To be fair, I will give her credit for one thing, she did ask some tough questions regardless of whether the President was a Democrat or Republican.
Unfortunately her legacy is one of a left-wing, liberal, anti-semite bigot, especially with her recent statements about Israel.
I think she really did the White House and press corps a favor by resigning. Now they won't have to worry about having to strip her credentials or face the fallout explaining why they didn't take her WH press credentials. She's 89, more than likely would've retired soon anyway.
Who knows ... the White House probably had some lackey go and offer her a job somewhere else.
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Re: Helen Thomas
Originally Posted by n david
Helen Thomas resigned today, finally.
To be fair, I will give her credit for one thing, she did ask some tough questions regardless of whether the President was a Democrat or Republican.
Unfortunately her legacy is one of a left-wing, liberal, anti-semite bigot, especially with her recent statements about Israel.
I think she really did the White House and press corps a favor by resigning. Now they won't have to worry about having to strip her credentials or face the fallout explaining why they didn't take her WH press credentials. She's 89, more than likely would've retired soon anyway.
Who knows ... the White House probably had some lackey go and offer her a job somewhere else.
She's gotta be the ugliest woman I've ever seen..She could easily get a job as a witch.
I don't personally agree with what she said, but she has a right to her opinion and to freely express it.
She did apologize later for her remarks and say that she hoped that peace would be attained in that region. Since she is Lebanese and apparently represents the "Palestinian" opinion, I assume she believes peace can only come to the region if Israel is eliminated or destroyed. It is my understanding that the Arab and Muslim (they are not the same) position is to not recognize the right of Israel to exist.
Well, that's the BHO complete transparency thing he promised
I thought that I read somewhere that Helen was Jewish herself, but I did a quick check and couldn't verify that. I guess I'm getting her mixed up with someone else.
A Jewish guy I was listening to said that the Jews vote Democrat because they are real big on freedom. That makes sense for them to feel that way, while the end game isn't really free.
__________________ John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counsellor to be with you for ever 17 The Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.
I thought that I read somewhere that Helen was Jewish herself, but I did a quick check and couldn't verify that. I guess I'm getting her mixed up with someone else.
A Jewish guy I was listening to said that the Jews vote Democrat because they are real big on freedom. That makes sense for them to feel that way, while the end game isn't really free.
She's of Lebanese descent. Her parents were "Orthodox" Christians who immigrated years ago.
Most Jewish people associate Christians with Hitler because Hitler claimed to be a Christian,a Catholic Christian!At that time the Catholic Church did nothing to stop him.
Obama claims to be a Christian!Now we have a lady that is(was) closely tied in with the White House Reporters(By the way should have been cast as the wicked witch of the west) speaking as if all Americans feel this way about Jews living in Israel!So are the Jews going to assume Helen Thomas speaks for the majority of Christians and Americans,like they believed Hitler represented the Christian? Are we seeing some type of pattern here?
Mods hope it's ok to post Helen Thomas's comment in case some missed this.However the headline has crude language.No children allowed!!
__________________ John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counsellor to be with you for ever 17 The Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.