I still like
Joel 2:28-32, as referenced to in
Acts 2:16-21 by Peter, and witnessed to by Paul in all of
Romans 10, with emphases on verse 13 (in context). With the supporting scripture of
Habakkuk 2:4 (Him self),
Romans 1:17 (Paul), and
Hebrews 10:38 (Unknown).
Where does this leave the famous question posed in
Acts 2:37?
37 Now when they heard [this, the strong preaching of Peter], they were pricked in their heart [believed Peter's message], and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men[and] brethren, what shall we do [now]?
According to the Hebrew worldview, they were to become disciples (students, Talmidim) of the Rabbi from Nazareth, by taking upon themselves the doctrines (a Rabbi's yoke), which called for God's first requirement of salvation, repentance, which included a ritual cleansing and performing the act of rebirth (accepting the Rabbi as one's personal master in all things). Or, as a new convert (to Judaism or giving allegiance to a Rabbi, Yeshiva/school) he also receives a gift, or seal of acceptance from the Rabbi. And, yes, even as with the Jewish marriage ceremony, some gifts are given to the bride prior to the marriage.
Even so, most of the teaching and the significance of these events and their meanings (importance) in relationship with our Old Covenant heritage was lost soon after the western church was cut off from this religious foundation in the fourth century.
Bottom line: People today get 'saved' just like they did way back when. In times past, the faithful looked forward to the advent of the Anointed One, in times present, the faithful look back to the advent. Remember, when Jesus sent out the seventy, they already had their names written "in heaven" (
Luke 10:20 &
Revelation 3:5).
Even so, faith without works is dead, being of its self. (See
James 2:26) Adding works to one's faith is further demonstrated in
Acts 2:37: "... what shall we do [now]?"
Conclusion: Placing one's faith in Jesus, and trusting Him alone for one's salvation also requires obedience to to Him and His doctrines.Salvation is not a one, two, three step process, or even a dance, it is a life style.