Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind
What a mess. Limbaugh wants to blame enviromentalists for forcing oil drilling far offshore and thus more dangerous. Ludicrous. Greed is to blame. Republicans are blocking the liability limits of oil companies from being raised from 75 million. We know who republicans stand for. Big oil, Big business and Big money. Hypocrites! should be tarred and feathered.
Who are among the chief stock holders in the Exxon Corp? That's right, the Kennedy family. Seems Joe Kennedy laundered a lot of his illicit funds through a trust to buy a stake in the old Standard Oil that became Exxon. Senator John Forbes Kerry (D-MA) is also a big Exxon stock holder.
Before you slam the "big oil companies" consider this: The Government income (taxes and fees) from a gallon of gas that you buy at the pump is 7 times the amount that the oil companies see in profit from that same gallon.
The oil industry is really just another back channel to feed more of our hard earned dollars into the trough that the politicians feed from. And it is a fact -
for the entire "automotive age" in America, the Democrats have been the party in power (with a brief two year interval during the Eisenhower admin and another during GWB's first term). Other than those briefest of gaps, the Dems have been the ones writing all of our laws and the regulations for the oil industry.
If you don't like the way the heavily regulated oil industry has developed you have only one party to blame. The Dems.