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Old 05-29-2010, 08:01 PM
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Should The Fed Govt Take Over Oil Spill Ops?

I think we can all agree that from the begining, BP and others have underestimated the catastrophe that took the lives of 11 Americans.

Some even say that BP has tried to play down the whole event and the ensuing consequences.

Local and State leaders in Louisiana are accusing BP of being deceptive on more than one front.

Whatever the case, BP is proving to be unable to stop the leak.

Is there a point where the Federal Government should "boot" BP from the controls, so to speak?

If so, when?

Then, what should they do to fix this mess?

Another thing, who should PAY for the wages lost and livelihoods diminished, even destroyed, by this catastrophe?

Should the affected residents seek financial aid from there State Governments?

Should the Federal Government provide yet another bail out for the citizens affected by another "disaster" that was completely out of their control?

Should BP be targetted-- even if meant that such a massive payout could mean bankruptcy for the company?

So many questions.

Feel free to respond... or not to.
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Last edited by Jermyn Davidson; 05-29-2010 at 08:24 PM.
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Old 05-30-2010, 04:20 PM
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Re: Should The Fed Govt Take Over Oil Spill Ops?

What are the feds gonna do? Throw money at it like they do every thing else?
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Old 05-30-2010, 10:16 PM
oletime oletime is offline
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Re: Should The Fed Govt Take Over Oil Spill Ops?

When the exxon valdez happened Reagan federalized the cleanup within twelve days, BUT this is far different, we could get our money back from exxon they are an american company, plus the end was already known.SO, no i dont think they should .PS this isnt even top ten on the worlds biggest spills ,the iraquis just opened the valves on 3 or 4 tankers in the gulf in 1991 to slow or stop us from invading,it was 5 inches thick in some places and ended up being 520 million gallons!!!,there were no long term effects either.Note to all the eco freaks, it doesnt matter what we do, the world will do whatever they want and we cant effect any change in the worlds atmosphere.
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Old 05-30-2010, 10:29 PM
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Re: Should The Fed Govt Take Over Oil Spill Ops?

No! It is what it is.
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Old 05-31-2010, 05:29 AM
deacon blues deacon blues is offline
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Re: Should The Fed Govt Take Over Oil Spill Ops?

What wud the gov do? Use food stamps to soak up the oil? Maybe they round up illegal immigrants and plug the hole with them. No, the industry has the equipment and the expertise. BP is struggling with this b/c this has never happened before.

As far who should pay: BP is going to pay fines, but as far as devastated economies---no one should pay for them. Certainly NOT taxpayers! WE---ARE---BROKE!!!!!!

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Old 05-31-2010, 06:07 AM
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Re: Should The Fed Govt Take Over Oil Spill Ops?

Originally Posted by deacon blues View Post
What wud the gov do? Use food stamps to soak up the oil? Maybe they round up illegal immigrants and plug the hole with them. No, the industry has the equipment and the expertise. BP is struggling with this b/c this has never happened before.

As far who should pay: BP is going to pay fines, but as far as devastated economies---no one should pay for them. Certainly NOT taxpayers! WE---ARE---BROKE!!!!!!
Whatever BP winds up paying will be added to the cost of the product and passed on to those who buy the product. And if BP products see any cost increase the other oil companies will raise their prices accordingly. Any individual and any business who use petroleum products for transportation or heating purposes will pay higher prices.

Lawsuits will be filed. Some people will be reimbursed for losses but lawyers will profit big time and others will jump in and get some money also. Lawsuits and lotteries are considered "Redneck 401K" here.
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Old 05-31-2010, 06:30 AM
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Re: Should The Fed Govt Take Over Oil Spill Ops?

Originally Posted by deacon blues View Post
What wud the gov do? Use food stamps to soak up the oil? Maybe they round up illegal immigrants and plug the hole with them. No, the industry has the equipment and the expertise. BP is struggling with this b/c this has never happened before.

As far who should pay: BP is going to pay fines, but as far as devastated economies---no one should pay for them. Certainly NOT taxpayers! WE---ARE---BROKE!!!!!!
You can't be broke, I'm still getting my welfare check and food stamps. You rich people need to share more with us poor people. If you don't I'm gonna have to find a job and I'm alergic to work.
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Old 05-31-2010, 07:53 AM
John Atkinson John Atkinson is offline

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Re: Should The Fed Govt Take Over Oil Spill Ops?

well they done so good at handling every other disaster why not let them wreck this episode as well?

love that old joke... "I'm from the government.... and I'm here to help...:

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Last edited by John Atkinson; 05-31-2010 at 07:56 AM.
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Old 05-31-2010, 08:27 AM
aegsm76 aegsm76 is offline
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Re: Should The Fed Govt Take Over Oil Spill Ops?

The federal government does not have the necessary resources, experience or trained personnel to handle this. Only the oil industry has those. Also, this is not just BP trying to solve this thing, the entire industry has contributed resources and people.
My question would be why would you want them to take it over? Also, once they took it over, how long would you give them to "fix" it?
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Old 05-31-2010, 08:42 AM
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Re: Should The Fed Govt Take Over Oil Spill Ops?

If the problem really can't be fixed easily then if I was BP I would be happy for the government to take over. That way I can look at them and their lack of being able to fix the problem and say see, you can't sue us for not getting it cleaned up more timely because it really was this bad.

If I was BP and I knew we hadn't put enough of our resources into fixing the problem then I would fight tooth and nail to keep the government out.

That is just my opinion of what I would do if I was BP.
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