Originally Posted by rgcraig
I was going to agree with Aquila because it really doesn't matter to me if they want to, but then D4T laid it out there like it really is and I have to say makes much more sense.
Living for God shouldn't be fearful or uncertain.
That's what it boils down to.
This Sunday I am preaching on the flip side of that coin as well. While the "I'd rather be safe" mode is certainly based on fear there is a side that is based on love. And love casts out all fear.
From libs to cons... we live the line. We live the fence. What can I do and not go to hell. Of course that comes from mindset. We label everything that we fear might send us to hell a sin (out of fear) and so what is there left to do since everything we shouldn't do is a sin.
Why not, rather than "I'd rather be safe", we try something like... "He likes this". He's my God... I love Him... and I feel like He likes it when I... help out a neighbor, reach out to someone who is an outcast, dress this way, give to bless a person or a ministry etc.
There is no fear in love but we leave no room for love because, out of fear, we label every possible wrong a sin.
But... the reason we do this is out of the preachers fear. They don't know either... and they feel responsible for our souls... and so they label every single thing that might possibly be wrong a sin and make it a heaven or hell issue. They probably want to teach about living out of love but they are afraid that you won't come to the same conclusions they did about what God likes and so it's just easier to make it a sin.
2000+ years later we are still dealing with law written in stone.