Originally Posted by Jeffrey
Hmm. What do you think about catching supernatural beings on camera? Possible? What is visible in the spiritual is not visible for all?
Well, is we were to say that
any number of angels short of infinity could dance on the head of a pin then it would mean that the angels possessed some sort of material substance in their being and were not entirely "supernatural."
And yet, the "supernatural beings" described in Scripture would often interact with the material world as though they had a material substance to interact with. The angel rolled the stone and then "sat" upon the stone at Christ's tomb. Should we expect to find linen fibers on that stone upon a microscopic examination?
The "men" who appeared to Abraham in
Genesis 18, actually ate food with him. I would conclude from these and other passages that "angels" can and would leave behind some sort of "evidence" of their passing.
It's just that human history (here we go again! history!) is replete with so many examples of scams and frauds - as well as countless cases where innocent people were simply mistaken about what they thought they had either seen or about the nature of the evidence they had collected.
I can only testify of what I have I seen and heard. But you would think I'm a nut if I testified about everything I thought that I had seen and heard. So, like Mary of old; I will ponder these wonders in my heart.