's why. But I suspect someone that gets in that deep has other issues like OCD or something.
I've enjoyed playing games and I have gotten really wrapped up into them, but it's not that hard to just stop.
I was playing this game called Evony and honestly if you don't want to log in the next day and find all you've built has been wiped out over night, you are almost forced to play a lot and get little sleep. I knew people that were logging in from work just to make sure they were not getting attacked and their little "kingdoms" were being obliterated.
I got tired of staying up till 3 or 4 AM and quit. Some people I played with were going to another newer server to start all over and wanted me to join and I told them maybe later, but honestly I just did not want to go through that again. I don't hardly even play games anymore. Id rather set aside an hour or two and play with friends or something if I can, on week ends or whatever.
But some of these games are made that way, so that it becomes a virtual world with real people from all over the planet and that can be addicting.
The other thing is people can live out a fantasy of sorts. They "build" a character and that character gets stronger and stronger. They can even make him or look the way they want to and they can accumulate a lot of wealth.
That's why I say that for some that really get addicted, there is something more going in in their life. Maybe the aren't happy with who they are
__________________ Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:
There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
Every sinner must repent of their sins.
That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
Games are interactive, that's why. But I suspect someone that gets in that deep has other issues like OCD or something.
I've enjoyed playing games and I have gotten really wrapped up into them, but it's not that hard to just stop.
I was playing this game called Evony and honestly if you don't want to log in the next day and find all you've built has been wiped out over night, you are almost forced to play a lot and get little sleep. I knew people that were logging in from work just to make sure they were not getting attacked and their little "kingdoms" were being obliterated.
I got tired of staying up till 3 or 4 AM and quit. Some people I played with were going to another newer server to start all over and wanted me to join and I told them maybe later, but honestly I just did not want to go through that again. I don't hardly even play games anymore. Id rather set aside an hour or two and play with friends or something if I can, on week ends or whatever.
But some of these games are made that way, so that it becomes a virtual world with real people from all over the planet and that can be addicting.
The other thing is people can live out a fantasy of sorts. They "build" a character and that character gets stronger and stronger. They can even make him or look the way they want to and they can accumulate a lot of wealth.
That's why I say that for some that really get addicted, there is something more going in in their life. Maybe the aren't happy with who they are
That's the trend with those who become addicted; they stay up all night playing. Then, the next day they are wiped out and don't perform well at work. This is EXACTLY what happened to my Son-in-law. The domino affect all but destroyed him.
Also, my son started doing the same thing. I knew we were headed for trouble when I got up in the morning, finding him on the same game he was playing when I went to bed.
You're soooo right about the "Hook" of being worried about what is happening while you're not on board.
I'm like you. I tried playing games for a while, interacting with my son, but found myself too involved.
Do you feel Video Games are worse than Television?
My son is staying with us for a few days and brought over his XBOX 360. He is like Prax. He plays for long periods of time and then he doesn't. He did stay up all night when he was unemployed, but now that he is back to work, he goes to bed at a decent hour.
I was sitting here reading and he was playing Call of Duty. I said, "Do you realize that all of these people sit there for hours murdering?"
How can you sit and murder people for hours? I don't like that game.
My son is staying with us for a few days and brought over his XBOX 360. He is like Prax. He plays for long periods of time and then he doesn't. He did stay up all night when he was unemployed, but now that he is back to work, he goes to bed at a decent hour.
I was sitting here reading and he was playing Call of Duty. I said, "Do you realize that all of these people sit there for hours murdering?"
How can you sit and murder people for hours? I don't like that game.
I've also heard that some "experts" say playing some games like that can be therapeutic.
Technically you aren't killing people. There are some that play games like that and see themselves "killing others", but a lot of people are in it for the strategy and team work. It's pretty exhilarating to win a game because you and your buddies worked as a team.
__________________ Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:
There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
Every sinner must repent of their sins.
That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
My son is staying with us for a few days and brought over his XBOX 360. He is like Prax. He plays for long periods of time and then he doesn't. He did stay up all night when he was unemployed, but now that he is back to work, he goes to bed at a decent hour.
I was sitting here reading and he was playing Call of Duty. I said, "Do you realize that all of these people sit there for hours murdering?"
How can you sit and murder people for hours? I don't like that game.
My son and I play Call of Duty, NCAA Football, Madden, that sort of stuff, but it is never really a problem. He will be in the middle of a game and his cell rings and next thing I know he says, "Dad I am going to play football." Tonight he went to the gym to play indoor soccer...maybe I would prefer he play video games than that...hmmmm.
I think part of it is the games you play. The fact that we can walk away from these anytime and pick up where we left off is different than games that requires near lifetime commitment.
"Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow." ~Aesop
That's the trend with those who become addicted; they stay up all night playing. Then, the next day they are wiped out and don't perform well at work. This is EXACTLY what happened to my Son-in-law. The domino affect all but destroyed him.
Also, my son started doing the same thing. I knew we were headed for trouble when I got up in the morning, finding him on the same game he was playing when I went to bed.
You're soooo right about the "Hook" of being worried about what is happening while you're not on board.
I'm like you. I tried playing games for a while, interacting with my son, but found myself too involved.
Do you feel Video Games are worse than Television?
I believe they can be worse than TV. There are many that play games but don't get so wrapped up into them
Not all games involved the possibility of being attacked or losing while asleep.
For some it's different hooks that get them. For some it may be the World of WarCraft scenario where you are essentially living out a fantasy in a virtual world where you are a powerful being with powers and money.
Some of these games hook you intentionally. Like the game I spoke of earlier, to really be successful you had to spend money, They often give you "deals", "Now for the next 10 days for only $30, you will get blah blah blah"...and mind you this was a free game.
For the WOW guys, they spend a monthly fee. I've seen videos of people getting locked out for breaking the rules and they were so so mad they destroyed their computers. That's way over involved, people can't really think "It's just a game", when they've invested hours and hours and hours building up their character or kingdoms only to have it all crumble in a few seconds.
That is scary to think of.
That is also one reason I have never EVER tried a subscription based game. I have always done the freebies but that one freebie I spoke of? I must have spent close to 100 dollars buying stuff to become stronger. That's another reason I did not start back up again, in order to have an advantage or not be at a disadvantage, you have to spend money.
I'd rather play a first person shooter online. But even that at times can be very time consuming. I've played maps that literally lasted an hour or more because neither side could win. Id start at a certain time and then when I looked at the clock several hours had passed. I think playing games like that are ok IF you have the time and IF you can just set aside some time like a saturday for a couple hours ahead of time. Planned, but not every day and not every week especially if you have responsibilities like a family
__________________ Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:
There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
Every sinner must repent of their sins.
That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
It seems that the internet is replacing video games, though. We have a Wii and an XBox 360, but our kids rarely play them any more, preferring the internet.
(we limit both)
When my kids were growing up, we didn't have the Internet but we had a computer they played games on.
I tried to keep an eye on the problem of addiction. My son started to become obsessed, and when he was a teenager things got a little dicey. He was a very active and athletic, but I noticed all of his spare time was being spent on the computer playing games.
I got lucky when I pointed out that I was concerned. He decided to stop playing, got rid of all the games and never went back to them. I think part of the reason was, he saw his Brother-in-law fall apart over games and he didn't want that to happen to him.