Re: Urgent request -wnop
His daughter just posted this on FB:
Karen Bernard Hatcher FYI: My father has been having mini-strokes for a while. He began dragging his left leg this week. At 1 am Wed. morning, he fell and almost severed his big toe and bled profusely. I was called at 6 am and took him to the doctor. Von de Leigh stayed with him while I went to an appointment. The doctor gave him 12 stitches and sent him home. I've been with him and my mom Wed & Thurs nights to help "manhandle" him.
I noticed he has been getting progressively weaker on his left side and called an ambulance this morning (Friday 9/17). He is in the hospital. Julie was already on her way in to help me over the weekend. The neurologist suggested that we call David in and he will arrive shortly. Dad is not in a life-or-death situation, however, it is very serious and the doctors cannot give hope that they can reverse or better his situation. They hope to stall it, at best. We appreciate your prayers. I thank the men from Centro and Pentecostals of Ascension I have had to call (many times) in the middle of the night to come and pick him up off the floor after he slid through my arms. I appreciate all the prayers.
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
Dean of the School of Hard Knocks